Comparing The Sun and The Times

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Comparing The Sun and The Times

The two newspapers which I am going to write about and discuss are

“The Sun”, which is a tabloid newspaper and “The Times”, which is a

broadsheet. The newspapers are both dated Monday 10 November, 2003.

The first difference is that the broadsheet is bigger than the

tabloid. People read tabloids for entertainment and gossip. The

broadsheet caters for readers who are interested in hard news and who

are professional, such as lawyers, doctors, and teachers. There is

more text in the broadsheet because reporters tell the story in

detail. They are also more factual. In a tabloid newspaper stories are

shorter. The tabloid newspapers favourite use of slang for example,

she’s a stunner, it’s a bummer.” Broadsheet newspapers use Standard

English because the stories are about, politics, economics, and

foreign affairs. But the tabloid stories focus on human

Interest stories about – pop stars, footballers, government/royal

family scandal.

The similarities that the stories have are the remembrance of

Armistice Day (end of war) and also people who died and were who were

wounded in Iraq. To show this there is one poppy on each newspaper

near the title.

The kinds of stories in the newspapers are topical at that time. The

story about Charles and his sexual behaviour, in “The Sun” the story

begins on the front page but encourages readers to look inside the

paper by putting most of the story on pages five and six. “The Times”

also covers the story, which shows its importance.

The layout in both the newspapers is similar. They both have a

masthead and the masthead and the news headlines are both bold and

huge. But the broadsheet has smaller bold headlines. They both have

dateline and earpiece, where on the right hand corner there is

advertisements. They both have splash headlines and there is a box

rule around the text. They have other stories in the front cover. Both

papers use a bit of colour and graphics.

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