Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Abortion Abortion is one of the topics that each individual has a perspective on. According to (Wikipedia) an “abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing an embryo before it can be born. Abortions have always been a controversial topic to discuss given that everyone has a different perspective on it. There are two groups Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. The pro-life agrees that life begins at conception, so any abortion will be considered as murder. They also feel that life is valuable and each individual, including the mother and bay matter and has a right. Pro-Choice believes that each mother has the right to keep or remove their baby because it is her body. To comprehend the complexity of this topic. Abortion has been in existence long …show more content…

The zygote grows and develops. Humans have a total of 36 chromosomes; the embryo possesses this at the time of conception. The fetus is a human which has a life. I’m a not pre-human. To demonstrate that child is alive, the pro-life support the ultrasound required prior to obtaining an abortion. In regards to the Controversies Facts on File News Services, “Abortion: Mandatory Ultrasounds,” of May 2012. Abortions is very important procedure that requires the woman doctors to be well prepared before carrying on the procedure. The ultrasound allows woman to visualize and build a connection with the fetus. Hearing the heartbeat makes more evident that the fetus is alive when it moves has the heart pumps blood and rests on its body. The ultrasound helps to determine the trimester. It also determines the safest of abortion procedure some individual believe that abortions is okay and that is the mother’s choice, while in others they are immoral and very wrong. Stating when life truly begins is primarily based the circumstances. Pro-life and pro-choice advocates do not agree concerning the effects of abortion on the

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