Ingestion Essays

  • Hepatitis A Essay

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    Hepatitis A is an acute infection of the liver that travels through your bloodstream and gastrointestinal tract (2). It is transmitted person to person through fecal contamination. Ingesting contaminated food and water is the main source, this usually occurs when an infected food handler prepares food without appropriate hand hygiene (3). Outbreaks are fairly common in institutions, prisons and military forces. An early infection of Hepatitis A can mimic the flu with symptoms such as being febrile

  • The facts of eating Poop!!!!!!!!

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    The Facts of Eating PooP Have you ever wondered what it would do to you if you ever ate your poop or someone elses. Chances are you will die a day or two after eating poop. According to the national scientists organization where they test on collage students who are looking for quick money say that after their first thirteen sets of tests they began to realize that their test subjects also refered as humen lab mice say that eating poop has a very negative effect on your body. The effects range from

  • Muscle Protein Synthesis Essay

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    Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. Protein synthesis is the process of building new proteins. This process happens at a cellular level. Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) is the process of building muscle mass. Muscle protein breakdown is the opposing process of breaking down muscle tissue. If muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown, your muscle will grow. Most athletes easily exceed the recommendations for daily protein intake. However, in order to optimise the effects

  • Acetaminophen Overdose Essay

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    need to call local emergency number (911) or poison control center. Acute acetaminophen overdose is defined as an ingestion of toxic amount of acetaminophen occurring within a period of eight hours or less. In adults acetaminophen toxicity occurs following ingestion of greater than 7.5-10gms over a period of eight hours or less. Chronic acetaminophen overdose occurs following ingestion of toxic amount over a period greater than eight hours. The mechanism of liver injury is related to the fact that

  • Hagan V Coca-Cola Bottling Summary

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    Hagan v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Facts The sisters, Linda Hagan and Barbara Parker, were both agreed that the taste of the Coke that they drank from a bottle is flat. As Hagan held the bottle up to the light, she and Parker thought that a used condom with “oozy stringy stuff coming out on top” was inside the bottle. In return, both women were distressed because they had consumed some foreign material, and Hagan immediately became nauseated. The next day, the two concerned women went to the health

  • The Effect Of Glucose On Blood Glucose Levels

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    reservoir. Insulin therefore, lowers BGL in its presence. Glucagon, in the other hand promote glycogen breakdown to ensure glucose release, that then will be used as ATP source to allow energy expenditure by the body (Chen et al., 2010). Exercise post ingestion of a meal decrease glucose levels and block endogenous glucose production, as glucose is used as ATP source to allow muscle contraction. BGL decrease faster in individuals that experience exercise compared to individuals who don’t (Jeukendrup et

  • Dichlorodiphenylrichloroethane

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    Phosmet can harm insects, fish, birds, and human. c. The route of entry of Phosmet is inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact. d. Health effects of Phosmet is headache, nausea, diarrhea, excessive salivation and tearing, seizures, and loss of consciousness. 3. Carbomate a. Bendiocarb is known as the toxic carbomate insecticide used in Public Health

  • Understanding Toxoplasmosis: Transmission and Pathogens

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    venison) Accidental ingestion of undercooked, contaminated meat after handling it and not washing hands thoroughly Eating food that was contaminated by kitchen utensils or other foods that had contact with raw, contaminated meat Zoonatic Accidental ingestion after cleaning an cat's litter box when the cat has Toxoplasma in its feces Accidental ingestion after touching or ingesting anything that has come into contact with a cat's feces that contain Toxoplasma Accidental ingestion of

  • Caffeine Experiment Research Paper

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    only has a positive effect in prolonged, intense exercise that last up to 2 hours (Hogervorst 2008). As respiratory rate and pulse rate are just simple measures of exercise performance, the experiment does not accurately determine whether caffeine ingestion increases power (force of muscles), or endurance (time rate) of exercise performance. Furthermore, in parallel with Kalmar & Cafarelli’s (1999) study,

  • Effects Of Plastics On Marine Life

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    Why are plastics harmful to marine life? Plastics are part of marine debris, which are defined “as any persistent manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment” (Gall, 2015). Glass, metal, paper and plastic are the waste materials that are found the most inn the marine environment (Gall, 2015). They are starting to be recognised as a global problem (Gall, 2015), due to the fact more and more plastics are being produced, and consequently

  • Lead Poisoning Essay

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    quantity of lead found in the environment, exposure is inevitable. On the contrary, there are three main ways in which lead can enter the body: inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin. It may be inhaled when it is burned or melted, releasing some of the lead as a fume and or when dust that contains lead becomes airborne. In terms of ingestion, lead may be ingested through drinking water, when dust particles containing lead come in contact with food or food preparation surfaces, etc. In particular

  • Child Abuse To Lead Essay

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    Ingesting lead can have detrimental effects on human life. The effects of ingesting lead in not only seen in children but adults as well. Once lead is in the body it never goes away. Over time lead stored a person teeth and bones (World Health Organization, 2016). While ingesting lead can be very detrimental to a child lead can also have harmful effects in adults as well as pregnant women. A child who ingest lead can have many adverse problems. According to the EPA lead exposer is children can

  • food processing in digestive system

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    buccal cavity (mouth), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Based on Batrisya (2013), the food digestive process are classified into four stages, that are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion or elimination (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). The first stage of food processing is ingestion. Ingestion is the process where food is delivered into the alimentary canal or track . During this stage, the mouth is like an office as it act as a medium for food to enter human stomach

  • Impurity In Dracula

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    The novel Dracula by Bram Stoker has plentiful examples of key concepts we have examined in class including: Purity and impurity, magical thinking, strong emotions such as disgust and shame, , formalization, and myth. In this essay I will summarize events that take place within the novel when the protagonists deal with Dracula and then relate these events to the key concepts to demonstrate why the characters view him as dangerous, and therefore something to be avoided completely. The first

  • Rare Symptoms of Aracetamol Overdose

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    extended increases of serum paracetamol levels, following fulminant hepatic failure, calling for prolonged treatment with NAC. Ultimate serum concentrations take place during 1-2 hours. The basic preparation is actually divided within the 4 hours of ingestion. The reason for the late peak as seen in this situation we present was ambigious, despite of the discovery of all the possible reasons seen for this rare display. Although there are very less situations which are reported with respect to the dual

  • The Effects of Marine Debris on Sea Turtles

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    fruition inevitably results in horrifying consequences for the turtles. Once they leave the beach, they commonly mistake plastic bags floating in the ocean for squid or jellyfish, which is why they consume them ("Marine debris impacts," 2012). The ingestion of marine debris by sea turtles proves harmful because the debris provides a false sense of fullness for the turtles and, as a result of this pseudo-fullness, they starve to death. Additionally, the sea turtles often get caught in the marine debris

  • High Fat Diets

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    increased amount of fat in the diet as long as exercise intensity stays at an appropriate level. This information does not allow conclusion of high-fat diets being beneficial for endurance athletes, however, as both acute and chronic high-fat content ingestion has been shown to decrease endurance performance as well (Vogt et al.,

  • Asparagus Officinalis Case Study

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    (Mitchel and Waring 2014). This particular stench has been described as smelling like boiled cabbage (Mitchel et al. 1987, Pelchat et al. 2011). Many experiments have contributed this smell to sulfurous molecules found in the urine after asparagus ingestion, the most common molecules found being methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide (Lison et al. 1980, McDonald 2011, Mitchel et al. 1987, Mitchel and Waring 2014, Pelchat et al. 2011). It is thought that the digestion of the chemical compound 1, 2-dithiolane-4-carboxylic

  • Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drink

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    alcohol mixed with energy drinks. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, 27(1), 202-206. Peacock, A., Bruno, R., & Martin, F. H. (2012). The subjective physiological, psychological, and behavioral risk-taking consequences of alcohol and energy drink co-ingestion. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(11), 2008-2015. Verster, J. C., Aufricht, C., & Alford, C. (2012). Energy drinks mixed with alcohol: misconceptions, myths, and facts. International Journal of General Medicine, 2012(5), 187-198

  • Red Tide: Harmulf Algal Blooms

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    through inhalation and ingestion. Through bioaccumulation and biomagnification, Red Tide algae can easily poison and kill consumers higher on the food web, such as large fish. However, grazers such as krill are unaffected by the miniscule amount of toxins in their bodies. However, as the algae and their toxins go up in the food chain, they become more concentrated in individual organisms, often causing sickness, then death. As a result, millions of fish can die due to ingestion of the toxins. Red .