Steve Jobs Research Paper

655 Words2 Pages

Isabella Abilheira
Mr. Edmonds
Western Civ. H – C
20 February 2016

Think Different. This man really took a bite out of the technology industry. Steve Jobs was this man who along with Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computers. Not only was this man an intelligent and innovative thinker, he was the man who created the groundbreaking products that are now “seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology.” ( Editors, 1) Steve Jobs was a man with a vision who knew he was going to change lives. With that vision he was able to create the most revolutionary companies, focus more on innovating the products rather than the profits, and was able to make products that draw in the consumers. Steve Jobs was the man who revolutionized technology. …show more content…

In 1986 Jobs purchased The Computer Graphics Group from Lucasfilm that made high end computer graphics. This Company, now known as Pixar, creates innovative computer animations. Steve Jobs invested $50 million of his own money to Pixar believing in this company. They later merged with Disney in 2006 and produced a series of feature films starting with Toy Story in 1995 and Pixar’s films have collectively netted $4 billion. Now, with the company Apple Jobs started with the Apple I in 1976. The Apple I was sold for $666.66 each and earned $774 thousand. Later with the release of Apple II in 1979 they increased sales by 700% making $139 million. In addition, when Jobs created NeXT in 1985 Apple later bought it in 1996. ( Editors, …show more content…

Apple’s “ingenious products, effective branding campaigns, and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers” ( Editors, 5). In 1976, before the Apple I was even created, Jobs pre-sold 50 unmade computers to a local store. They were able to buy the components on credit, due to the order being so big, and they built the Apple I without any funding (, 1). Later the Apple II started the personal computer boom. Before Apple, people never even thought about having a personal computer but, that all changed. During this boom, Apple sold six million units of the Apple II. This then evolved into people always wanting new technologies. This is what drove Apple to create the iPod’s, iPhone’s, iPad’s, and Apple

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