Feminist analysis Essays

  • A Feminist Analysis of Othello

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    A Feminist Analysis of Othello In William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello there are numerous instances of obvious sexism aimed at the three women in the drama -- Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca – and aimed at womankind generally. Let us delve into this subject in this paper. In the essay “Wit and Witchcraft: an Approach to Othello” Robert B. Heilman discusses a scene which occurs late in the play and which is sexist: When Othello summons Desdemona and dismisses Emilia, “Leave procreants

  • A Feminist Analysis of Perceval, Tristan and Isolt, and Aucassin and Nicolette

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    A Feminist Analysis of Perceval, Tristan and Isolt, and Aucassin and Nicolette Currently, there is a debate among feminists as to whether the demeaning portrayal of women in popular media causes or is caused by negative attitudes in modern culture. A similar debate exists among historians of the late middle ages as to whether the rise in popularity of the cult of the Virgin, her portrayal in art, and the code of chivalry caused or was caused by changing attitudes towards women. Many factors

  • A Feminist Analysis of Cloud Nine

    2146 Words  | 5 Pages

    Feminist Analysis of Cloud Nine In 1979, Caryl Churchill wrote a feminist play entitled Cloud Nine. It was the result of a workshop for the Joint Stock Theatre Group and was intended to be about sexual politics. Within the writing she included a myriad of different themes ranging from homosexuality and homophobia to female objectification and oppression. “Churchill clearly intended to raise questions of gender, sexual orientation, and race as ideological issues; she accomplished this largely by cross-dressing

  • Feminist Analysis Of Revlon

    815 Words  | 2 Pages

    Computer Generated Bodies; A Feminist Analysis of “Revlon: Beyond Natural” and the Objectification of Women in Patriarchal Society This feminist analysis will define computer-based innovations that are utilized to distort and objectify women’s faces within the context of patriarchal society. The advertisement entitled “Revlon Beyond Natural” is an example of this type of computer-generated imagery that idealizes and creates an artificial sense of perfection in woman’s facial features. For instance

  • Liberal Feminist Analysis

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    When I think about feminist, I can’t help myself but to think that feminist just hate men. After reading the book, Thinking about Women: The Sociological Perspective on Sex and Gender, I wondered if I was really a feminist. I went on Gotoquiz.com, a website that asked variety of questions to determine if someone was a feminist. I was appalled when the results said that I was a “full blooded feminist”. I believe in women’s rights and equality for all women around the world. Liberal feminism emphasizes

  • Feminist Comparative Rhetorical Analysis

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    Feminist Comparative Rhetorical Analysis Elsa Knight ENGL 151 09-27-2015 When creating a comparative rhetorical analysis of two different feminist essays, we must first define the term “feminism”. According to Merriam-Webster.com, feminism is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities”. Feminism is a also a long term social movement, one that’s been in the works since the early 1900’s. However, as any challenger to the norm might receive, the words

  • Feminist Curiosity Enloe Analysis

    751 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the cost of feminist curiosity: What price do we have to pay? “Beware the adjective ‘natural’. Beware ‘trivial’. Both are boulders rolled up against a door you may want to open. Rolling away those boulders can take a lot of intellectual and social stamina.’’ (Enloe 2007, 10). By this, I believe Enloe is referring to the cost element of feminist curiosity. To be feminist curious, one needs to be dedicated, committed, ready to accept criticism and prepare to sacrifice. She explained further that

  • Artemisia Gentileschi: A Feminist Analysis

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    introduction of the feminist perspective into art history, and society overall, has been undeniable and ever-changing. The change from a mono-perspective of the male to the multiple that includes women about women in a mans world was and still is radical. Historically, economically, legally and socially women have been valued as less than men because of the patriarchal structure of society, and this can be seen in Artemisia's case and

  • Writing Feminist Genealogy Analysis

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gilman had many ideas about how the world should be, and according to an article titled, Writing Feminist Genealogy: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Racial Nationalism, and the Reproduction of Maternalist Feminism, written by Alys Eve Weinbaum, stated, that Gilman wanted a “pure national genealogy.” With Gilman’s “pure national genealogy” being “her belief in women’s reproductive role in crafting the proper (white) national genealogy…” (272). So, with this worldview of Gilman’s she argues that a woman’s

  • Analysis Of Feminist Pornography

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    The feminist porn wars and sex wars throughout the 1980s and 1990s ignited the debate of whether pornography was a form of empowerment for women in the form of sexual liberation or a form of oppression spearheaded by men. Throughout the era, there were different types of feminists: those who critiqued pornography and advocated for its censorship and those who advocated for production that was sex positive, or consensual for all parties (Bakehorn, 11/17/16). Individuals who were in favor of pornography

  • Hillary Clinton Feminist Analysis

    1146 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hillary Clinton is allowed to occupy her platform as a feminist and amass enormous

  • Like Water For Chocolate Feminist Analysis

    903 Words  | 2 Pages

    Like Women Matter A feminist novel is one that supports the goal of equal rights for women. Like Water for Chocolate does not have the characteristics of a feminist novel, primarily due to the roles of characters Mama Elena and Pedro. In the novel Mama Elena treats her daughter as her personal servant which completely negates the beliefs of a feminist. A Tita's sister Rosaura also supports non-feminist qualities due to the fact she didn't even choose her own husband. In the book Like Water for Chocolate

  • Integrating Disability Conforming Feminist Thought Garland-Thomson Analysis

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    “Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Thought” by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson takes a disability studies approach to redefining how we think of identity in a feminist context. Written in 2002, this piece neatly falls into what could be classified as a staple of Third Wave Feminism, in that it takes a more intersectional approach, considering not only how disability factors in with an individual’s sense of self, but also how it interacts with other areas of a person’s life. Specifically, Garland-Thomson

  • Analysis Of Jane Gallop's Feminist Accused Of Sexual Harassment

    1084 Words  | 3 Pages

    Oppression In Jane Gallop’s Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment, Gallop details a case in which she was accused by two graduate students of sexual harassment. Gallop, a strong believer in feminism, disputes these claims by making an argument for the necessary intertwining of pedagogy and sexuality. Drawing from anecdotes about her experience with the anti-pornography movement, Gallop expands on her lengthy career as a feminist scholar in order to analyze the discourse in the feminist community during the

  • Contributions Of A Feminist Art Criticism By Arlene Raven Analysis

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    In the section, Words of Honor: Contributions of a Feminist Art Critic, Arlene Raven outlines the events in her life that have led her to be an art critic for artists who were not as “bankable” as other artists. In this excerpt, she discusses how her experiences of being raped exposed her to a cruel reality about the oppression women faced despite equal education acquirement. Consequently, she increasingly got more involved in the feminist/political work, creating iconic associations like the Women’s

  • Voice in Things Fall Apart and Anthills of the Savannah

    2036 Words  | 5 Pages

    Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse," Chandra Talpade Mohanty suggests a fundamental flaw in most western feminist analysis: the presupposition that women, "across classes and cultures, are somehow socially constituted as a homogenous group identifiable prior to the process of analysis." It is a flaw in thinking that results in "the assumption of women as an always-already constituted group, one which has been labelled 'powerless,' 'exploited,' 'sexually harassed,'etc., by feminist scientific

  • The Philosophy of Sex and Gender in Russia

    3332 Words  | 7 Pages

    methodology is based on concepts and guidelines developed in feminist philosophy. One of the goals, as put forward by feminist philosophy, is to discover the gender determinateness of the metatheoretical foundations of science and traditional Western humanitarianism and of philosophy. This problem can be quite successfully solved on the basis of Western philosophic studies. Russian philosophy, however, has not so far become a subject of feminist analysis either in Russia or in the West. Therefore, my research

  • feminist analysis

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    Green Lantern is a science Fiction movie directed by Martin Campbell. This movie is about a police force called Green Lantern Intergalactic Corps that uses green rings which feeds on their willpower and has a mission to protect the universe from evil. The main Character, Hal Jordan played by Ryan Reynolds is chosen by the ring and protects his planet from Parallax. His childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris played by Blake Lively supports him throughout the movie. Dr. Amanda Waller played by Angela Bassett

  • Radical Feminist Analysis

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    In her article, Brooke Meredith Beloso contends that the discourse of radical feminism and queer feminism, which heavily relies upon Marxist theory, has hindered rather than fostered the feminist critique of capitalism. The article provides a brief overview of the radical feminist movement, which was initially intended to fight against oppression and patriarchy. She contrasts it with queer feminism, which concentrated on the non-normal sex, gender and sexuality issues. Prostitution came to the forefront

  • Feminist Perspective Analysis

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    While all sociological perspectives offer new and unique understanding into the problems of society, Feminist perspectives optimally illustrate the complexities of gender inequality. Structural Functionalist perspectives see gender inequality as functional for society. There is an oversight in this viewpoint in that there is a focus on the function from a male centric mindset. Conflict perspectives focus on the stratification of gender, also from the view of men in society, without examining the