Emile Berliner Essays

  • Audio Recording

    1761 Words  | 4 Pages

    practice. These had the unfortunate downside of being exceedingly fragile. Finally, in 1887 Emile Berliner developed another gramophone using a lateral-cut medium. This method had the added bonus of being easily duplicated through electroplating. These three models competed in the market until later that year, when Edison developed a battery-powered version of his gramophone. That same year, Berliner developed his means of mass-production, copying onto hard rubber. All gramophones at this point

  • What Led to The Invention of the Phonograph?

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    During the second industrial revolution in the late 1800's, mass production and manufacturing of goods began to rapidly expand. With these changes also came a change in fuel sources, which began moving towards more modern forms such as petroleum and electricity. With theses changes in production and power came new possibilities and ideas. Many great thinkers became invested technological advancement by leveraging the changes that came with the second industrial revolution. Thomas Edison came to be

  • Investigating the Difference Between Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

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    Investigating the Difference Between Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers I am going to conduct an investigation into the differences in tabloid and broadsheet newspapers. In this investigation I will look into 7 particular aspects they are as follows, 1) Length of article in words. 2) Length of sentence in words. 3) Length of sentence in letters. 4) Length of word in letters. 5) Length of title in letters. 6) Length of paragraph in words. 7) Amount of pictures. I shall

  • Comparing Two Different Types Of Newspapers

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    Sports Journalism The two different types of newspapers are tabloid and broadsheet. Broadsheet newspapers tend to be bigger in size and have more complex types of sentences. It has fewer pictures unlike a tabloid with the ratio of picture to text 7:10.Tabloids are the most popular type of paper; it is often smaller in size, more colourful and relies on page three girls and other such shock tactics, to attract readers. Broadsheets are generally larger in size, more serious

  • A Comparison of Two Newspapers

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    A Comparison of Two Newspapers The Sun and the Guardian are very different newspapers, even at a first glance you can see that they are created for different purposes. The guardian newspaper is twice the size of a tabloid newspaper e.g. The Sun. and therefore has twice as much information, than a tabloid. A Tabloid newspaper focuses on the images, and has less information than a broadsheet newspaper, so it can attract a different audience. The Sun and the News of the World are clearly tabloid

  • A Comparison of Broadsheet Newspapers with Tabloid Newspapers

    6552 Words  | 14 Pages

    A Comparison of Broadsheet Newspapers with Tabloid Newspapers Investigation 1 Hypothesis 1 "Broadsheet newspapers have a longer average word length than tabloid newspapers" My theory is that broadsheet newspapers use a more complex style of language. In effect I think this will result in a longer average word length in a broadsheet than in a tabloid newspaper. Both newspapers will have a large amount of short word included in the articles, however, this can not be avoided due

  • Comparing the Length of Words in a Broadsheet Newspaper and Tabloid Newspaper

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing the Length of Words in a Broadsheet Newspaper and Tabloid Newspaper I am now going to start my mathematics statistics coursework. The aim of this coursework is to compare the length of words in a broadsheet newspaper to the length of words in a tabloid newspaper. My first hypothesis is that in this investigation the broadsheet newspaper should contain longer words than the tabloid newspaper. I think this because in my opinion broadsheet newspapers are aimed at higher class and

  • A Comparison of Newspaper Articles

    2988 Words  | 6 Pages

    A Comparison of Newspaper Articles Introduction I have chosen the "Read All About It" option for my Maths Coursework. This involves comparing articles from newspapers and comparing them. I have chosen to use two newspapers for my investigation. I have chosen to compare articles from a Tabloid and a Broadsheet newspapers. The papers I have chosen are "The Mirror" and "The Guardian". I am predicting that the articles in the broadsheet newspapers would be more complex and often longer

  • Comparing the Ways in Which a Tabloid Newspaper and a Broadsheet Newspaper Treat the Same News Story

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    Comparing the Ways in Which a Tabloid Newspaper and a Broadsheet Newspaper Treat the Same News Story The death of John Thaw was announced in national newspapers on the Friday 22nd of February 2002. In my essay I am going to compare the story of John Thaws death from two newspapers. These newspapers are the Mirror, which is a tabloid and the Times which is a broadsheet. Tabloid newspapers include the Sun, Star, and Mirror. Broadsheet newspapers include the Gaurdian, Times, and the Daily

  • Comparision Between Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

    1086 Words  | 3 Pages

    A comparison between how broadsheet and tabloid newspapers convey the same story I have chosen to compare a story from The Times as my broadsheet paper and The Sun as the Tabloid. The story is primarily about a man who had raped his two daughters several times. In The Times, the headline said ‘How two girls were trapped by shame, fear and the love of their own children’. The Broadsheet focuses on sympathizing for the girls, giving all information they have in a straightforward way and getting

  • Comparing The Sun and The Times

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing The Sun and The Times The two newspapers which I am going to write about and discuss are “The Sun”, which is a tabloid newspaper and “The Times”, which is a broadsheet. The newspapers are both dated Monday 10 November, 2003. The first difference is that the broadsheet is bigger than the tabloid. People read tabloids for entertainment and gossip. The broadsheet caters for readers who are interested in hard news and who are professional, such as lawyers, doctors, and teachers. There

  • Analyzing the Two Newspaper Articles

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    The newspapers that I am going to analyze are The Guardian and The Sun. Both of the papers represent different approaches to news presentations; different ideologies, and therefore different potential reader groups. The Sun is a tabloid newspaper that reports news that is sensationalised and also takes a subjective angel. Whereas, The Guardian is a broadsheet which reports serious news that are quite detailed and balanced. Broadsheets are often called the ‘quality newspapers’ and therefore is aimed

  • Information Controls by Newspapers

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    Information Controls by Newspapers All newspapers have different ways of passing on the news to their readers. This often depends on the audience the newspaper is targeting. The four newspapers that I will be writing about all target various readers. I will be looking at which pieces of information newspapers would use when reporting about the invasion of the Central European state of Bernia by Cara. 'The Planet' is a tabloid newspaper that backs the government. It is happy with the way

  • Contrasting Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

    6468 Words  | 13 Pages

    Contrasting Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers Aim --- The aim of this investigation is to outline any differences between Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers in terms of word length, sentence construction/readability and the amount of text presented on the page. I shall investigate the following three hypotheses: 1. There is less variation in word length in articles from tabloid newspapers than in articles from broadsheet newspapers. 2. More text is presented on a page (in proportion

  • Newspaper Comparison

    1252 Words  | 3 Pages

    Newspaper Comparison I am going to investigate the following statements : · The sizes , number of pages , area of print and cost of different newspapers. ·The relative importance , status and space given to various items. I can find this information from a number of newspapers that I will buy in shops this should give me a good understanding of the information I need to retrieve in order to complete my investigation. Therefore to complete my investigation successfully I will need

  • Rogers And Hammerstein's South Pacific

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    South Pacific, the main theme is racial prejudices. The two main characters, Emile de Becque and Nellie Forbush are faced with these problems as they attempt a relationship. Two other minor characters, Lt. Joe Cable and Liat, are faced with the same dilemma. Both Nellie and Joe Cable have a hard time coping with their own racial prejudices; Joe loves Liat, yet cannot marry her because she is Tonkinese ; Nellie loves Emile, but cannot marry him because of his former Polynesian wife. It is these

  • Paul Cezanne

    586 Words  | 2 Pages

    Latin literature. At the age of thirteen, Paul met Emile Zola at the College Bourbon. The friendship was very important for both of the young men and lasted until the publication of Zola's novel L'Oeuvre in 1886, in which the writer portrays an unsuccessful artist whose character based upon Paul. Deeply hurt, Cezanne broke forever with his longtime friend. At school, the boys were nearly inseparable. Both were interested in writing and literature. Emile and Paul would write letters and rhymed verse to

  • John Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government

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    Locke's The Second Treatise of Civil Government: The Significance of Reason The significance of reason is discussed both in John Locke's, The Second Treatise of Civil Government, and in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's, Emile. However, the definitions that both authors give to the word “reason” vary significantly. I will now attempt to compare the different meanings that each man considered to be the accurate definition of reason. John Locke believed that the state “all men are naturally in ... is a state

  • Jean Jacques Rousseau Influence On Frankenstein

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    The tabula rasa or blank slate theory is one of the most well-known in the realm of psychology concerning the development of the human mind. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a novel about a mad scientist and his attempt at creating human life, seems to draw inspiration from this concept as well as its proponent, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau and his theories help to develop Shelley’s novel through the background of Rousseau’s own life, the development of Victor’s character, and the development of the

  • Essay On Ostalgie

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    Wolfgang Becker und er beschreibt Ostalgie. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte der Familie Kerner und er betont die plötzlichen Änderung in (Ost-)Deutschland nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer. Weil die Mutter von Alex sehr krank ist, entscheidet der Sohn sich, als seine Mutter aus dem Koma erwacht, ihr nicht zu sagen, dass die Berliner Mauer gefallen ist. Alex beschließt einen Mikrokosmos der DDR in ihrem Schlafzimmer zu erschaffen. Er tut dies auf unterschiedliche kreative Art und Weise. Zum Beispiel macht