Firefighting Essays

  • Firefighting Essay

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    From 24 B.C to 2014 Firefighting has changed dramatically, from the time it was introduce to now.[” The roman emperor Augustus was credited with instituting a corps of Firefighting vigiles (“watchmen”)24 BC). In the early years of firefighting there was only one way of putting out fires and that was with buckets and a lot of hands.(”Into early modern times a bucket filled with water was passed back and forth to put the flames out”) Other than the buckets there was other tools like the Axe which is

  • Essay On Firefighting

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    turnout gear and other equipment used to fight fire, plus the history of firefighting is discusses in the research paper. Turnout Gear is the term used for pants and coats worn by firefighters today. More understanding on how fires burn , better fire proof clothing, and technology in equipment has changed over the years that these improvements have saved lives and helped in the safety aspect of fighting structure fires. Firefighting started in Roman times. In the 1600’s firefighters had to deal with

  • Essay On Firefighting

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    Firefighting is a very dangerous career. The risk of injury or death is always there. On scene there are very dangerous chemicals being produced in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, hydrochloride, and phosgene. One of the biggest risks of no-scene death or injury is due to improper use of personal protective equipment (P.P.E.). Safety is anything in the fire service. “Disaster can occur anywhere, and they often occur when we least expect them” (“Codes and Standards”). There are ten pieces of

  • Computers and Firefighting

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    Computers and Firefighting It seems that the advances of today are moving far more rapidly than people have ever thought about. The only question is that how much farther can we go in the advancement of computer technology to support people. One of the ways to support people is in the area of Firefighting. In this field the firemen with help of computers is allowed to help civilians when they are in need. The job of now is becoming a little safer to do because of newly advances by computers

  • Wildland Firefighting Orders

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    In the wildland firefighting world, firefighters need to know the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders and the 18 Situations to Shout Watch Out and respect their meaning. Many firefighters have sacrificed their lives, which resulted in the writing of these policies. Wildland firefighters must memorize them verbatim, and know how to implement them into a wildland fire situation. It has been argued that firefighters are not allowed to bend or break the rules of the fire orders and the watch out situations

  • Physics of Wildland Firefighting

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    March 20, 2005. # Coleman, Ronny J., et al.Fighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response. Delmar/Thompson Learning, Stamford, CT, 2000. # National Wildlife Coordinating Group Training Working Team. Wildland Fire Suppression Tactics Reference Guide. National Wildlife Coordinating Group, Boise, ID, 1996. # Perry, Donald G.Wildland Firefighting: Fire Behavior, Tactics and Command. Fire Publications, Inc., Bellflower, CA, 1990. # Serway, Raymond

  • Persuasive Essay On Firefighting

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    Firefighting Imagine you are asleep and it is a normal night just like any other, when all of a sudden you smell smoke from your bedroom. Immediately, you open your door and you cannot see anything due to the heavy layer of smoke. Your first reaction is to call the fire department and within minutes, they show up at your house. Some firefighters start battling the flames engulfing your house, while others rush into the flames searching for you and anyone else in your family, including your pets.

  • Overview of a Firefighting Career

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    Firefighting: Career Firefighting is a profession that is more complex than simply putting water on a fire. Firefighting is complex, difficult, and unforgiving. Even though firefighting sounds terrible, it is considered one of the greatest careers in the world, it is a job that has minimal entrance requirements, a nice salary for newcomers, and a challenge that holds rewards. There are a large amount of firefighting jobs. A majority of firefighting jobs come from the municipal government, where the

  • Overview of Firefighting as a Career

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    My chosen career field is in public service. Precisely a career in firefighting. I believe firefighting is a great career choice as I enjoy the work that it involves, and there is a demand that will never stop for firefighters, as fire will always be around forever. The fire department offers a large variety of services to the public. Some of the major tasks that are performed in the fire service range from providing medical care as an Emergency Medical Technician, Entering a burning structure to

  • Essay On Nozzle In Firefighting

    1546 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nozzles Used in Firefighting Modern day firefighting nozzles can be divided into three main types, smoothbore, fog, and broken stream. For arguments sake this paper will focus on the smoothbore and fog nozzles, as they are the most widely accepted to be used for direct fire attack, as opposed to the broken stream nozzle. Typically both types of nozzles have some type of control valve attached which allows the operator to start, stop or reduce the flow of water to the nozzle discharge. Smoothbore

  • Narrative Essay On Firefighting

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    Visualize waking up not knowing what each day might hold; where the unexpected is expected. Waking up to the sound of a blaring siren knowing that you’re about to put your life on the line to save someone else's. Firefighting is a very important job because you are risking everything to save the lives of strangers you encounter. I start the day off with a healthy breakfast to help me through my day. I spend most of most of my day doing tasks around the firehouse until we receive a call. During

  • The Fog / Combination Firefighting Nozzle

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    Since the introduction of the fog/combination firefighting nozzle by Dr. Oyston Charles in the 1960 's, the discussion between the traditional smooth bore nozzle vs. fog/combination nozzle for fire attack has been ongoing and heated at times. My research has informed me that the debate between the smooth bore nozzle and fog nozzle has always and will continue to be openly controversial, particularly over the last two decades as the fire service has taken a deeper interest in firefighter safety and

  • Firefighting Research Papers

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    My topic is about firefighting, and some things you could do to to have a better chance of becoming a firefighter. This topic is important to me and maybe others because firefighting is part of my career plan. My opinion on becoming a firefighter from what I have heard is that it would be very beneficial to start at 16 as a junior. Firefighting at age 16 can be very beneficial; however some people can’t due to lack of transportation, support from parents, or just not wanting to put in the time.

  • Persuasive Plan For The Coast Guard And Firefighting Plan

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    Coast guard and firefighting plan People after high school should have a plan, well at least an idea. That idea will depend on the person and the person’s idea of what they want to do for themselves after high school. I am sure that no one’s parents will say to their kid,” stay home and not go to work”. Let’s say a person wants to go to the Coast Guard, well that is very vague and there are many things the Coast Guard offers. Let’s say they wanted to go to the Coast Guard but didn’t know how. Here’s

  • Effective Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Apparatus

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    The key to effective Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) is preparation. A large part of that preparation is the ARFF apparatus, which are the vehicles they use in order to respond swiftly and effectively to crashes of varying magnitudes. Airports are required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to keep ARFF apparatus’ in working order as well as to have a certain amount within specific classes in correlation with the size of the

  • Firefighters: Emergency Service Personnel's Health

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    The job causes firefighting personnel to experience high stress levels, which may impact their lives. Firefighters also face higher risk of heart disease as a result of stress and physical exertion associated with the job. Stress, cardiac problems, and the recommendations to maintain emergency service personnel's health will be discussed in this paper. EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL WORKING CONDITIONS Firefighting personnel

  • Fire Captain Resume

    747 Words  | 2 Pages Meta Description: A fire captain in command of the firefighting crew and is responsible for performing fire-safety inspections, and providing training to new joiners as shown in this resume sample. A fire captain is in charge of the firefighting crew and handles various duties at the fire station. He ranks next to the Fire Chief and might be involved in a wide range of tasks ranging from managing the fire station, performing

  • Fire Protection Review Plan

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    For the firefighting process to be effective, firefighting equipments should be given to the community members to use them in case of a fire outbreak. These equipments include various types of fire extinguishers. They contain carbon dioxide, water, dry powder, foam, hose reels and wet hydrant risers among other substances (Vincent 2007, p. 351-353). Before any construction is done by civil engineers, a fire action review should be taken (Diamantes 2005). This is done by the firefighting department

  • Becoming A Firefighter: A Successful Career As A Career

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    Firefighting Firefighting is a very exciting and fulfilling career. You will not believe the hard work and training firefighters do on a regular basis. Firefighters put in a lot of hard work when it comes to preparing for calls and working around the station or with the public. Firefighters strengthen everyday for any disaster or call that might come there way. The safety of the firefighting career is important, the training they go through to begin this path isn’t all that effortless. Being a firefighter

  • Process Essay On Becoming A Firefighter

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    with the best results possible. By gaining a little insight on the general basics, procedures and requirements, you can safeguard both your path for becoming a firefighter and that of your future. The main steps to take in order to pursue the firefighting career are the application procedures, exam process and training. Applications generally entail health exams, physicals, and background checks. Background checks mainly focus on potential candidates and whether or not they have any previous crimes