Lucasfilm Essays

  • George Lucas's Films

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    George Lucas's devotion to timeless storytelling and cutting-edge innovation has resulted in some of the most successful and beloved films of all time. Lucas's films celebrate the boundless potential of the individual to overcome any limitations - something he firmly believes. This theme is strong in the early movies that marked the start of his professional career. In 1971, using San Francisco production studio American Zoetrope and long-time friend Francis Ford Coppola as executive producer, Lucas

  • Research Paper On Pixar

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    films. The animation process has gotten easier with the help of their new high-quality technological animation machine, RenderMan. The Pixar history begins in 1979 as the graphics group for Lucasfilm, which is a different film producing company. After spending seven years in business with Lucasfilm, Pixar later became an independent company in 1986 with funding from Apple Inc. Pixar remained an independent

  • Corporate Citizenship And Social Responsibility In Walt Disney: The History Of Disney

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    Disney was first formed in 1923 when founders Walt Disney and his brother, Roy, created an animated short called Alice Comedies (“The Walt Disney Studios – History, n.d.). Years later in 1937, Disney established a large following from the production of their first ever full-length animated movie, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (“The Walt Disney Studios – History, n.d.). The large revenues that flowed in from this production allowed Walt Disney to grow his business into the multimillion-dollar company

  • Star Wars

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    one the same. There is even the notorious Star Wars Holiday Special which has only been aired once and features the original cast. In 2012, Disney bought Lucasfilms at $4.06 billion dollars. With the acquisition, plans were being set in place for new projects involving the Star Wars series. According to the article How Disney Bought Lucasfilm-and Its Plans For Star Wars by Devin Leonard, "Disney sent excitable Star Wars fans into a frenzy by unveiling a plan to release the long-promised final trilogy

  • Pixar Research Paper

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    a small part of the computer division of Lucasfilm (The History of Pixar). Today, they are a multi-million dollar company booming with success. Now partnering with Disney, Pixar has released seventeen feature films over the past thirty years and has received over 40 Oscar nominations. Although they’ve encountered troubles along the way, Pixar is drastically changing the industry of computer animation. In the beginning, Pixar was a small portion of Lucasfilm, a company who was then producing special

  • Case Study: The Entrepreneurial Mindset

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    The Entrepreneurial Mindset 1) Introduction: Entrepreneurship is Conception of a Business Idea and turning it into realty. A Mere Conceiver of an idea isn’t an entrepreneur. He is just an innovator. An Entrepreneur should be willing to take risks to take his idea/product into the next level. An Entrepreneurial mindset can be characterized as Willingness, Capacity and Ability to Develop, organize and manage a Business and Willingness and Readiness to Accept/Face the Challenges/Risks that come with

  • Disney Co. Stock Essay

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    Global Reptrak 100 2016 ranked Disney behind only Rolex. A strong brand brings with it many advantages, including higher margins and customer loyalty. Disney showed no signs of resting on its laurels after buying Pixar in 2006, Marvel in 2009 and Lucasfilm, the maker of Star Wars, in

  • Pixar Research Paper

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    and their creative culture in Pixar is wonderful, knowing that they take their animation to a new level. Around the time when Pixar first started to form it started with Ed Catmull and John Lasseter. They were first working at a department with Lucasfilm as part of the graphics group that develops special effects.

  • Disney Fox Merger Essay

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    The Disney-Fox Merger and its ramifications. The Simpsons show has made a name for itself as a modern-day Nostradamus. 20 years ago, the show predicted Fox’s takeover by Disney. On 17th December, 2017, the Walt Disney Co. in a $52.4 billion, all-stock deal, made a bid to acquire 21st Century Fox and its entertainment and sports assets to augment their already asset-rich portfolio1, causing fans of superhero blockbusters worldwide to cheer. However, the deal has several other ramifications for the

  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Fanfiction

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    the text and producing meanings in the way that the author had intended, fans not only scribble their ideas in the margin, they rewrite large slabs of the original to articulate their own meanings. These practices either resulted in the outrage of Lucasfilm or the tolerance of other shows. Buffy has reversed this process, turning the fans into authors and allowing them to not only play with any aspect of the show, but also to influence the direction of the narrative itself.

  • Walt Disney Research Paper

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    The Walt Disney Company, commonly known as Disney, is an American entertainment and mass media company headquartered in Burbank, California. The company was founded in 1923 and has business in every country all over the world. The company is best known for the products of its film studio, Walt Disney Studios, which is today one of the largest and best-known studios in American cinema. In 2016, Disney was the leading company in licensed merchandise worldwide. Ranked as the 3rd most respectable company

  • Star Wars Argumentative Analysis

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    Disney’s new movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, will do exceptionally well in the box office due to the previous success of the Star Wars films and the recent prosperity of Disney’s use of Star Wars. On December 1, 2012, Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm had been completed and Disney rigorously started production of merchandise to begin being released in 2014. It was then announced that they would begin development of a seventh edition to the Star Wars saga with hopes of being released in December

  • The Phantom Menace Essay

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    writing, however, we have been graced with the first in the Star Wars series, The Phantom Menace. The Phantom Menace has opened to tepid reviews and the expected box-office success. Its staying-power has been perhaps a bit disappointing for all at Lucasfilm, but the film has definitely made a cultural impact. Interesting in light of Kuiper’s

  • Walt Disney Research Paper

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    interactive media and networks, parks and resorts, movies, live shows, and an unimaginable array of merchandising. Brand Finance, the London-based brand consultancy, mainly attributes this top position due to the recent successful addition of the Lucasfilm franchise Star Wars, as well as other brands such us ESPN, Pixar,

  • Pixar Research Paper

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    As a topic for my senior project, I wanted to choose one that best fits my personality and interests. I believe that picking a topic that relates to what I enjoy would bring out the best product as a result. Based on this, I decided to do my senior project based on the Pixar Animation Studios. This topic relates to me personally, providing motivation, interest, and prior knowledge on this topic for future preferences. Having my senior project based on the Pixar Animation Studios gives me a sense

  • How Disney Ruined The Star Wars Trilogy

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    How Disney Ruined the Star Wars Film Trilogy The Star Wars Films are a great series of trilogies made by Lucasfilm, and thought up by George Walton Lucas. The original Star Wars films are some of the most well known known movies ever made. Until George Lucas retired and sold Star Wars to Disney for 4 billion dollars. But Disney had almost no experience making good sci-fi movies. My reasons for this opinion are all because of the Disney movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. First

  • The Last Jedi Thesis

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    and great storyline to create a truly amazing cinematic piece. The movie has many of the classic Star Wars characters, including RD-D2, Luke Skywalker, and even bringing back Yoda. “The Last Jedi” was the second movie in the sequel trilogy. The Lucasfilm movie made $1.220 billion

  • Star Wars Short Story

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    numerous new characters along with some old friends. We learned Rey was force sensitive and Kylo could connect with Rey in a almost visual room and each of them could see eachother no matter where they were at. But. I did not agree with the way LucasFilms killed off Luke Skywalker. Given yeah he did fight his spoiled apprentice back in the day Kylo, i think he shouldve been given a more proper send off. He gave the Rebellion time to escape the base and he made a fool of Kylo Ren but where was the

  • George Lucas

    2106 Words  | 5 Pages

    George Lucas is a proclaimed god in the film industry. His experience spans decades and his movies span generations. He is one of the most known celebrities in the world. With a flashy net worth of over $4.2 billion, one wonders how a mere writer could acquire such wealth. To understand this, one must delve deep into Lucas’ past and analyze his first success and his early failures. George Walton Lucas Jr. was born in the sleepy suburbs of Modesto, California on May 14th, 1944. He was the only son

  • Steve Jobs Research Paper

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    In 1986 Jobs purchased The Computer Graphics Group from Lucasfilm that made high end computer graphics. This Company, now known as Pixar, creates innovative computer animations. Steve Jobs invested $50 million of his own money to Pixar believing in this company. They later merged with Disney in 2006 and produced