Educating Students Essays

  • Reading Towards New Heights

    980 Words  | 2 Pages

    wherein many students are lost when a college instructor opens a textbook filled with the works of authors from the ancient world. Does this even happen in colleges and universities? This does happen in classrooms around the world, and I want to be able to impact the future generations that will one-day grace the halls of a college or university. Education impacts an individual’s life every day, and I have always envisioned myself educating students to a greater extent than many students would feel

  • Teaching Philosophy

    1022 Words  | 3 Pages

    When deciding upon a philosophy of education, I was torn between two: Progressivism and Essentialism. The idea of educating students with real-world experiences is one reason I can identify with Progressivism. On the other hand, the "back-to-basics" approach to teaching is a reason I believe in Essentialism. It is my belief that combining the two philosophies will help students learn to become more creative. This is because I feel that they need to know the basics as well as how to apply them

  • Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Future

    502 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Future The least recognized, most important people in this world are the educators. They must work hard toward inventing a method to help each individual student “be all they can be!” Teachers must try to stimulate students to create a hunger for learning and to expand their success in life. Teachers should be obligated to the need for the student’s individuality. To be able to teach targeting to the students’ needs will make a difference not only in the student

  • Educating Students With Disabilities

    1341 Words  | 3 Pages

    Educating students with special needs in the twenty first century is a big challenge for teachers. There are thirteen categories of disability currently defined in IDEA that makes the job of an educator more challenging. Educators not only have to deal with making sure students with disabilities learn and pass state exams, but sometimes they have to deal with behavioral issues. To resolve most of these issues in the classroom, schools are creating professional learning communities where students

  • philosophy of education

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    philosophy focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary not only to survive but also to succeed in a contemporary and competitive society. William James and John Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristically American philosophy of education that is progressivism. As the name suggests, progressivism is a philosophy that is adaptable for society’s current state. It is a philosophy that promotes education aimed at helping students to develop the kind of problem

  • The American Education Systems Multicultural Perplexity

    789 Words  | 2 Pages

    receive a culturally diverse education. It was much easier for the teacher to teach to the majority in the methods that the majority could understand. These minorities had to assimilate to our practices our fail. This hardly solves the problem of educating students so they can provide for their future families. Of course the minorities in the school are not going to be a...

  • Educating ADHD Students

    2059 Words  | 5 Pages

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition which exposes developmentally unsuitable levels of inattention, and/or hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity (Leroux & Levitt-Periman, 2000). ADHD is thought to be caused by a dysfunction in the frontal lobes of the brain. Two percent to six percent of today’s learners are affected by ADHD, while three times as many boys as girls are affected with ADHD (Humphrey, 2009). It is important as educators that we know the signs of the

  • Educating Hispanic Students

    1131 Words  | 3 Pages

    Educating Hispanic Students Education is the key to individual opportunity, the strength of our economy, and the vitality of our democracy. In the 21st century, this nation cannot afford to leave anyone behind. While the academic achievement and educational attainment of Hispanic Americans has been moving in the right direction, untenable gaps still exist between Hispanic students and their counterparts in the areas of early childhood education, learning English, academic achievement, and high

  • Education of the Black Male in America

    2210 Words  | 5 Pages

    Today's education is often viewed as failing in its goal of educating students, especially those students characterized as minorities, including African American, Hispanic, and Appalachian students (Quiroz, 1999). Among the minority groups mentioned, African American males are affected most adversely. Research has shown that when Black male students are compared to other students by gender and race they consistently rank lowest in academic achievement (Ogbu, 2003), have the worst attendance record

  • Sport, Education, and the Meaning of Victory

    3400 Words  | 7 Pages

    manifest in modern athletic ideals of self-knowledge, discipline, courage and justice. To the extent that scholastic athletic programs develop these virtues, I conclude, their pursuit of winning is not at odds with the institutional mission of educating students. If an athletic program's pursuit of victory allows such character-building to fall by the wayside, however, it deserves no place in our high schools, colleges or universities. As in the world of the Ancient Greeks, sport plays an important

  • Sociology and the Education System in America

    1140 Words  | 3 Pages

    lower and middle class minority. There is a strong undercurrent of racial inequality in today's school systems that negatively affect the quality of education that its students receive. A schools potential to give a proper education often depends on the perspective economic, and social, or perhaps the racial backgrounds of its students. Some of the best high schools in the nation often are magnet schools, private schools, or suburban schools that serve the upper class. Although there are usually a

  • Importance of Educating Nursing Students

    1852 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Importance of Educating Nursing Students in Gerontological Nursing Abstract The number of people over the age of 65 is more than ever before and will only increase as the generation of ?baby boomers? starts to retire. However, there are not enough schools of nursing that offer coursework in gerontological nursing as part of their core curriculum. In addition, nursing faculty is not adequately trained to instruct students in this critical area of nursing. Nursing students must understand and

  • Educating Exceptionally Talented Students

    1140 Words  | 3 Pages

    Concern for at-risk learners forces the education of high ability learners to take a backseat in traditional classroom. Standard instruction and curriculum based on a pacing and sequencing method does not always allow students to accelerate. By definition, the term “gifted” exemplifies exceptionality often regarding intellect, creativity and leadership. An identification of gifted suggests that an individual requires specialized services and curriculum that are not always addressed by traditional

  • Educating Students With Emotional and Behavior Disorders

    872 Words  | 2 Pages

    In reading chapter seven of the textbook, the education of students with emotional and behavior disorders was not common before the turn of the twentieth century. Before children were thought of as having mental illnesses, many researchers thought that this was only diagnosed in adults. For a child to be known to have a mental issue back in the nineteenth century was said to be evil or satanic. It was very challenging to study emotional behavior disorders in children. Unfortunately, there was no

  • How Community based schools work

    2127 Words  | 5 Pages

    How Community based schools work Community schools are partnerships between public and private organizations. The school becomes a hub for the community. These schools not only teach students but also provide access to services families needs. “It’s integration of academics and services leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities” (Blank, Heifets, Shah, & Nissani, 2004, p. 155). Community based schools use partnerships to build community consensus and carryout

  • The Gains and Losses of Educating Rita

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Gains and Losses of Educating Rita The purpose of my essay is to explain, in considerable detail, the gains and loses of Educating Rita for it being a two-handed play. The play, ‘Educating Rita’, written by Willy Russell is very entertaining, although there are only two characters, hence the reason it is a two-handed play. The grounds on which I found it entertaining is based upon the basic plot outline which consists of Rita, a working-class Liverpool girl, with a hunger for education

  • Educating Rita - Comparing the Movie and Play

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita - Comparing the Movie and Play The play Educating Rita by Willy Russell gained great popularity especially during the early eighties. There has also been a movie made from it starring Julie Walters and the more famous Michael Caine. As so often the case, the movie was more elaborate with additional scenes, some of which were spoken of or retold by the actors in the play. The movie also included several actors while the play only featured two, Frank and Rita. After having

  • Achieving Humor in Educating Rita by Willy Russell

    1109 Words  | 3 Pages

    Achieving Humor in Educating Rita by Willy Russell Written by Willy Russell in 1985, "Educating Rita" is a comical interpretation of his own life as a young Liverpudlian hairdresser and his aspirations to become educated. The play is based on Rita, the hairdresser who wants a better life, and begins this adventure by enrolling in an Open University course. It is here she meets her tutor, Frank. You could say, the key to her dreams. If I were to direct this play, I would seek to achieve humour

  • Educating Rita

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Willy Russell’s play “Educating Rita” only uses one main setting and two main characters. Some people may think that these would make the play seem boring. Russell actually makes the play quite interesting and entertaining by using dramatic devices such as the whiskey bottle and the telephone call. He does this to give us as much information as possible about the characters and their personalities. The play, which is set in the early 1980s, deals with the clashes between

  • Educating Rita

    785 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Civilization has a tendency to attempt to divide people into different groups. Our environment weighs and measures us; then places us into a certain company. Frank and Rita are the very example of two persons placed in very different social compartments. Their places in society differ greatly as do their roles as student and teacher. And yet as one examines the script of Educating Rita it seems as though two people, who society has attempted to separate from each other in every