Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

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(b) Data Collection

Mixed methods research was conducted, where both qualitative and quantitative research were conducted. Such a method is beneficial as both methods can complement each other and fill the gaps that may be present if only one method had been used, thus allowing for a better grasp of the situation present. Despite its advantages, concerns have been raised about the possible dilution of research effort as resources have to be spread to conduct both sets of research(Bryman and Bell,2011).

Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted as part of qualitative research. This allows the interviewer flexibility to take the interview in directions based on the interviewees' response. Additionally, the face-to-face presence allows for the interviewer to observe non-verbal cues that may serve to help identify contextual information that respondents may not voice out. The researchers also justified this method as being appropriate and more viable than focus group discussions due to confidentiality issues.

However, the reviewer would suggest that perhaps a face-to-face retrospective recollection may be better, as it allows for reflection on experiences of the change as a whole rather than mere answering of prompts(Higgs and Rowland, 2010).

Quantitative research involved the administering of self-completion questionnaires, and the primary benefit is the ease of implementation, which negates Bryman and Bell's(2011) concern over the dilution of resources when utilizing this method, since it requires less commitment of resources. Nonetheless, this does not allow for there to be additional data collection, thereby being unable to present a complete picture of the situation. Hence, it inherently justifies the need to u...

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Higgs, M. & Rowland, D. (2010): 'Emperors With Clothes On: The Role of Self-awareness in Developing Effective Change Leadership', Journal of Change Management, 10(4): 369 – 85

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