Chipmunk Essays

  • The Eastern Chipmunk

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    The Eastern Chipmunk The Eastern chipmunk is a small rodent of the Sciuridae family. This chipmunk is closely related to the red and grey fox, the flying squirrel, and the woodchuck. Its Taxonomic name is Tamias Striatus. The word Tamias, Means collector or keeper and Striatus refers to its bold stripes and coloring. The body of the average Eastern Chipmunk is about 8 to 10 inches long, the weigh about 2 ½ to 4 ounces. The ears are rounded with ears that stick straight up. It has short legs

  • Essay On Chipmunks

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    Eastern Chipmunks Chipmunks are very interesting animals. A chipmunk is a small cute animal that looks very similar to a squirrel. All chipmunks have stripes on their face and that is one way to tell whether it is a squirrel or a chipmunk. Depending on their species, they can be gray to reddish brown. It can weighanywhere from 28-142 grams and have the height of 4-7 inches. Its tail can be anywhere from 3-5 inches. Many people call chipmunks by names like: Striped squirrel, Hackee, Ground squirrel

  • Creative Writing: Why The Chipmunk Has Such Big Teeth

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    Why the Chipmunk has Such big Teeth Once upon a time, there was a chipmunk named Chippy. Chippy was a very adventurous chipmunk he would always go on long journeys to try and find some different kinds of foods to eat. He ate plants, and ants, and even Teddy’s pants, he ate berries, ferries, doors, smores, and even apple cores, Chippy could eat anything! Or so he thought. One day Chippy was strolling through the forest looking for a new food to take his mouth down to flavortown, when he eventually

  • Eastern Gray Squirrel Research Paper

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    I. The Introduction A. The scientific name: Sciurus carolinensis (Wikipedia). B. The common name(s): Eastern gray squirrel, grey squirrel, cat squirrel, or migratory squirrel (Smithsonian). C. The area of residence: North America, New Jersey and Southampton Township for the city. D. The specific biome: The temperate deciduous forest (UCMP Berkeley). II. The Body: A. Background: Eastern gray squirrels normally have narrow, elongated body. Their

  • How Is The Metaphor Used In To Kill A Mockingbird

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    not just listening to them. He created a poem about the owl who had almost caught him one or two nights ago. The bat brought the poem to two audiences, his original inspiration, the mockingbird, and the chipmunk that he had seen scurrying around previously. Both the mockingbird and the chipmunk both listened to his work, but they left him with two very different opinions. Though the mockingbird made beautiful music and was, in fact, the bat’s original creative inspiration, the showed his true

  • An Analysis of The Thurber Carnival

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    my opinion, particularly good examples of a writer successfully 'breaking frames' in order to create humor and satire. In this essay I am going to explore the main methods Thurber uses to create humor and satire in the fables "The Shrike and the Chipmunks" and "The Unicorn in the Garden"2. Firstly though, what do I mean by the 'broken frame'? This is a reference to the idea that the violation of our 'frames of reference', and the recognition of the incongruity caused by it, is the basic element

  • Reflection Paper On Spiritual Discipline, Silence And Solitude

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    For the second half of the semester I chose to do the spiritual discipline, silence and solitude. The reason I chose to complete this spiritual discipline is because we practice it in the first half of the semester. During that time, it made me take a break and just have three hours set aside for God. This discipline has helped me have peace and to see how important spending time in the presence of God is. Taking away the distractions of electronics and school work. The past few weeks completing

  • Mount Rushmore Research Paper

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    by binoculars. Some of the animals include the, mountain goat, chipmunk and mule deer. As expected there are many trees, the forest is home to the ponderosa pine. They have a very sweet smell, much like vanilla or sugar. Ponderosa trees do well with little water, so if there was drought they would not suffer much. They are able to absorb moister from all around them. These trees serve as home for the red squirrels and chipmunks providing a safe home. Rushmore’s forest offers beautiful scenery

  • Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

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    around their tiny little paws. Not only do these feline enemies tug on your delicate heartstrings but they love to rip out the hearts of innocent little creatures like chipmunks for fun. “Cats are natural born hunters. A 2013 study revealed that each year, domestic cats kill 20.7 billion smaller animals, including mice, chipmunks, voles and 3.7 billion birds. Cats are actually the number one killer of these animals.Cats spend one-third of their day just killing animals, and they don’t even do it

  • The Human Voice

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our voice is our primary mean of communication, and most of us can’t go for more than a couple of minutes without using it. We don’t use your voice for just talking though, our voice can be used to do a variation of things. The most obvious example would be singing. So it is obvious the human voice is a means of communication, but it is also a source of pleasure for us. The human voice is not limited to just a couple sounds, no, the human voice can make a complex range of sounds but none of

  • Kanye West Research Paper

    2388 Words  | 5 Pages

    Nitin Nayagam Ms. Case English I Honors 14 April 2024 Ye: The Most Influential Musician Ever Kanye West is the most influential musician on Earth, because of how much of the music industry he is responsible for, the amount of different emotions, genres, tones, and more that Ye is responsible for, and his influence on fashion and its trends. Kanye “Ye” Omari West was born in “Chi-Town,” or Chicago, Illinois. The day we were blessed with his arrival upon this Earth was June 8, 1977. American rapper

  • Hawks

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    Major Groups of the Animal The major group that hawks belong to is the bird group. Hawks have wings and feathers to fly. Which all are characteristics of birds. The hawk has eyes on the sides of its head so it can see all around, similar to a normal bird. The differences between the hawk and other birds is that the hawk is a bird of prey. “Birds of prey'; or raptors make their living by hunting, killing, and consuming live animals. They are at the top of the ecological food chain which makes

  • Analysis Of Enchanted

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    For my response paper I chose write about the Disney movie, Enchanted. This fairy tale aired in November 2007. I chose this fairy tale because it begins as an animated movie and as the plot thickens the animation converts into real world. Enchanted is a modern Disney fairy tale about a young maiden named Giselle, that lives in the forest awaiting to meet the prince of her dreams. One day she is being chased by a giant troll and a prince happens to save her. They harmoniously fall in love and are

  • We Should Reexist In Urban Spaces

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reminding us that natural spaces persist in urban areas and pointing out that it is in our best interest to promote stewardship of these spaces and plan them within our urban areas rather than traveling to go visit “nature”, Hough encourages us to reexamine pre-industrial era philosophies and utilize our new found technologies to reduce our carbon footprint while enhancing our ability to incorporate nature back into our urban lives. Pointing out the contradiction between the value we claim to have

  • Analysis Of The Film Enchanted

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    mood as you absorb the entertaining fish-out-of-water fairytale about a princess exiled by an evil queen from the storybook land of Andalasia to “a place where there are no happily-ever-afters”, New York. Giselle’s fiancé, Prince Edward, and her chipmunk friend, Pip, follow her to New York to rescue her. Meanwhile, Giselle finds shelter with single father, Robert, a lawyer that does not believe in fairy tales, and his daughter, Morgan, who believes without hesitation. The film Enchanted, a Disney

  • Identifying Potential Genres of Viral Videos

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    Can a medium be a genre? If we casually substitute genre for more general synonyms like category, class, or group, then the answer is “yes,” as demonstrated by the information architecture of online super-retailers like Amazon subdivides its massive inventory first by medium, like “Books” or “Movies,” before incrementally working toward a finer degree of granularity. Taking books as our example medium, we can navigate by sub-genres to find a title in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy

  • Personal Narrative: My First Roller Coaster

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    First big Roller Coaster So here I am not wanting to go on the roller coaster with my cousin. Now that I’m in line I wanted to go back home and forget her but I didn’t. It would of been horrible to say no to her when 5 year olds are riding it too. Now let me tell you what happens on the roller coaster. It was a really bright morning when my cousin wanted me to go to Lakeside with her for her late Birthday I thought that sounded awful and boring but either way I still went. So then I said,” Sure

  • Personal Narrative: Joel B. Short

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    adulthood is how to take direction. The high school theater teacher was Joel B. Short. To me, his name has always invoked a perfect image of the man. He was squat, round, and usually jolly. When he laughed his face was reminiscent of an elated chipmunk with acorns stuffed into its cheeks. His Hawaiian shirts were as loud and bad as the high school band in the orchestra pit. Mr. Short would provide blocking, offer constructive criticism, and demand attentiveness from the cast during rehearsals

  • Katie Nolan Case Study

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    Katie would be hot and heavy for Tre Songz in one video and left looking like an angry chipmunk in the next, with each of these leaving me laughing a little bit more than the video before. Looking for more, I found myself watching all of the garbage time episodes on her YouTube channel and cursing at the web when I ran out and her most recent

  • Workplace Observation

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    What a morning, I've been cleaning things that have been in storage since 2013. Bob and I started unpacking from the shed again this past weekend, fortunately the rain has ceased, and the temperatures are continuing to increase, it is a whopping 81 degrees outside! ChaCha and I went to Home Depot this morning, my goal is to get her out in the community daily, practice obedience commands (I would like to get her CGC tested prior to departing, therapy dog tested too if time permits) and general socialization