Dublin City Council Essays

  • History Of Fatima Mansion And The Regeneration Process In Ireland

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    Irish society’. A large percentage of the Irish population lives in Dublin as it is a capital city. Urban regeneration strategies went through a different ‘reorientation’ in Dublin in the mid1980s by the city trying to transpose itself (Bissett, J 2008, p.11). The inner city had been left suburbanisation and the city had been at a crucial stage for many years. Important policies influenced the development and regeneration of Dublin City Centre. The ‘Myles Wright’ development policy that was adopted

  • Bicycle Helmets Mandatory?

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    elementary students asked for from their city council, an ordinance enforcing the use of Bicycle Safety helmets for children under 12. So on April 25, 2002, in Richardson, Texas, the city council had decided against an ordinance requiring bicycle helmets for children under 12. Of course they had their reasons for not passing the request made by two young girls. If they would have taken a serious look at the issue, they may have viewed it differently. Assistant City Manager Mike Wanchick said, "A helmet

  • Controversy in Palo's Heights

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    Controversy in Palo's Heights On May 16, 2000, the Palos Heights City Council met to determine who would gain possession of the Reformed Church of Palos Heights. Seven months of meetings and controversy over the sale of the Reformed Church of Palos Heights had left church officials again unsure of who would buy the property and when. The Reformed Church, 6600 W. 127th St., had been for sale for approximately two years, as the growing congregation planned to build a larger church on Bell Road

  • The Phoenix City Council Meeting

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    The Phoenix City Council Meeting The Phoenix City Council meeting stood packed with attendees ranging from council men and women, lawyers, (basically elderly) interested citizens, neighborhood representatives, owners of businesses, and many others firm on playing a undeviating role in the due process of local government. The meeting began with an invocation from the pastor of a local church invited to pray by the Mayor Stanton. Then following was a pledge to the flag and then the mayor carries

  • Calpine and Cisco Debate Over Coyote Valley

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    increase in energy demand. Recently there was a plan proposed to the City of San Jose by Calpine Corporation to build a power plant in Coyote Valley. Nearby residents and several other organizations, including Mayor Ron Gonzales, are against this plan due to environmental hazards and safety precautions with schools and residents. It is possible the power plant can bring to San Jose several positive outcomes that will help develop the city into the center of the technology world. Although the power plant

  • Weak Mayor Essay

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    mayor, and council-manager forms of government.  There are few differences between the types of city governments including the council-manager form, strong mayor, and weak mayor. Council manager is the most popular from of the government in Texas today. Council manager in brief does a lot of the administrator work. The primary focus for the council and mayor falls on four dimensions: mission, policy, administration, and management. Under this system, the voters elect a small city council and from

  • Mayor Policy Decisions

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    crucial role in the current and future development of the city. The mayor brings along the development of the city and attracting new investors. Whether to strengthen the mayor’s power directly reflects the extent of administrative power concentrated in the mayor’s office (Kate, 2017,p.5). According to the Stephen, Carol (1995) “in municipal government in Canada where the typical structure

  • Town Meeting Observation

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    on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 and it began at 7:00 P.M. It was located at Jenks City Hall, Council Chambers, 211 North Elm. I saw that there were approximately 15 other individuals participating in the meeting on that particular night not including the speakers and city once the meeting started officials. The speakers who attended that night were Robert Bell (City Planner), Chris Shrout (Asst. City Manager), and Robert Carr (City Engineer). The officials that were there include, Kelly Dunkerley, (Mayor/

  • City Council Observation

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    On April 5th, 2016, I attended a Morgantown City Council meeting at City Hall on Spruce Street. The chamber is similar to a courtroom. Dark, wooden paneling with the state crest embedded into it comprises the walls, with a minty colored carpet for flooring. The desks occupied by officials are similar to podiums. The mayor sits in the front, surrounded by the city manager and city clerk. Council members sit at desks on each side of the room, facing one another. Though seating is provided, it is not

  • Influenza Outbreak

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    Influenza Outbreak Four years ago the good citizens of this city voted to allow city funds to be allocated toward a new civic center located in the heart of Irvine. Four years ago the good citizens of this great city had no idea that a terrible pandemic would threaten their very lives and the lives of their loved ones. When signs of the flu season came around in late October this year, no one would have imaged that a disease, often with symptoms like a common cold, would have by the end of the

  • Use of Native American Mascots Should be Banned

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    Fightin’ Whites. They were trying to depict the 1950’s style of the average American male. Their slogan for their team is “Every thang’s going to be all white.” By making this new mascot and new slogan, the basketball team was trying to get their city council to talk about the insensitive team mascots that their school, along with thousands of other schools have. In Eaton, Colorado the people who live there are amazed by all the madness that is going on about the school’s mascot. They are perfectly

  • Malcolm X

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    areas try to create. For example, KNTV news continually reports on the thefts and shootings in East San Jose but does not make an effort to show how residents are dealing with these situations. The day a local East San Jose church helped sway the city council to put a streetlight on a very busy intersection, the news pre-empted the report with an accident on another East San Jose intersection. As a result, most people in these communities do not realize that they have power to change their area and

  • Spitting

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    1909 law in Palmyra, New York, which bills itself, “one of the friendliest spots on Earth” that forbids public spitting. The change in city code would increase the possible fine for those convicted of this offense from $2 to $50 currently, to $250 and adding jail time of up to 15 days to the sentence. Arguments in favor of the changes to the ordinance: 1.     The city of Palmyra has a right to protect its citizens from what it believes to be harmful to society as a whole and to promote the betterment

  • Austin City Council Meeting Reflection

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    work with this company on internships? Why? What, if anything could be done by UT to improve the internship for future students? What, if anything, could be done by your host organization? I think that UT should continue to work with the Austin City Council Meeting Minutes Project in the future. It has a very convenient location for students to attend the internship, because it is located on campus in the Annette Strauss Institute floor of the CMA building. Commuting could be a concern for many students

  • Shakespeare's Othello - Othello and the Heroine, Desdemona

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    course of direct session Call thee to answer. (1.2) The proceedings which take place before the Duke of Venice cause the father to permanently lose his daughter, mostly due to Desdemona’s own fluent presentation of her point of view in the city council chamber. This results in Brabantio’s virtual disowning of her and not allowing her to live in his house while Othello’s campaign against the Turks in Cyprus is in progress. Thus it would seem that Desdemona has been living her life with a father

  • The Importance of Traffic Lights

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    planning from the community and the city to put one in. It is not cheap to do it either. The community first needs to take a petition around to everyone in the community and have them sign so they can take it to the board when the next city council meeting is. A couple residents will present it to the board, and they will decide weather or not to put it in or not. If not put in a lot of residents might be mad and bad things could happened to that part of the city. When the planning of putting

  • City Council Meetings Observations

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    The Dahlonega City Hall was crowded on the evening of March 1st 2010. The seats were full, except for at the very front, and the standing room was filled almost out the door. The crowd, mostly made up of students, leaned in to hear as the voices of the City Council members faded in and out of the faltering sound system. The six City Council members and the mayor sat along a bench as if they were the judges at a hearing. Because of the ongoing discussions and the crowd, I thought I had arrived a few

  • Gabriel Hill Campaign Speech Analysis

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    Campaign Speech Gabriel Hill is a 56 year old reporter born and raised in Melbourne Victoria. He spent over twenty years of his life reporting on Australian political leaders and events. His career has not only brought him extensive knowledge on Australian politics but also the experience he needs to lead this country to greatness. Gabriel hopes to be the kind of leader that brings with him real solutions and not just temporary band aids, he wants to be the kind of leader that listens to and respects

  • William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

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    daughter. Later on, the author gets to the time when her father just died. Miss Emily felt so alone that she decided to keep her dead father’s body in the house, and not let anyone take him away from her. After the neighbors kept coming to the city council and complaining about the fowl smell that was coming from miss Emily’s house, the judge sent a few men to put lime around the house to kill the smell. As the reader later finds out, the smell was coming from miss Emily’s father’s decaying body

  • The Phoenix, Arizona Water Shortage

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    Arizona is in a 10-year drought. Fact: The city of Phoenix has a water problem that has nothing to do with lack thereof. A hundred years ago or more humans would just drink from a river or stream, but today we need purified, cleansed, and filter water. We do, as a state have a water treatment system in place but the faculties periodically need maintenance and must be shut down to receive it. The Water Department and their puppet master Frank Fairbanks the city mangers have been playing Russian roulette