Educational accreditation Essays

  • Accreditation Issues In For-Profit Education

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    One possibility that the government must consider is accreditation, due to the difficulty and unavailability of transferring credits from a for-profit institution to a traditional college. To consider this properly, one must have an understanding of how accreditation works. The Best Schools, an organization that helps students find schools that meet their wants and needs, provides some information about the value of different types of accreditation, and the accrediting services that have these powers

  • The Impact Of Cross Border Education

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    Introduction: One of the many driving forces that has affected the way in which we view education is, cross border education. Cross border education has opened new pathways in that now education can be obtained through distance learning (online). Technology is a key driving force within the globalization and internationalization realm of education. According to De Wit (2005), the internationalization of education is concerned with the process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global

  • CACREP Case Study

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    CACREP is the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. CACREP focuses on accrediting counseling programs, such as Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling, in the master-level and doctoral level programs. History CACREP was found in 1981 by the American Personal Guidance Associations (Brief Orientation). The purpose of its creation was to oversee accreditation of counseling and related educational programs. Since 1981, CACREP has focused on revising

  • Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)

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    definition, accreditation signifies "to ensure (a school, school, or the like) as meeting all formal authority necessities of scholastic perfection, educational modules, offices, and so forth." ( Things being what they are, it kind of puts us both in a comparative position. As an undergrad, you have to meet certain necessities keeping in mind the end goal to procure your degree. As a licensed online college, we have to meet particular prerequisites to accomplish accreditation. After

  • Medicare Compliance Case Study

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    author will choose for the purpose of this deliverable three-accreditation program that could replace the joint commission. This author will compare these agencies to the condition of participation for Medicare and Medicaid services. Then will analyze the cost and benefits of each and their impact on stakeholder groups and rank them according to the author’s rationale. Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care was founded in 1979

  • Public Health Accreditation Essay

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    degrees are accredited in the U.S. How Accreditation Works An accredited degree implies that certain quality standards of notable educational organizations are met. This is important because certain industries, such as business or health care, tend to require job candidates to have an accredited degree. There are actually two types of accreditation: institutional accreditation, which covers all available programs within a school, and specialized accreditation, which cover only certain degree programs

  • Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    CDC (2015), “the goal of the national accreditation program is to protect and improve the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of all public health departments in the country—local, state, territorial, and tribal”. To this end, the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), which is nonprofit, serves as the independent accrediting body. Though a voluntary accreditation process, many health departments are working towards accreditation and those that are already accredited

  • Accreditations and Certifications in Nursing

    1986 Words  | 4 Pages

    2011). To maintain and earn accreditation, establishments must have an extensive on-site review by a team of Joint Commission health care professionals, at least once every three years. The purpose of the review is to evaluate their performance in areas that affect clients’ care (The Joint Commission, 2011). Accreditation may then be awarded based on how well the organizations met TJC standard;, however, a site review is not a guarantee of accreditation. To gain accreditation, TJC sets rigorous safety

  • Nabh Accreditation

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    direction. NABH which is accredited by ISQUA, encourages medical tourism from other countries. NABH gives more clarity and sharpness to the process involved in medical tourism. It is hard to get any large or even small hospitals or labs to get accreditation, but it is even more difficult to maintain the compliances after getting. The real journey f quality starts after getting the certification. Commitment and continuous improvement are the

  • Joint Commission Accreditation In Health Care

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    then used to accredit health care facilities. There are tremendous benefits of having a Joint Commission accreditation. One of them is the help institutions get to strengthen efforts in patient safety. This will provide an indication to potential

  • National Patient Safety Goals

    1810 Words  | 4 Pages

    THE JOINT COMMISSION Patient safety one of the driving forces of healthcare. Patient safety is defined as, “ the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of healthcare or as the prevention of errors and adverse events caused by the provision of healthcare rather than the patient’s underlying disease process. (Kangasniemi, Vaismoradi, Jasper, &Turunen, 2013)”. It was just as important in the past as it is day. Our healthcare field continues to strive to make improvement toward

  • Heparin Errors in the NICU

    2006 Words  | 5 Pages

    Statistics show that between 1979 and 2006, there were more than sixty two million deaths investigated and of those, 244,388 were caused by a hospital medication error (Cox, 2010). The following information highlights medication errors made in three facilities in the United States with the drug Heparin. The focus of this paper will be on how the medication errors were made, what could have prevented them, the legal ramifications from the mistakes, and changes that were implemented to eliminate potential

  • Accreditation In Health Care

    1368 Words  | 3 Pages

    The role of accreditation in the hospital setting. At present, the accreditation is a process of review that health care organizations participate in to display the ability to meet approved criteria and standards of accreditation. Accreditation symbolizes agencies as reliable and upright organizations devoted to ongoing and continuous compliance with the highest standard of quality. Accrediting agency work with the health care experts to generate standards to ensure that quality is maintained

  • Summary: Improving Patient Safety

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    long-term, and lastly, the success of the solution can be translated to solve other issues. All doing their part, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Food and Drug Administration, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and the Institute of Medicine, have all developed programs aimed at improving safety measures across the realm of healthcare including surgical procedures (Patients Safety in American Hospitals, 2004). As the list of

  • The Importance Of Shift Change In Nursing

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    Shift change is one of the challenging moments for continuity care of patient in the hospital. On shift and off shift nurses exchange vital information and duties during transition of care. In other words shift change report is also know as Nurse Knowledge Exchange (NKE), it is important in order to ensure efficiency, quality and safety of the patient. Nurses are responsible for delivering excellent care no matter what the circumstances. End of the shift nurses are exhausted and shift report usually

  • Medical Errors In Saudi Arabia Essay

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    Believing medical errors happen in everywhere in the world, but every mistakes has a reason behind. In Saudi Arabia, so many cases happened, but there are still not estimate exact number about medical error. There are so many medical errors are never reported in Saudi Arabia by healthcare professionals because of punishment. Some patient’s do not reporting their cases due to repotting do not give them most of their right to have. With so many motivations to write about medical error in Saudi Arabia

  • Patient Safety Goals

    1578 Words  | 4 Pages

    National Patient Safety Goals in the Hospital Setting The purpose of this paper is to discuss the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) put out by The Joint Commission that went into effect January 1, 2014. The goal I chose to focus on is the first goal, improve the accuracy of patient identification. The element of performance within that goal I am going to concentrate on is to use at least two patient identifiers when administering medications (Joint Commission, 2013). The importance of this

  • Joint Commission Essay

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Joint commission, Department of Health & Human Services DHHS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS and The American Optometric Association AOA are responsible for a variety of duties ranging from, quality assurance to licensing and certification of hospitals and healthcare organizations. The Joint commission, is a private agency with considerable power over healthcare institutions in that it performs certain responsibilities yet it is outside of the government. One of the Joint commission’s

  • Sentinel Event

    1022 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Reflection on Sentinel Events in Healthcare The Joint Commission (TJC) defines a sentinel event as an unforeseen incident that results in critical injury or death of a patient (Cherry & Jacob, 2017). After a sentinel event has occurred, TJC mandates the healthcare facility perform a root cause analysis (RCA) so they fully understand the why the event happened and can implement an action plan to prevent them from recurring (Cherry & Jacob, 2017). TJC will review the RCA and subsequent interventions

  • Joint Commission Essay

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    that specifically oversees charitable accreditation programs for healthcare bodies and hospitals. These organization works by developing performance standards that aims to address critical elements of the healthcare operations, including medication safety, patient care, consumer rights and infection control. As a trusted body in the U.S. healthcare systems, most state administrations mandate healthcare organizations to receive Joint Commission’s accreditation as a prerequisite for licensing as well