National Patient Safety Goals

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THE JOINT COMMISSION Patient safety one of the driving forces of healthcare. Patient safety is defined as, “ the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of healthcare or as the prevention of errors and adverse events caused by the provision of healthcare rather than the patient’s underlying disease process. (Kangasniemi, Vaismoradi, Jasper, &Turunen, 2013)”. It was just as important in the past as it is day. Our healthcare field continues to strive to make improvement toward safer care for patients across the country. The Joint Commission was founded in 1951 with the goal to provided safer and better care to all. Since that day it has become acknowledged as the leader in developing the highest standards for quality and safety in the delivery of health care, and evaluating organization performance (The Joint Commission(a) [TJC], 2014). The Joint Commission continues to investigate ways to better patient care. In 2003 the first set of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) went into effect. This list of goals was designed by a group of nurses, physicians, pharmacists, risk managers, clinical engineers, and other professionals with hands-on experience in addressing patient safety issues in a wide variety of healthcare settings (TJC(b), 2014). The NPSGs were created to address specific areas of concern in patient safety in all health care settings. Each year this panel of experts put a microscope on patient safety across the board. They decide where upmost attention needs to be paid. Sometimes items leave the list because there are been strides take to improve in that area and sometimes it continues to stay on the list because they believe the relevance and importance is growing. Healthcare is evolving b... ... middle of paper ... ...l of Oncology Nursing, 12(3), 495-498. doi:10.1188/08.CJON.495-498 The Joint Commission (a). (2014). About the Joint Commission. Retrieved March 31, 2014 The Joint Commission (b). (2014). National Patient Safety Goal Facts. Retrieved March 28, 2014 The Joint Commission (c). (2014). National Patient Safety Goals. Retrieved March 28, 2014 Tzeng, H., Yin, C., & Schneider, T. E. (2013). Medication Error-Related Issues In Nursing Practice. MEDSURG Nursing, 22(1), 13-50. Young, J., Slebodnik, M., & Sands, L. (2010). Bar code technology and medication administration error. Journal of Patient Safety, 6(2), 115-120. doi:10.1097/PTS.0b013e3181de35f7

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