Agar plate Essays

  • Isolation Of Bacteria

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    condition to the other for growth. These isolation techniques were developed by Robert Koch in 1883 in which he added agar to the liquid nutrient broth. With the addition of agar the liquid media was transformed into the solid media and helped in isolating different bacterial colonies. In this media the nutrient broth supplemented the nutrientinal requirements of the bacteria whereas agar provides the solid substrate for bacterial growth. The pure culture contains a similar kind of bacteria that has risen

  • Bacterial Growth Essay

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    Every organism requires a specific environment in order to survive. Bacteria alike, different types of bacteria are able to survive and reproduce in different types of environment. Some factors that affect the growth of bacteria include temperature, presence of certain gases and pH of the medium it is in. In this experiment, the variable that was changed was temperature. Temperature is one significant factor that affects the growth of bacteria. Each bacterial culture has its own minimal, maximal

  • Pbluescript Plasmid

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    the patched colony, indicating that haemolysis of the blood agar occurred. Conversely, non-haemolytic colonies were classified by a lack of a white ring, which indicated that no haemolysis took place. While the previous experiment identified colonies containing recombinant DNA, the patching experiment distinguished which colonies contained the hlyA fragment and which ones did not. Colonies that could cause haemolysis of the blood agar plate indicated that recombinant DNA taken up contained the hlyA

  • Essay On Gibberellin

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    Gloves must be worn as well, especially on preparation of the Petri dishes as any skin contact with the agar immediately transfers micro bacteria and these bacteria may start to grow and contaminate the dish. Extreme care must also be taken whilst using the scalpel as they are incredibly sharp, as found from my preliminary work. Method:

  • Mutualism Essay

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    bacteria will be grown in different agar plats. Different agar plates are used to grow specific The Snyder test is to see if there is a susceptibility to any cavities. This test uses saliva and the Snyder ager. The saliva contains bacteria that ferment lactose to lactic acid, which can cause color change on the agar due to the pH indicator. As for the Tomato juice isolation test helps to be able to isolate bacteria that are from the normal flora. The use of Subouraud agar is a medium that can help detect

  • Cotton Swab Lab Report

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    preform this experiment you will need; cotton swabs, agar plates, microscope, unused slides, oil immersion, nigrosin, and crystal violet. The first task we must do is use the cotton swabs and swab an item out side of the laboratory, that has the capability of containing either yeast, bacteria, and mold. My lab partners and I chose to swab one of our group members cell phone. Once we swabbed the phone with the cotton swab, we then each had a plate of agar. To start the process of the transfer of the microorganisms

  • Common Microorganisms

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    organisms can easily be seen using differing types of agar, which creates an ideal environment for the organisms to form colonies, which are groups of hundreds of organisms that can be seen with the naked eye. In order to see individual microorganisms, it is necessary to use the magnification of a high-powered microscope. These techniques of microbiology are used in the following five experiments. The first experiment used Trypticase Soy Nutrient Agar (TSA), which can grow a wide variety of organisms

  • Characteristics Of The Slime Mold Or Physarum Polycephald

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    Background Info: Mold is a group of fungus that are a decomposer in nature. They are basically a single celled organism with thousands of nuclei. They nearly have the same life cycle as fungi. They are made up of filaments, called hyphae.They can be found in shady, damp areas outdoors, like rotting logs, or any place with decomposing vegetation. There are also parasitic molds, that live off a host. . Mold can reproduce with itself, asexually, and with other molds, which would be sexual reproduction

  • Staphylococcus Aureus Case Study

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    m The purpose of the exercise was to determine the carriage rate of staphylococcus aureus in the nasal carriage of students microbiology I students at RMIT university in 2016 and to compare with similar studies in 2012- 15 and 2 published studies from a similar demographic introduction Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen because of its mutations in the 1960s which lead to the developed of a strain known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (Schinasi et al., 2013) which

  • Mapping the Genes of Sordaria Fimicola

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    The main purpose of this experiment is to examine the results of wild-type mutant crosses which influence the arrangements of ascospores in asci in the fungus Sordaria fimicola. These resulting arrangements help calculate the map distance between the centromere and spore color genes in Sordaria. My hypothesis was that due to so many group observations accounted in, the data will be underestimated and the results will not fit into the chi square table. A sample from Petri dish with both mutant stock

  • Acne Vulgaris: A Case Study

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    Acne is described as the most common skin disorder that affects 85% of individuals ranging from pre-teenagers to grown adults, specifically between the ages of 12-24 (Tahir 2010). In the midst of the 50 million people affected with acne vulgaris, adolescences are generally most susceptible due to elevated sexual hormones (Zaenglein et al., 2016). Numerous factors increase the production of acne vulgaris. Inadequate diet, menstruation, sweating, over exposure to ultra violet rays and excessive stress

  • Pillbugs Response To Danger Lab Report

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    Title: Pillbugs response to danger. Introduction: In this lab we are testing if pillbugs will ball up the more they are in danger. Background Information: Pillbugs are terrestrial Isopods which belong to the Class Crustacea. Appearance: flattened or rounded back, seven pairs of legs, sharp – angled antennae. Pillbugs have a set of overlapping gills on their underside. There are 12 different species of pillbugs found in the northern and central United States. However, there are nearly 4000 described

  • Lab Experiment: The Effectiveness of Different Antibiotics on Bacteria

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    develop the aseptic techniques for preparing agar plates and bacterial culture. Problem statement Do antibiotics have the same effect on killing different types of bacteria? Abstract: The main objective of this experiment is to investigate the effect of different types of antibiotics on bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Some of the main methods used in this experiment includes: the using of aseptic techniques for the preparation of agar plates. Paper discs containing different types

  • Sharon Lab

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    With the addition of Natron as a herbicide to control weeds, there are concerns that the runoff could affect the growth of other plant life. The purpose of this lab is to test the toxicity of Natron as well as the max dosage that will still allow for beans to grow in the presence of the herbicide; We hope to find out the LD50, the toxicity in comparison to Anubis, as well as the germination rate of exposed the beans. We hypothesized that increased concentration of Natron would lead to a decrease

  • High School Bathrooms

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    The results found where not as those hypothesised. Of all 8 swabs, bacteria were found on each sample. The results found that bacterial count peaked at its highest for high school aged students, with 3065000 bacterial cells being found on the senior 8-10 locker room female bathrooms. Also early learning centre students, whilst being the youngest held the least amount of bacteria on the bathroom door handle with only 12100 bacterial cells; only 3.3% of the bacterial count on senior locker rooms.

  • Essay On Gardnerella Vaginalis

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    morphology and staining reactions are affected by the bacteria’s physiological state. Both coccobacilli and longer forms occur in 24 hour cultures of G. vaginalis on blood agar. Their average dimensions are 0.4 by 1.0 to 1.5µm. The cells do not elongate into filaments although they can be up to 2 to 3µm (Catlin, 1992). Cultures on vaginalis agar exhibited many short gram-negative rods. A medium containing starch showed more pleomorphic, gram-variable, clumped, and beaded cultures. 48 hour cultures of patients’

  • Experiment to Test Two Different Concentrations of Dettol Disinfectant in Soil (sand) Bacteria Growth

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    variables are the measurement of bacterial growth that grows during the time and the controlled variables are everything we kept the same such as the amounts of agar solution, the beaker size, same sized petri dishes, same soil and same sized filter papers. Equipment- • Dettol disinfectant • Measuring cylinders • Beakers • Labels • Soil • Agar • Petri Dishes • Filter paper • Sticky tape Method- 1- Collect the Dettol disinfectant and water quantities based on the concentration you were given

  • Salmonella Essay

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    label as ‘Enrich Phage’ and store it in refrigerator. By the way, one more overnight culture of Salmonella will be set up. The next day, 100 µL of an overnight culture of Salmonella growth will be transfer onto the center of a Petri plate containing tryptic soy agar where taken out from refrigerator. Sprea... ... middle of paper ... ... squid farm where and the waste water from poultry farm nearby for laboratory testing and isolation of Salmonella with respective bacteriophage. After we get the

  • Lab Report: Growing Bacteria In The School

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    Growing Bacteria in the School- Samantha Horejsi, Cindy, Ashley and Tristin Introduction: What do bacteria need to grow? For bacteria to grow the most typical thing that they like ate a warm and moist environment, but that is not all that they like. Bacteria also like and environment with a PH that is normal or close to a human PH and bacteria also like an oxygen rich environment. The places that could be common to find bacteria in a building are a keyboard, a water fountain, and restrooms. A keyboard

  • Investigating Bacteria Growth on the Thawing of Meat

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    LITERATURE REVIEW: INVESTIGATING BACTERIAL GROWTH IN THE THAWING OF MEAT: What are bacteria? Mostly we think of bacteria as germs but bacteria are microorganisms, which are tiny little living beings - which are not plants or animals. They have a classification group all by themselves. Bacteria falls under the group called Prokaryotes. They consist of a single-cell. They are so small and tiny that you would have to look through a microscope to see them. Bacteria are everywhere they are in the bread