Films considered the greatest ever Essays

  • Differences Between The Crucible Movie And Movie

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    I’m sure you’ve debated with yourself many time the book or the movie. This essay proves to you why the movie version is so much better. John Proctor was without a single doubt the best character in The Crucible. The film did an impeccable job of conveying a much better picture of what truly happened in the years 1692 and 1693. Even tho many people may consider the book to be the better version of The Crucible their reasons do not compare to the reasons I have written to prove that the movie is the

  • Importance Of Rambo

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    which we all look to decide our models and our patterns of behavior. That's why film movies have such a great influence on our perception of reality. When you begin to see a movie, the viewer unconsciously seeks out which character to identify with: he wants to see it from a point of view, to live it from one of the characters, and this leads to a process of empathy - usually with the protagonist - that is known in the film industry as “transfer of image or personality”. The first Rambo movie focus on

  • The Movie Amarcord

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    varying camera angles and lighting techniques helped to make the film seem true to life. In my opinion, the movie did not have a specific plot. I believe it was more of an attempt to look at life through a young man’s fantasies. The movie received several awards including an Academy Award in 1975 for Best Foreign Language Film, New York Film Critics Circle Awards for Best Director and Best Film (1974), and Best Foreign Language Film (1974) from National Board of Review. If you like farcical comedy

  • Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption

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    Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption The movie the Shawshank Redemption, based on the book by Steven King, I believe is one of the best movies ever made. The portrayal of prison life in the movie is the best I have seen and a star-studded cast including Morgan Freeman supports the characters and brings to life the everyday struggles of life behind bars. In this paper I will relate topics from class to the movie and discuss information we have learned through out the semester. One of

  • The Zombie Craze

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    A notable seller in the past ten years has been zombie movies and related media. Among zombie movies, eight of the top ten best sellers have been in the last ten years. Why is it that a concept that came into the public eye in the thirties with the release of “White Zombie” only became popular in the last ten years? Zombies were born of Caribbean and bayou voodoo. They weren’t undead and flesh seeking, as society knows them today. They were people who were highly suggestible and didn’t think for

  • Breakfast Montage Clip in Orsen Welles' Citizen Kane

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    Citizen Kane, is a 1941 American film, written, produced, and starred by Orson Welles. This film is often proclaimed by critics,filmmakers, and fans as one of the best if not the best film ever made. Citizen Kane is an unbelievable film becuase of how advanced it is compared to other films of its time. In the film, the producer used many different narrative elements to capture the audiences imagination. It truly is astounding how the filmmakers used certain editing techniques, sounds, and different

  • The Crucible Movie Vs Movie Essay

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    I’m sure you’ve debated with yourself many times the book or the movie. This essay proves to you why the movie version is so much better. John Proctor was without a single doubt the best character in The Crucible. The film did an impeccable job of conveying a much better picture of what truly happened in the years 1692 and 1693. Even though many people may consider the book to be the better version of The Crucible their reasons do not compare to the reasons I have written to prove that the movie

  • Vertigo and Citizen Kane Are Products of their Mysogenistic Generation

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    Today’s culture sees a gap between the male and female gender. This is evident in everything from the films we watch, music we listen to, and even in our everyday lives. Historically, this issue has seen an even larger gap, and can be observed in the films that were made during that time. Vertigo and Citizen Kane both show the objectification of women by controlling them, writing them in supportive roles, and placing their value in the way that they look. In Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, made in 1954

  • Film Analysis: An Analysis Of The Film Osama

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    Set shortly after the Taliban came to power the film Osama tells the story of a young Afghan girl who attempts to disguise herself as a boy in order to provide for her family. The Taliban had banned women from working or even going out in public unescorted, which costs the girl’s mother her job as a doctor. Since the girl has no male family members after her father was killed fighting in Kabul, she has no choice but cut her hair, dress as a boy, find work and take the name “Osama.” Eventually

  • The Importance Of Communication In Movies

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    overlooked by most that actually contain the most depth of thought, or provide the strong story lines that are impossible to forget. The elements of the communication process are used practically in every movie imaginable, but two stood out in one of the greatest movies of all times: The Shawshank Redemption, a movie where the Source and Feedback are impeccably intertwined to create a movie cinema for the ages. Imagine you are sitting in a four-wall cage, knowing you are imprisoned in this cell for 2

  • The Urban Legend of Bloody Mary

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    Bloody Mary Version 3 The story of Bloody Mary is told in different versions all around the world has been included in nine different movies (three in the past two years) (The Internet Movie Database). This particular version of the popular urban legend of Bloody Mary originates locally from North Potomac, Maryland. The storyteller is a female 19-year-old Caucasian sophomore student, currently studying psychology at the University. The story was collected in the spring on the University campus

  • Little Women - Movie vs. Book

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    Little Women - Movie vs. Book According to the Internet Movie Database's exhaustive records, Louisa May Alcott's novel "Little Women" has seen itself recreated in four TV series, four made for TV movies and five feature length movies since 1918. The most recent version appeared in 1994 and features Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, Samantha Mathis, Eric Stoltz, Susan Sarandon, and Gabriel Byrne. As a long time fan of the novel, who has happily carted her large leather bound gold-gilded

  • Citizen Kane

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    Citizen Kane Citizen Kane is often called the greatest film ever made. Its use of film techniques often taken for granted nowadays were completely new and had not been done before. Simple things like ceilings on the sets and realistic scenes such as the newsreel, which would not stand out in a modern film, were combined to make a film full of innovative techniques. The director, Orson Welles, developed the use of deep focus to make the flat cinema screen almost become three dimensional,

  • Man's Inhumanity to Man

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    Man's inhumanity to man is a phrase that was first written down by the poet Robert Burns in his poem titled Man was made to mourn: A Dirge in 1784. "Many and sharp the num'rous ills Inwoven with our frame! More pointed still we make ourselves Regret, remorse, and shame! And man, whose heav'n-erected face The smiles of love adorn, - Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn!" This phrase has been displayed throughout history including in the times in which the book To Kill a

  • What Is Interagency Cooperation?

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    After doing research in regards to interagency cooperation, it is in my personal opinion that all agencies work together in sharing intelligence to solve certain issues, but to do it carefully. Back in the early days, it was a problem among the agencies as some felt as though the other person couldn’t be trusted. In some cases, what if the intelligence ended up in the hands of someone that shouldn’t have gotten hold of it? Taken from the example of a previous reading, the author (Thomas B. Hunter)

  • Film Comparison- Shawshank Redemption VS Murder In The First

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    COMPARISON Shawshank Redemption and Murder in the First are two eminently engaging films about corrupt prisons and issues such as brutality occurring within the walls. "The Shawshank Redemption" is a compelling film about two imprisoned convicted murderers. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), is innocent, however. Convicted of killing his wife and her lover (a crime for which he clearly had a strong motive), he really "didn't do". Of course, as his jailbird friend "Red" (Morgan Freeman) puts it, "Everybody

  • Political Novels of The Jungle and Johnny Got His Gun

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    Political Novels of The Jungle and Johnny Got His Gun Introduction: Although writing has been around for thousands of years, the medium of books is a relatively recent phenomenon. In the mid 15th century, German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press that made multiple, cheap copies of works that were easily available for the masses. With the help of other technological developments including the linotype in the mid-1880’s, the printing process became easier and faster and therefore

  • Bridge Of Spies Essay

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    The length of the film 121 minutes. The language of the film is in English. This film was shot in ABD, USSR and Germany. The film's budget of 40 million dolar. The subject of the film is the drama and tension. Actors of this film Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Alan Alda, Amy Ryan, Billy Magnussen, Austin stowell. Director and senarist of Bridge of spies Steven Spielberg, Matt Charman, Joel Coen, Ethan Coen. Release date of film 4 October 2015. IMDB ranking point of film 7,6. This film won 1 Oscar with

  • The Genius of Stanley Kubrick

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    The Genius of Stanley Kubrick Many movie directors have mastered a genre or two. Wes Craven and John Carpenter are two of the horror film legends. Alfred Hitchcock is probably one of the five greatest directors of all time, with thrillers being his primary claim to fame. George Lucas has been the reigning king of science fiction ever since the release of Star Wars. John Ford is arguably the premier director of westerns. In my opinion, however, Stanley Kubrick may be the person who mastered more

  • Examples Of Existentialism In Blade Runner

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    To Be Or Not to Be... 5 Existentialist Films Existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding oneself and the meaning of life through free will, choice and personal responsibility. The belief is that individuals want to know who they are, why do they exist, the reality and / or illusion of life and death, the presence (or absence) of God, etc. And that we make choices based on notions, mindsets and experiences. These choices are thus based on perceived truths that need not be objectively true