Clownfish Essays

  • Clownfish Research Paper

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    ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is also known as the common clownfish or false percula clownfish, and was named by Georges Cuvier in 1830. It belongs to the Amphiprion genus, which consists of 29 extant species. However, the subfamily Amphiprioninae also contains another genus, Premnas, which has a single member. They are closely related to damselfishes with which they create the Pomacentridae family. The ocellaris clownfish is oftentimes confused with A. percula, the orange clownfish, which

  • Clownfish Amphiprion

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    Clownfish, Amphiprion sp. Introduction: Clownfish includes a group of species that belongs to the family Pomacentridae. These species whether caught from the wild or bred in captivity make up about 40% of the global marine ornamental trade. They are about 30 known species which are native to warmer waters and are found around tropical coral reefs; most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific. Description: These fishes are characterized by their

  • Changes in Marlin in "Finding Nemo"

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    Now Marlin is a clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo. Marlin makes several changes throughout the movie based solely on the problems that he is faced with and the way that he chooses to handle them. He is faced with four major problems and the choices that he makes to react to those problems changes his entire view on life. He is face with the loss of a majority of his family, confrontation with death, and finally he finds what he truly wants in life. Marlin is a clownfish who, along with

  • Movie Review: Finding Nemo

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    clown fish named Marlin (Albert Brooks). He’s very overprotective about his son Nemo (Alexander Gould) and carefully watches his every move. Marlin’s wife was killed when a barracuda came to their reef and murdered her and all their eggs of baby clownfish. But there was only one egg that was found hurt. That last egg was Nemo. That left Marlin being the widower and having to take care of Nemo on his own. He learned to become a mother and a father to take care of Nemo. Then, Nemo was on his first day

  • A Formalist Criticism Approach to Finding Nemo

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    Whether it was the mouse removing the thorn from the lion’s foot or the Good Samaritan helping the Jew, finding help where it is least expected has been a major theme throughout literature. In the movie, Finding Nemo, written and directed by Andrew Stanton, one desperate father on a journey to find his stolen son realizes just how important this unforeseen assistance can be. With the use of the formalist criticism technique, the evidence supporting this theme can be found in abundance throughout

  • Finding Nemo Character Analysis

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    Nemo, the child, Nemo, an adventurous Clown Fish who yearns for adventure and disobeying his mentors, lives with his overprotective father, in the peaceful anemone, away from danger and risks. Anemone, stinging all unwanted predators, guards the clownfish family. Due to their mutual relationship, anemone will not harm clown fish, protecting the species. The anemone and coral reef, acting as the ordinary world, protects the Lester family from unwanted intruders and invaders, keeping their life smooth

  • Similarities Between Finding Dory And Finding Nemo

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    favorite Disney Fish, Dory, Marlin, and Nemo. Dory, a blue tang, and defined by her blue body and yellow stripe, suffers from short term memory loss. She meets Marlin, on his quest to find Nemo, after he gets taken by a scuba diver. Marlin is a clownfish, who is very overprotective over his son Nemo, after the rest of his family was killed. Nemo on the other hand, loves adventure, which comes from his father being overprotective. Dory meets new friends like Destiny, Dory’s old “pipe-pal”, and Hank

  • Spongebob Analysis

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    In the TV show Spongebob SquarePants, Spongebob is a sea sponge that lives in the ocean in a town called Bikini Bottom. Spongebob works at a restaurant called the Krusty Krab as a fry cook and his coworker is named Squidward. His best friend is a sea star, Patrick, and they are both neighbors. Spongebob has the mind of a little kid, and he also displays quite a few atypical behaviors. Spongebob exhibits classifications of abnormal psychology because he displays unusual behaviors, dangerous behaviors

  • Short Term Memory Loss In The Film 'Finding Dory'

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    ‘Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming’ has become my life's motto. No I’m not a swimmer, but I feel this is one of the many inspirational lines out of finding nemo and continued into finding dory. To be honest I was very nervous about going to Finding Dory. With Finding Nemo being in my top 5 fav films ever. Finding Dory had big boots to fill and it didn’t disappoint. So the plot line sounds a lot like Finding Nemo’s but it did have its own few twists. So Dory decides to find her parents, goes

  • Finding Nemo: Psychological Profiles of Its Characters

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    We all know the popular family movie “Finding Nemo” a kid’s movie that tells a journey of Marlin, a father clown fish, who crosses the vast ocean to find his son Nemo. During Marlin’s journey he comes across many new and scary things, but like any good children’s movie Marlin does eventually find his son Nemo and they go back home and live happily ever after. This all sounds good right? Wrong! Looking at this movie from a psychologist point of view, or in my case a psychology students’ point of view

  • Compare And Contrast Essay: Clownfish And Glass Catfish

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    Clownfish and Glass Catfish; The Compare And Contrast Essay Paper Have you ever wondered if all fish were the same? I am going to tell you about some of the characteristics and similarities of these fish. WHAT ARE FISH MADE OF? The freshwater fish that I will give you an example of is the Glass Catfish. It is about 2 ½ inches long, and the water temperature for this fish is about 72 to 82 degrees. The salt water fish that I will give you an example of is the clownfish, this fish was seen in the

  • Essay On Symbiosis

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    By definition, symbiosis is the close and often long term interaction between two or more different species. The word symbiosis is derived from the Greek words, sym (together) and bio (life). German biologist Anton de Bary is the scientist typically credited with coining the term in the middle of the nineteenth century, though also an important contribution was made by his contemporary, Albert Bernhard Frank. Frank, however, instead used the term symbiotism. De Bary introduced the term to discuss

  • How Does Ocean Acidification Affect Ocean Life?

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    to occur. This allows the fish to be exposed to the water without having stress reactions due to unhealthy living conditions due to the nitrogen. Once the first month was complete six fish was added to both tanks. Two tangs, two damsels, and two clownfish. At first both tanks had a pH level of 8.2, ideal living conditions. After one week the experimental group was exposed to a pH level of 8.6. After two weeks it was raised to 9. Two weeks later it was raised to 9.3. The final raise was done two weeks

  • Chasing Nemo: A Thrilling Rollercoaster Experience

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    Imagine the greatest movie in the world meets the most exhilarating rollercoaster in the world. Your prayers have been answered, ladies and gentlemen. Finding Nemo meets a rollercoaster in this theme ride, Chasing Nemo. Chasing Nemo is coming in June of 2025 on the north side of Disney World. What’s not to love about Finding Nemo? It is about a father’s journey to find his son, Nemo, after he is caught by a fisherman. Time is ticking, and Marlin, Nemo’s father, never gives up on finding his son.

  • Who Is The Hero In Finding Nemo

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    However, their peaceful bliss vanishes after a shark kills Marlin’s wife and his children leaving, only one clownfish egg behind, Nemo. Marlin promises Nemo that he will never let anything happen to him; that promise gradually turns into extreme overprotective parenting. Once Nemo’s first day of school arrives, Marlin is unable to let go of his son; a brief fight

  • Coral Reef Habitat

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    At the Aquarium of the Pacific, many different oceanic habitats are presented. These exhibits give the public an idea of the different environments our own oceans hold, providing a hands-on learning experience in the comfort of their own city. The two habitats that interested me are the coral reef and deep ocean. Both the coral reef and deep ocean are very different from each other, having varied ways of survival for the plethora of plants and animals that call those places home. In the coral reef

  • Characters In Finding Nemo

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    outside of the box. Therefore, these characteristics all pooled together creates the best movie character and Nemo falls into these categories in multiple ways. Nemo is a young clownfish, what makes him unique is his bad fin that he was born with, also known as his lucky fin. For an example, instead of making Nemo a mundane clownfish, the creator added a bad fin to Nemo to the movie more intriguing and that Nemo does all these adventures with a bad fin. For example, Nemo extricated by swimming to gently

  • Animal Roles And Relationships

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    together to depend on each other for survival. Other organisms would take up their own responsibility in the family. Animals and plants alike depend on each other, no matter the problem. For example, the clownfish and the anemone depend on each other for survival. The anemone is poisonous, but the clownfish is immune to the poison because of the anemone get nutrients from the clown fish’s poop. Species, like a cat and a dog, may seem to have a rivalry with each other. However, in times of need, they might

  • Examples Of Ptsd In Finding Nemo

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    Finding Nemo is the story of a clownfish, Marlin, who’s only son gets taken by Australian scuba divers. Marlin, even with plenty of grief over losing his wife and other babies, goes through great lengths, fears and people to get his son back. He meets other animals and learns from them the importance of living your life and not worrying about the past as he tries to get his son Nemo back. Marlin the clownfish from Finding Nemo is the father of Nemo the clownfish. Marlin lost his wife and babies

  • Finding Nemo Analysis

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    The story of Finding Nemo is about how Marlin, a widowed clownfish travel thousands of miles to Sydney with the help of Dory, a blue tang fish who suffers from "short-term memory loss" to find Marlin's lost son, Nemo. The movie begins with Marlin and Coral, a lovely clownfish couple who are ready to be the parents of 400 unborn children. However, this happy home is destroyed by a marauding barracuda. Coral and 399 of her eggs are killed during the barracuda attack, leaving Marlin to look after the