Marysville, Ohio Essays

  • Smith & Hawken Business Analysis

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    Company Background "Smith & Hawken is the premier authority in outdoor living, dedicated to providing products distinguished by authenticity, style and above all, fine craftsmanship" (Smith & Hawken, 2007). The channels used by Smith & Hawken include catalog, retail, and the internet. Dave Smith and Paul Hawken started in 1979 as a mail order company, providing a means for the consumer to obtain high-quality garden tools. In 1982, Smith & Hawken's first retail location opened in Mill Valley,

  • Winesburg Ohio Essay

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    Hollow Words in Winesburg, Ohio       Sherwood Anderson, in his masterpiece Winesburg, Ohio was writing against the notion that stories have to have a plot which reveals a moral idea or conclusion. Like the "tales" that Doctor Parcival tells George Willard in "The Philosopher," Anderson's short stories also seem to "begin nowhere and end nowhere" (51). We as readers must, like George Willard, decide if such stories are little more than "a pack of lies" or if rather, "they contain the

  • My Football Experience

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    football coach took me to the Penn State versus Ohio State football game last year. The feeling of being able to see a big college football game was incredible. One day after high school football practice my coach had come up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a football game with him. Of course, I said yes, but it did not cross my mind of what game I was going to watch. After I had said yes, he said that he got discount tickets the Penn State versus Ohio State football and wanted me to go with him

  • Alcohol Reflection

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    On Thursday January 21, 2016, I watched Lori Hart present on alcohol safety in the Student Union Auditorium. I had mixed emotions going into the presentation. On the one hand, I was a bit disappointed with the topic. It is very redundant, especially for freshman due to Alcohol Edu and the S.W.A.T. presentation first semester. I understand that it is a truly necessary and popular topic on college campuses because of the tendency of underage and excessive drinking. On the other hand, I was open-minded

  • Isolation in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio

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    Isolation in Winesburg, Ohio Winesburg, Ohio is a story of lost or nonexistent connections with other human beings. Every character throughout the text has a want, a need, to connect with someone or something. Each individual faces a life of isolation. In most cases the solitary nature of their lives is self-inflicted. This self-punishment seems to be the outcome of a deeply personal hatred towards the characters' perceived differences with the rest of the Winesburg population. This is

  • Shadow And Custodial President

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    the Union. Due to these quarrels Grant aligned himself with the Radical Republican political party. Grant was already well known for his triumphs during the Civil War and was thus, the popular choice for Presidential Nominee. Grant was the son of an Ohio tanner. He was educated at West Point, where he graduated 21st out of 39. Grant fought in both the Mexican and Civil Wars. In 1864 President Abraham Lincoln appointed Grant to the Position of General in Chief. As President, grant had difficulty in

  • Southwestern Ohio Steel Company

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    Southwestern Ohio Steel Company Southwestern Ohio Steel Limited Partnership (SOSLP) was considered to be one of the industry leaders in technology and service. SOSLP sells to approximately 500 customers, twenty five of which produces about two-thirds of the company's sales. Dan Wilson, vice president of sales at SOSLP, had recently received a letter from Matworks requesting SOSLP to provide sponsorship for an upcoming Matworks annual sales meeting. Dan needed to decide if providing sponsorship

  • Kent State Shooting Research Paper

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    On May 4, 1970, the shooting on the Kent State campus took place. The National guard shooting of the students at Kent State University occurred as a result of the students protesting the bombing of Cambodia, which caused the war to expand. The U.S president Nixon sent troops into Cambodia after he promised to withdraw them from Vietnam. On April 30, 1970, when Nixon gave a speech announcing the invasion of Cambodia, anti-war factions rose up across the United States. The speech caused a significant

  • Case Study: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport

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    3.1. Background Northeast Ohio refers to the northeastern region of the U.S. state of Ohio and consists of six metropolitan statistical areas and eighteen counties. The region is home to more than 4.3 million people and has three primary airports: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport; Akron-Canton Regional Airport; and Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport. Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, located 12 miles from downtown Cleveland and within 500 miles of 43% of the U.S. population, is currently

  • Essay On Rick Barry

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Who walks around with their arms over their shoulders? With the underhand shot, you stand there with your arms hanging down in a totally relaxed position. It makes so much sense to me.”-Rick Barry. Rick was known for having an odd, but accurate granny- style free throw shot. He was also extremely good at scoring, and pretty good at everything else. Rick’s full name was Richard Francis Dennis Barry III. Rick Barry was born March 28 1944, in Elizabeth, New Jersey, his birthstone is Aries. Rick’s high

  • Choosing a College: Case Western Reserve University vs. The Ohio State University

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    are a variety of factors that finfluenced the final decision. Some of these factors included financial aid, reputation , college experience and college size. Choosing acceptance to Case Western Reserve University was a better choice compared to The Ohio State University. One of the biggest issues that many students and parents have concerning college education is the cost. Due to the state of the economy, affording college has become very difficult. Fortunately, the government is able to provide

  • Physical Therapy Career Paper Examples

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    Debbie received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy from The Ohio State University. Over the course of her career, she has worked at many different hospitals in the Ohio Valley. Even though she had opportunities to work in private clinics and bigger hospitals in more populated areas, she never wanted to leave the small town feel, though it would have meant making

  • You Re Ugly Too Summary

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    Hope Gernert September 23rd, 2016 English 205 Professor Belletto Lorrie Moore’s “You’re Ugly, Too” introduces the reader to Zoë Hendricks, a character who at first glance seems carefree and convivial, as she is known to offer her college students hot chocolate and often sings to them in class. After reading further it becomes clear that Zoë’s raw sarcasm and joking manner are in fact a defense mechanism and her only way of dealing with the situations she is presented with, ones ranging from her

  • The Wright Brothers: A Pioneer Of Aviation

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    The Wright brothers were engineers and pioneers of aviation. Wilbur Wright was born April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana. He was the middle child in a family of five children. His father, Milton Wright, was a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. His mother was Susan Catherine Koerner. When Wilbur was a child, his playmate was his younger brother, Orville Wright, born in 1871. The Wright brothers achieved the first powered, and controlled airplane flight. They surpassed their

  • Zaddie Johnson's Impact On The Welding Field

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lincoln enrolled in electrical engineering at Ohio State University in 1902. During those years at Ohio State he was captain of the football team, which helped his leadership skills grow. Unfortunately in 1907 he had to leave Ohio State a semester before graduation because of typhoid fever. He was awarded his degree in 1926 (Sorry). Unlike Lincoln, Johnson did not get her education from

  • Worth The Wait Analysis

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    Sunday, June 19th 2016 will be a date that will lay in the hearts of Cleveland sports fans for the rest of their lives. On this day, the Cleveland Cavaliers finished the nearly impossible task of coming back from being down three games to one in the NBA Finals in order to give the city of Cleveland its first professional sports championship in fifty-two years. The team was led by LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, and company; together, they made history. After the championship many emotional advertisements

  • Comparing the Search in Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio

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    The Search for Truth in Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio The novel Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson has many themes that present themselves throughout the book. One such recurring theme is a search for truth. The characters in the book do not fully realize that they are searching for truth, but they do feel a vague, "indescribable thing" that pushes and prods their minds to actualize a higher plane of thought. This search for a higher plane by the characters of

  • Math Team Experience: The Greatest Challenge Of My Life

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    the state of Ohio. When we landed in London, our group met up with students from California. We were immediately ushered away to a hotel, where we were assigned a random roommate from the opposite state of which we resided. I will never forget my first roommate. She was the classic California girl: beach blonde hair, a perfectly golden tan, and huge eyes that most likely resembled the cerulean waves that she embraced every summer day. I, on the other hand, was fresh off the typical Ohio winter, complete

  • The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the Underground Railroad

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    The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the Underground Railroad Gone, gone, --sold and gone To the rice-swamps dank and lone, From Virginia's hills and waters, -- Woe is me, my stolen daughters!" (Whittier in Hamilton, pg. 105) Families torn apart, humans sold on auction blocks, using humans for animal labor. These tragedies along with the words of the Quaker poet John Whiittier are just the beginning when trying to explain the motivation for abolitionists helping to

  • Senior Year Essay

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    ACT to qualify for scholarships and admittance to colleges. Ohio University and Bowling Green State University are both excellent college choices; however, Bowling Green State University is a better choice for me mainly due to the location, and it offers an excellent program for my career path.