Comparing speakers: My last duchess and porphyria’s lover
The great poet Robert Browning, who created the poems My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s lover, had an interesting taste for speakers of his poems. He seems to be fond of violent, sexual and eccentric people to narrate his intriguing poems. In his poem Porphyira’s Lover, a dramatic monologue, a man in a cottage talks of a woman who brings cheer to his house when she appears out of the storm outside. When the man realizes the moment won’t last, he kills her by strangulation and lays her by his side. In his other poem, The Last Duchess, The Duke of Ferrara is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke's marriage to the daughter of another powerful family. You soon realize when reading the poem that he killed his former wife The Duchess and speaks of her poor behavior despite all of her fortunes. Through out both of these poems Browning’s genius choice in speakers is very prevalent and the similarities and differences between the speakers are striking.
When talking about how these speakers are similar there are many characteristics that the Duke and the man share. First of all, the men both kill the women the love. The duke killed the duchess because she flirted with everyone and did not appreciate her great name. On the other hand the man killed the woman in the cottage because he was afra...
The speakers in these two poems both have issues with the people they have been with. In the poem “My Last Duchess,” the speaker, the Duke of Ferrara, is complaining about his last wife and how he
The themes within the poems are very parallel. You see the theme of Self-importance or pride and Jealousy contained in both poems. “The Last Duchess” the pride and jealousy stems from the Duke himself due to the Duchesses supposed lack of attention to him. “E’en
similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions of these works are products of their environment.
The two boys are similar for many reasons, in fact they have the same age and stature and they also live in the same house. These two boys are living a parallel situation because they both have no siblings and lost a parent, Edmund his mother and Charles his father, and the parents they have left don’t care about them, they have no love or affection from the last members of their families. They are also very comparable when we are talking about their character. They both are very aggressive towards each other; the two preteen boys are very lonely and we can notice it when the boys go to their secret rooms because they want to stay alone, they are also very lonely because none of them has friends. Their lone...
Angelo and the Duke are similar in the following respects: they both initially claim immunity to love and later come to be affected by it; to achieve ends they desire, both manipulate others into situations those others would not willingly choose to be in; both have sought to maintain a particular reputation; they both spend much of the play seeming other than what they appear; both think themselves to be other than what they are in the beginning; and both claim to value a life removed.
... the tale truly mirrors the Wife’s own life the knight better watch his back of he to will be dead soon.
Pro-choice believes that it is the women’s choice to decide what to do with her body because it is ultimately the woman’s choice when this situation comes because it is her body and life. There can be multiple reasons why a woman might decide to take the action of abortion, but pro-life will not agree with any of those reasons because they do not think abortion is the answer. Some women may not be equipped to raise a child; therefore, it is important that she is able to choose abortion. For pro-choice woman they might view abortion as the only answer to protect herself from certain events in her life. It is the individual’s right to control their own reproduction and it is a fundamental right (Chemerinsky, 2017) which is protected under the constitution coupled with it being a basic human right. Most women do not become pregnant by choice, so it is wrong to force them to remain pregnant when they do not want to be. Before abortion was legal it was not always safe which consequently caused a lot of harm to women who needed it “numerous essays and interviews recount the grave indignities, health risks, and even deaths of women who sought illegal abortions in the pre-Roe era” (Chemerinsky, 2017
Although both authors claim their stories are true, and thereby that their characters are realistic, there seems to be a gap between the authors' claims and the "reality" of the characterization. This question is closely connected to the fact that both novels belong to the earliest English novels. There was no fixed tradition that the authors worked in; instead the novel was in the process of being established. The question arises whether the two works lack a certain roundness in their narrators.
In the year of 1973 the supreme court ruled in favor of legalizing abortion, many of the America women liked this law because it would them the more freedom to make their own decisions for themselves. Whereas the issue of abortion there are two sides, pro-life and pro- choice, these two sides have been the topic for a lot of arguments in the past and even now. The questions that many people ask are: Is abortion beneficial to the person? Or are there certain situations that will allow women to get an abortion? Should we allow young women to have abortions without parental consent?. Most of the questions are asked by people in high power trying to win the people of either side, then religion argues about this issue. But, would pro-choice be better than pro-life, because of the rights that many of the women in the past did to gain this right.
The Duke of Ferrara was made jealous by everything the duchess did, no matter how unimportant it was. He was especially jealous of Fra Pandolf, the man who painted the duchess in the poem. A woman should be pleased only by her husband, as was not the case with the duchess and Fra Pandolf. She was “too easily impressed'; by the painter (line 23). Fra Pandolf was not the only man that made the duke jealous. Everyone who passed the duchess received “much the same smile'; as the duke (line 44). The duke expected to be the only man to receive a smile from his wife.
Pro-Choice believes that each mother has the right to keep or remove their baby because it is her body. To comprehend the complexity of this topic. Abortion has been in existence long
The controversial topic of abortion has been around for many centuries. However, the debate between pro life and pro choice really began after the 1973 Roe v. Wade case. Jane Roe was an unmarried woman who wanted to end her pregnancy safely and legally. Previously to this time abortions were deemed unethical and illegal, only to be performed if the mother-to-be’s life was at risk or if she had been raped. The Supreme Court looked at plenty of cases and drew on decades worth of case law about, not only abortion, but fundamental human rights as well. Times were changing drastically, and there was a nationwide push to get rid of laws that had been in place since before the turn of the century. The Supreme Court finally reached a decision, recognizing “that a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her pregnancy deserves
Browning’s works were the primary model for the basic form of the standard Victorian dramatic monologue which was based around a speaker, listener, and a reader. Browning’s poem “My Last Duchess” became a model for the dramatic monologue form primarily because of the strict approach he took while developing the poem. One of the aspects characteristic of this work is the authors level of consciousness. Each element in “My Last Duchess” is thoughtfully constructed with form and structure in mind. This poem is filled with dramatic principle that satisfied the Victorian period’s demand for an action and drama that were not overtly apparent in the work. In the case of “My Last Duchess” the drama of the poem is how his character, the Duke, is introduced. In dramatic monologues the character’s self is revealed through thoug...
‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ are both poems by the Victorian poet Robert Browning. In this essay I will compare these two poems to find similarities and differences.
Every year around election time the topic ‘Abortion’ becomes a serious thought for many people when it comes down to deciding who they want representing them. Everybody has their own beliefs about abortion, which are mainly supported by their religious views. Nearly one million women have abortions every year, having to go through making the decision of life or death of their unborn child.