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Growing up during the "This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" campaign in the 1980s; I understand very well the importance of getting the word out about drugs and drug abuse. While I have children of my own now, I often times miss the message of current campaigns. Up until this project for class I really do not remember the last public service announcement (PSA) about drugs and drug abuse. An ad for a HBO documentary, Crank: Made in America quickly changed that. It had all the makings to grab a viewer’s attention; Dramatic lighting, the artistic (yet unneeded) camera angles which never quite give you a full view of the person the camera is focused on, the black and white film that was used as well as the overall message, being alone. The ad clearly was targeted at both men and women and the age factor did not seem to be an issue at all. Dr. Dennis Weis of the Powell Chemical Dependency center is quickly seen at the beginning of the clip explaining the reaction to drugs, in this case Crank. “Bugs” as this clip explained was the end result of how the brain misfires while high ...

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