A Comparison of Two Newspapers

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A Comparison of Two Newspapers

The Sun and the Guardian are very different newspapers, even at a

first glance you can see that they are created for different purposes.

The guardian newspaper is twice the size of a tabloid newspaper e.g.

The Sun. and therefore has twice as much information, than a tabloid.

A Tabloid newspaper focuses on the images, and has less information

than a broadsheet newspaper, so it can attract a different audience.

The Sun and the News of the World are clearly tabloid newspapers

because they are small, most tabloid newspapers have redtop mastheads,

to draw the eye of the reader, the images take up most of the front

page, the headlines also take up more space on the front page, to draw

the readers attention to the article, but the reader doesn’t have much

information to read in the copy, because the space is taken up by the

picture, the headline and the masthead. In the copy the writers are

using less formal language and slang, so that their target audience

can understand it better. The Guardian and The Observer are

broadsheets because they are twice the size of tabloids, and have very

few pictures in them. The space taken up by the copy is considerably

larger than in a tabloid newspaper, because the broadsheet newspapers

focus on giving people information, not just telling a brief story and

a picture.

Tabloids take a great deal of care with their headlines, because they

want the reader to be drawn to the headline and want to read on, so

they will read their paper instead of any other competitors. The


... middle of paper ...

... and has used snippets from them to make the reader

read on inside the newspaper. The Guardian however puts about three or

four stories on the front page as they can fit it on! As well as a few


The similarities are that they both use left wing articles, even

though The Sun is less left wing than The Guardian.

I think that The Sun has a larger circulation than The Guardian

because there are more lower class citizens than upper class, and The

Sun appeals more to the lower class citizens because it has a lower

cost, and it appeals to a wider audience because more people can read

it. The Guardian has a more complex language and the size of the font

is smaller so many people would have difficulty reading it. I think

that I would read The Guardian because I am more interested in world

issues than in gossip.

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