Arezzo Essays

  • The Life and Accomplishments of Francesco Redi

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    The Life and Accomplishments of Francesco Redi Francesco Redi was born on February 19, 1626 in Arezzo, Italy. He died on March 1, 1697 in Pisa, Italy. His father was Gregorio Redi a renowned Florentine physician who worked at the Medici court. His mother’s name was Cecilia de' Ghinci. Redi was the eldest of nine brothers. He graduated in philosophy and medicine from the University of Pisa on May 1st 1647. On April 26, 1648 he registered at the Collegio Medico in Florence, and was

  • Film Analysis of Life Is Beautiful

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    it was nominated for seven academy awards including Best picture and Best director. Life is beautiful picked up three awards, best foreign film language film, Best actor and best music original dramatic score. This award winning film is set in Arezzo, Tuscany. It touches and teaches about very important historical issues like racism, fascism, concentration camps and prejudice. It has a mixed genre of comedy, romance, drama, war and fairytale. The subject of the Holocaust is great importance

  • Michelangelo's Last Judgment- Barnes Critique

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    As we read through the third chapter of "The Last Judgment and The Critics" from Bernadine Barnes's Michelangelo's Last Judgment - The Renaissance Response, it is striking to see the two completely opposite views on the fresco by the sixteenth century critics, where " those who approved of it saw it as the height of Renaissance art; those who disapproved saw it as an unsuitable use of art" and that "it was censured as the work of an arrogant man, and it was justified as a work that made celestial

  • Chimera of Arezzo Sculpture Analysis

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    Chimera of Arezzo Sculpture Analysis The work of art I will be analyzing is the Chimera of Arezzo sculpture from the art of the Etruscans. I will be analyzing the the look of this piece of art as well as the axis, palette, texture and stance of the figure. I will also describe what history I can find on the piece and what may have been happening during the time of its creation. As previously stated, I will be analyzing the Chimera of Arezzo. This piece of art is a bronze sculpture in the round

  • La Vita e Bella

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    character in La Vita é Bella was not one of those people. In the movie, Guido is a man who lives every second, taking nothing for granted and leaving no opportunity wasted. In La Vita é Bella, Life is Beautiful, the main character Guido Orefice travels to Arezzo, Italy, with his friend Ferruccio, in hopes of eventually opening up a bookstore. On the journey to the city, Guido meets a schoolteacher named Dora, immediately falling in love with her. During his time in the city, Guido runs into Dora a number

  • Inventor Of Modern Musical Notation: Guido D Arezzo

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    Guido d’Arezzo (also known as Guido of Arezzo or Guido Aretinus) was born around 991/992 in Arezzo, Italy. He was an Italian music theorist of the Medieval Era. Guido was educated at the Benedictine abbey at Pomposa and was a Benedictine monk . He spent his earlier life at the monastery of Pomposa. While there, he noticed

  • Lamassu In Ancient Greek Art

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    the Romanesque and Asia Minor. One, for example, is the Chimera of Arezzo, Italy from the Etruscans Late Classical period of the 4th century BCE. There were some debates about the origins of the Lamassu - where and what period the statuette was made and how much influence did it impacted other mythological winged hybrids. Emeline Richardson researched and learned that many Etruscan sculptures and artifacts, like the Chimera from Arezzo, were made of bronze and other materials and artifacts imported

  • A Comparison Of The Capitoline Wolf Vs. Chimera

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    Elaine Zhang Professor Pieraccini Histart 10 October 5, 2024 Capitoline Wolf vs. Chimera of Arezzo The Etruscans were a civilization of people who occupied central Italy from the eighth to third century BCE, predating ancient Rome. They developed their own unique art culture of painting, sculpture, and architecture, and The Capitoline Wolf and the Chimera of Arezzo are among the most well-known surviving Etruscan artworks. These pieces have become popular icons throughout history and can be found

  • As a Future Educator of Music, I am Inspired by the Benedictine Monk, Guido Arentinus

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    in a practice room. Guido of Arezzo, musical therapist, pedagogue and author of Micrologus suggested a lack of common knowledge is one of the main causes for an individual to not put forth the appropriate efforts to achieve a perfect understanding of the task. Guido Arentinus began his musical and educational journey as a monk at Benedictine in Italy, and established a reputation for his ability to study and teach music. Approximately around 1025, he moved to Arezzo and was offered the responsibility

  • Roman And The Etruscan

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    Due to their ethnographic and linguistic peculiarities, as well as religious, political and cultural, the Etruscans were so different from the other peoples of ancient Italy that is still today talking about the "enigma etruscan". Already in Antiquity, the Greek historian Herodotus claimed that they were a people who had migrated from Asia Minor and had been established in Tuscany. On the other hand, in the time of the emperor Augustus, Dionysius of Halicarnaso claimed that they were indigenous inhabitants

  • Lupa Romana Mother of Rome

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    According to legend, Romulus and Remus were twins born of the god Jupiter and a vestal virgin princess, Rhea Silvia. Rhea Silvia was the daughter of King Numitor. Numitor's brother, Amulius, took the throne from him. When Princess Rhea gave birth to the boys, Amulius ordered them to be killed but their mother put them into a basket and set them into the River Tiber, in hopes that they would survive. The boys were rescued by a she-wolf who cared for them. Shortly after, the she-wolf began to care

  • Michelangelo

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    MICHELANGELO One of the most admired and successful artists of all time is Michelangelo. Although he was born in Caprese, a small village near Arezzo, Michelangelo grew up in Florence. His father was Ludovico Buonarroti, a Florentine official with connections to the ruling Medici family. At the age of thirteen, Michelangelo was placed as an apprentice in the workshop of Domencio Ghirlandaio. He then studied at the scuplture school in the Medici gardens. He was then invited into the Medici home where

  • Michelangelo

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    the Italian High Renaissance. As a sculptor, architect, painter, and poet, he exerted a tremendous influence on his contemporaries and on subsequent Western art in general. Michelangelo was born March 6, 1475, in the small village of Caprese near Arezzo. He lived during the Italian High Renaissance. Although he was born in Caprese, he lived in Florentine. There he created some of the most spectacular works of art ever. One in particular was the statue David. Michelangelo had a serious reason for

  • Leonardo Da Vinci And Michelangelo Similarities

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    During the Renaissance there were many famous artists and thinkers. Two of them were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Their art inspired many famous artists to come and is still admired. These two artists shared many similarities and differences like their background, style, and specialty. Leonardo da Vinci was born to a wealthy legal notary father and a peasant mother. He lived with his mother for his first five years, then he went to live with his father and his grandpa. His father had married

  • My Italian Culture Shapes Who I Am

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    Our identity has a great influence on how we are perceived and classified by others in society. Some ways we are usually identified are gender, race, and ethnicity. I am a white, male, of Italian decent. I was born in Arezzo, Italy and moved here when I was seven. I am now nineteen years old. Often times in society based on our social location people believe they know who we are and how we should behave. Growing up in Italy, everyone was predominately white and of Italian ethnic background. They

  • The Sistine Chapel and the Creation of Adam

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    early in 1505, ordered that the young sculptor come to Rome”(,2012). Michelangelo Di Lodoivico Buonarroti Simoni born in March 6 1475. Being one of the first names you think of when you here renaissance Michelangelo was born Caprese near Arezzo, Tuscany. Michelangelo’s talent might be due to the relocation from his birthplace to the essential renais... ... middle of paper ... ... also be named the “Endowment of Adam”. This name being a clue that Michelangelo left a code in the fresco

  • Uses of Three in Inferno by Dante Alighieri

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    organization and justice, which can be seen in the Inferno. He was not involved much in politics early in his life, but eventually, as said by Cocoran, “Dante became embroiled in the political controversies of his time. He fought against the Ghibellines from Arezzo in the battle of Campaldino in 1289. In 1295 he became an official in the Florentine commune. Dante belonged to the White faction of the Guelphs at a time when the Pope, Boniface VIII, had decided to support the Blacks” (618). Dante was eventually

  • Leadership And Devotion To Selfless Community Service: The Importance Of A Community

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    Two of the principles that keep a community strongly moving forward are commitment to encouraging leadership and devotion to selfless community service. I try to encapsulate both of these integral intangibles every day, something I know Mr. Lottinville successfully did throughout his entire life. A leader can be someone who tells people what to do, but an even better leader is someone who shows others what to do. Leadership is important to me because a group embodies the mission and attitude of

  • Analysis Of The Decameron By Giovanni Boccaccio

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    The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio is about a group of seven women and three men who go to the countryside to avoid the black plague. During their stay in the countryside, they tell stories to each other to keep themselves entertained. On the eighth day of their stay, the theme for all of the stories is “tricks which women always seem to be playing on men or men on women” (Boccaccio VIII), which followed along the same lines as day seven which was about tricks wives played on their husbands. From

  • Old System: Similarities Between The BC And AD System

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    There are two systems, old system and recent system. (AD and BC are old system) whereas, (CE and BCE are recent system). The system has changed to CE and BCE because this system does not have religious meaning, and this system is accepted by all people with different religion. Whereas BC and AD system have a religious meaning Christians feel comfortable with the BC and AD system because BC system started with birth of Jesus and that is associated with Christianity, and AD states in the year of the