Importance Of Rambo

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Rambo, a Dangerous Way to Make Money Movies are the most wonderful medium created by mankind. They can affect the subconscious as no other means can do. No television show, no book has a power like that of the audiovisual image projected on a large screen. Since its origins, cinema has always acted as a model that shapes attitudes and lifestyles, as a mirror in which we all look to decide our models and our patterns of behavior. That's why film movies have such a great influence on our perception of reality. When you begin to see a movie, the viewer unconsciously seeks out which character to identify with: he wants to see it from a point of view, to live it from one of the characters, and this leads to a process of empathy - usually with the protagonist - that is known in the film industry as “transfer of image or personality”. The first Rambo movie focus on mention the Vietnam War and his …show more content…

In 1985 came Rambo: First Blood Part II on big screen. Directed by George P. Cosmatos. The original script was based on an idea by Kevin Jarre and was written by James Cameron. Later this script was rewritten by Sylvester Stallone, something that did not finish liking Cameron. The main reasons why Stallone rewrote it was that it took too long until the first action scene. The film touches on an issue that was controversial at the time; the soldiers disappeared in Vietnam or made prisoners who were “forgotten” by the American government. Rambo’s character is power and power, without complexes or culpability. He knows what he wants and how to get it; in a word, he is a pure male, who hates all: the Vietnamese, the Soviets, the American military, the Government, and all the Americans who do not want ex-combatants. Rambo is beyond the law and beyond good and evil. His right is his strength, and his goal,

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