Eastern Gray Squirrel Essays

  • Eastern Gray Squirrel Research Paper

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    (Wikipedia). B. The common name(s): Eastern gray squirrel, grey squirrel, cat squirrel, or migratory squirrel (Smithsonian). C. The area of residence: North America, New Jersey and Southampton Township for the city. D. The specific biome: The temperate deciduous forest (UCMP Berkeley). II. The Body: A. Background: Eastern gray squirrels normally have narrow, elongated body. Their fur consists of a mixture of dark brown, black, gray covering from head to tail on the backside

  • Grey Squirrel

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    continue to spread even today. The grey squirrel first originated in two countries in North America. It was found on the west side of the Mississippi River; in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Montana. It reached as far north as Canada and claimed residence in the subdivisions of Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Sackatchewan, and Ontario (Fischer, Lawniczak, Pagad). In later years, humans caused this squirrel to be introduced to foreign countries.

  • Human and Animal Interactions

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    Utopia society was how the country was maintained for a very long time. The main purpose to show off their wealth by the generous donations was not understated, even though the tried hide behind the façade o... ... middle of paper ... ... the Eastern Grey Squirrel.The differences with how each animal was accepted by society just show how human rejection is very unpredictable. My favorite animal is a Monkey; I always had an unhealthy obsession with them since I was a young child. For my final

  • The Dead Squirrel

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Dead Squirrel “There, son, see that squirrel?  Pop him!” Eric leveled the .22 at the little brown blur of fur on the branch and pulled the trigger.  The butt of the rifle knocked painfully into his shoulder and the barrel went straight up after the shot, but it was still nearly dead-on, and he saw the bark on the tree disintegrate into a little cloud where the squirrel had been.  His father whistled through his teeth. “Nice shot!  Great shot!  I think you got his backside

  • Comparative Study of Texas and Minnesota Ecosystems

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    Melissa Stanley Biology 1407 November 26, 2016 Compare and Contrast of Texas and Minnesota Ecosystems What is a biome? Biomes are major life zones characterized by vegetation type or by the physical environment. Climate plays a role in determining the nature and location of Earth’s biomes. Texas has 10 different ecosystems with lots of diversity. Minnesota has 4 different ecosystems which are also quite diverse. Regardless of the size of the biomes or the number of biomes in each state, they are

  • Essay On Chipmunks

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    Eastern Chipmunks Chipmunks are very interesting animals. A chipmunk is a small cute animal that looks very similar to a squirrel. All chipmunks have stripes on their face and that is one way to tell whether it is a squirrel or a chipmunk. Depending on their species, they can be gray to reddish brown. It can weighanywhere from 28-142 grams and have the height of 4-7 inches. Its tail can be anywhere from 3-5 inches. Many people call chipmunks by names like: Striped squirrel, Hackee, Ground squirrel

  • Exploring the Unique Characteristics of the Taiga Biome

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    Taiga Biomes, there are six different types of biomes on Earth. The Taiga biome is one of these six on earth and it has a district, different characteristics than the other. I’m going to tell you all about Taigas here are topics I will be writing about it’s locations, characteristics, plants, animals, and organisms, ecosystem, and interesting facts. Locations Taiga is located in North America, Asia, and Europe. It stretches across Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia. It is located the north

  • Possum Research Paper

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Your in your house at night then you hear a noise kinda like a hiss then you look down and you see a possum staring at you and you jump with fear but no need to fear possums aren't really dangerous there animals that are a part of nature and i tell you some information about the night time critter the possum. What are possums Possums are marsupials (which means they have pouches) that only look for food at night these things live under houses, in trees, and in woods. There

  • Little Grand Canyon Research Paper

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    Have you ever been in a canyon specifically Providence Canyon? If you did not know it is a beautiful place to visit and explore filled with majestic landscapes and amazing animals. Providence canyon is located in Lumpkin, Georgia. It is nicknamed "Little Grand Canyon" because of the beautiful sandstone formations found in the area. Providence Canyon, as this area is officially named, is located southwest Georgia's Coastal Plains region near the Alabama border. Originally, this area was not a canyon

  • Blue Jays Habits

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    death in the wood. Blue Jays population decreased 28% between 1966 and 2015. Blue Jay population is 13 million, 87% live in United Sated and 13% live in Canada. Blue Jay is a prey and their predators are hawks, falcons, raccoons, cats, snakes, squirrels, and even humans. I learn a lot from this singer

  • ada

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    They consume prey of different sizes, including birds and mammals such as doves, robins, chipmunks, squirrels, and different rodents. In mid 1990s, the eastern population of the birds declined significantly. Some major causes of this decline in population include trapping, pesticide contamination, pollution, and shooting. Thereby, the specie is stamped as threatened or endangered species in some eastern states. Although their population was low, it is slowing recovering now in many areas. Over the years

  • All About Florida

    995 Words  | 2 Pages

    Did you know that for ever person that lives in Florida, four more people visit the state every year? Tourism makes up eighty-one percent of Florida’s gross state product. Also, “no trip is complete without tasting a fresh-picked orange or a slice of Key lime pie” (Heinrichs 11). The excellent weather and awesome beaches in Florida are irresistible to tourists. Florida’s early history, geography, climate, wildlife, and economy will be explained thoroughly in this paper. Florida was first settled

  • The Pecan Tree Report

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    The Pecan tree is a native tree to North America. When early European settlers traveled across the sea to settle in the New World, they found pecan trees located in numerous places in this new land. Since then, the pecan tree has become one of the most important orchard species in terms of acreage. Indians began using pecans almost 8000 years ago in what is now Texas. The first budded pecan trees were produced in Louisiana in the mid-1800s and orchards have been established throughout the Southern

  • The Bald Cypress

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    abundance in swampy regions. “Remains of prehistoric forests show that millions of years ago [bald cypress] grew in abundance within the Arctic Circle; because of changes in the climate, it was driven south. The bald cypress found its way to the eastern and southern coast lands” (Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 2002). On May 26, 196, the bald cypress was officially proclaimed the Louisiana state tree. The bald cypress is a large, slow growing but long-lived deciduous conifer

  • Amphibians Population Decline

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    lizard species, five salamander species, seven frog species, one toad species, and twelve snake species (Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, n.d.). The refuge’s three hiking trails provide shelter to white-tailed deer, eastern gray squirrel, red fox and wild turkey. Although there are many ponds in MNNWR, our study focuses on three: Woodmarsh, Highpoint II, and Anchorage constructed. Woodmarsh is located at N 38o 38’ 52’’ and W 77o 09’ 55’’; Highpoint II is located at N 38o 39’

  • Deforestation in Illinois: Problems and Description

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    The effects of deforestation around my home and throughout my state are becoming more evident every day. When a deer or other wild game loses its home, they move into cities, urban areas, and parks; thus causing issues with the human population. Most people living in Illinois have hit or nearly killed a deer driving on Southern Illinois roadways. This common occurrence could be kept at bay or maybe even avoided if the deer and wild game had more space to reside. There are many points that coincide

  • Placental Ruminants and Herbivorous Marsupials of Australia

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    Placental Ruminants and Herbivorous Marsupials of Australia The marsupial animal species that have evolved on the isolated continent of Australia are unique compared to the rest of the animal kingdom in many ways due to the harsh and distinctive environment found on the continent. The major area of marsupial biology that distinguishes them from all other eutherian mammals is their mode of reproduction. However, it can be said that there are many other areas in which unique differences can