Write An Essay On Cinnamon Therapies

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What is cinnamon ?

Cinnamon is a spice that may have powerful health benefits with the possibility to help treat everything from muscle spasms to kidney problems and possibly lower blood sugar in diabetic patients. Cinnamomum verum is the plant that cinnamon derives from. This is commonly known as the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon is one of the world’s most popular spices for baking. It is used in recipes for flavor, as well as a garnish for certain dishes. cinnamon health benefits
Cinnamon health benefits

– Naturally Sweet : Not only is it a sugarless sweetener for people that need to stay away from sugar but it improves the body’s ability to respond to insulin. Help With Type 2 Diabetes Cinnamon helps to control blood sugar levels and reduce the intake of insulin via methods such as injections.

– Antioxidants : Cinnamon is one of the top seven anti-oxidants in the world. Which make your system immune higher . …show more content…

Cinnamon is a good source of the nutrients manganese, iron, calcium, and dietary Fiber .

– Painkiller : Cinnamon helps in reducing pain during child birth and induces breast milk.

– Lastly for girls Cinnamon oil can help clear the skin conditions of those suffering from pimples. Because cinnamon is effective in blood purification.

– Healthy heart : Consumption of just half teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL Cholesterol.

– Arthritis : Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one table spoon of honey every morning before breakfast reliefs pain after one week.

– Cinnamon is Anti-Microbial and anti inflammatory helps to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi, including some yeasts such as Candida. Cinnamon could keep food bacteria free and potentially improve the flavor .

–Natural food preservative :Cinnamon is found as natural way to preserve food.
Cinnamon health benefits
Cinnamon health benefits
How to use cinnamon

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