Antler Essays

  • Miwok Social Life

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    History Final Miwoks set many standards for themselves and the tribe. They were usually very hard workers, working harsh numbers of hours a day to keep the tribe alive. There were hunters, fishers, and many other jobs for people. A non-nomadic people, the Miwoks settled in the Yosemite Valley. My report is on the Miwok Social Life. Games, customs, jobs, and many other things about the Miwok Indians will all be covered in this. The way they lived, what they ate, and what they farmed. They all had

  • Comparison of Style of Margaret Kilgallen and Julian Schnabel

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    The difference in the approach between Margaret Kilgallen and Julian Schnabel can clearly be seen on the canvas. Ms. Kilgallen preferred to paint images that were flat yet striking; she favored street art over the main stream types of fine art. Street art is considered graffiti by a large number of people, since it is frequently placed without the property owner’s knowledge. Mr. Schnabel chose to engage in the Neo Expressionism method of art, that style of art dominated the art market from the 1970’s

  • A Critical Comparison of The Stag And Roe-Deer

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    A Critical Comparison of The Stag And Roe-Deer There are six stanzas, which are each seven lines long. This is written in free verse, it has no rhyming scheme and there is no rhythm that I can see. The lines are about ten words long, apart from the last two lines, which are shorter. The title is simple and straightforward. It is significant that the whole of the stanza is about people except for the last line, which is about the stag, keeping a distinction between the two. The poem is

  • White Tailed Deer Research Paper

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    as Peru and Bolivia. What are the things called antlers and what are they made of? Deer antlers are made of bone. They grow from pedicles, bony bumps found on the heads of all deer, and they drop off after the mating season ends. Both males and females have pedicles, but in most deer species only the males grow antlers what purpose do they serve? They have two functions, one is protection. The other is competition for mates. Bucks use their antlers to shield themselves from attackers, and even to

  • Elk Essay

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    than the average deer, they are known for their prized antlers throughout the United States.(Sensemen 2014) Males can reach weights of up to 700 LBS, While females or cows can grow as large as 500 LBS.(RMEF 2012) Males Antlers, which are extremely prized and are a reason for their constant hunting, are actually quite complex and interesting. Antlers grow in the spring and are shed each winter, the antlers are testosterone driven, and antlers are covered by velvet while growing to protect them from

  • White Tailed Deer Research Paper

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    bucks shed their antlers. During the spring, they grow new ones covered in velvet, but then lose the velvet in August (“White-tailed Deer” Island Creek Ecology). According to The Biology of a Whitetail Deer, “The velvet supplies blood to the growing antlers to protect and feed them”. A male deer’s antlers come in when they are one year old. For example, whitetail deer with only a couple of antlers are called spikes. The Biology of a Whitetail Deer states, “in a whitetail buck the antlers typically reach

  • the moose

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    Elk in Europe. The adult bull weighing up to 760 kg and the females can weigh up to 360 kg. The moose can grow to seven and half feet high, the highest point being at its large shoulders. The shoulders support “the males bear racks of flattened antlers that sometimes have a spread of 6 feet or more” Their front legs are longer than their rear legs and their body is covered in thick fur which is shaded in many hues of brown. Their heads are long peninsular in shape which is completed with a large

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Passage Explication (928 -1207)

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    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Passage Explication (928 -1207) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written in the fourteenth century by an anonymous contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer. It is a tale of bravery, adventure, and coming of age. This is the ballad of Sir Gawain, one of King Arthur's knights, who is challenged to seek the green knight whose head he chopped off during the Arthur's Christmas dinner. The Modern English translation by Marie Boroff (1967) makes the poem easier to read and

  • Tufted Deer Research Paper

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    horseshoe shaped marking on its forehead that can be seen no matter what color the coat is. It is fifty to seventy centimeters tall and can weigh from thirty-seven lb to sixty-six lb. The male has antlers that are barely visible because they are so short. Also strands of hair grow long enough to cover antlers. Its tail is very short only around ten centimeters. The head and neck are more grey than the rest of the body and the ears have white highlight markings. It is pretty short so can sometimes be

  • Deer House Observation

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    in the G1 on the left are the exhibits about my childhood, these contain every picture of me from my baby picture to now and adding. in the G2 on the left antler you can learn about my families, this includes my Mom, Stepdad, brother, and sister. it also includes my Dad, Stepmom, and two little brothers. After this exhibit in the next tine (the G3) you will find pictures of me and my friends throughout the

  • Descriptive Essay : Deer Ranch

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    I would like to own a deer Ranch. You have to keep the fenced in area managed to look like the woods. My deer ranch will be in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The name of my business would be Antler Ridge Deer Ranch. A deer ranch is a fenced in area where my Whitetail deer will be raised to be hunted as wild game. This would be my ideal business. It sounds like fun but there is a lot that comes with owning your own deer ranch. It takes a lot of your time and energy to manage. It will cost a lot

  • Whitetail Deer

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    on the underside, but probably the deer's most noticeable trait is its antlers, which are only found on males. There are two main "beams" from which the horns come off of, each of them grow from the head backwards but then quickly changes and goes forward. The rest of the horns grow off of these two main horns. The deer antlers are the fastest growing tissue known to man, growing as much as a half an inch daily. When the antlers are growing, they are covered with a living tissue called velvet, during

  • Mounting Your Own Whitetail Deer Shoulder Mount

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    What could give someone more satisfaction than proudly displaying a trophy animal? How about creating that quality trophy mount yourself. That is exactly what I thought to myself when I harvested a very nice whitetail buck a few years back. I had always been interested in the hobby of taxidermy and I finally had something worth the time and effort to give it a try, not to mention it was a lot cheaper than paying someone else to do it. The first thing you will need to do is take measurements

  • The History Of White-tailed Deer In Kentucky

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    The History of White-Tailed Deer in Kentucky When our ancestors first reached Kentucky they found a great abundance of game, including deer. Early settlers utilized deer for food and clothing. Due to all the killing of the white-tail deer, around 1925 they were virtually eliminated in Kentucky. A few survived in areas such as, between the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers in western Kentucky, and a few survived in eastern Kentucky. In most places, though deer simply no longer occurred. When the deer

  • The Art of Taxidermy and Why it Should Be Considered an Art

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    The Art of Taxidermy and Why it Should Be Considered an Art “Let’s say you’re watching an old horror movie, one about a crazy madman who lives in a spooky house up on a hill. Local kids will become curious and decide to step foot into the house. The majority of the time the creepy man will have two things; paintings with the eyes cut out and a nice collection of mounted animals to give intruders a sense of fear. Then all of a sudden lightning flashes and a growling black bear is lit up, sending

  • Nordic Stone Age

    679 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Stone Age is the period of time when early humans first began to make and use tools fabricated from stone. Other materials such as wood, bone, and antler were also used for the making of tools, but stone, especially flint stone, was primarily used for cutting. The Stone Age began for many early humans about 2.7 million years ago when the first stone tools were used. This time period was not the beginnings of humans or near humans, but the period of time marked when the use of tools first began

  • Hunting Is Cruel And Unnecessary

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    floor allowing more deer browse to grow.” Wildlife managers are also trying to grow bucks (male deer) with large antlers for trophy hunters. That requires killing more females to allow males to mature to the size trophy hunters would desire for. The article also states “When you see regulations that allow for the taking of more females than males, or taking males with certain size antlers, you know that they are doing ‘Quality Deer Management’ rather than ‘Quantity Deer Management.” It is fairly new

  • Giraffe Differences

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    It lived in modernday Kenya. They did have antlers like a deer it’s body shape was like a deer also just a little taller. These animals grew to be four feet tall. This species lived fifteen million years ago in the in the miocene epoch. There was also the giraffa jumae which was most likely the direct

  • Importance Of Father's Day

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    Mademoiselle de Margaux Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Twigs, Australian Organic Times Dark Chocolate Licorice, and Choc-o-lait Hot Chocolate Stick. If you are looking for something truly unique, opt for the Deer Antler Gift set, containing exclusive deer antler bottle-stopper and deer antler bar tool set, both hand crafted by Abbeyhorn, Scotland. Alternatively, if he enjoys champagne, send him the magnificent Dom Perignon Champagne and fruits gift hamper. To order a Father’s Day gift hamper anywhere

  • Deer Hunting

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    Many people have misconceptions about hunting. One such misconception is that hunting is easy and any person can go sit in the woods and wait for an animal to cross the hunter’s path. However, people who believe this are sorely mistaken. Hunting is not just sitting in the woods with a rifle; there are many other aspects that must be considered. An individual must have all preparations complete, purchase or gather the equipment needed, and know what to listen for while in the woods. First, an individual