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Theories behind the use of aromatherapy
History of aromatherapy essay summary
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What is aromatherapy? In an article titled “Phytotherapy Research” by Amr Edris, he describes aromatherapy as, “The use of essential oils and their volatile constituents are widely to prevent and treat human disease.” Aromatherapy is said to be an alternate form of medicine that uses essential oils, which are made up of volatile plant materials. With these essential oils it is said that they help to alter a person’s mood, health, mind, and cognitive function. It is also said that aromatherapy could substitute as treatment or prevention for certain diseases. There are many different types of oils used for aromatherapy in different ways for different outcomes. Such methods include the topical application, aerial diffusion, and direct inhalation. Topical application is any direct contact with the oil, used such as placing the oil in a bath or directly on to the skin. Aerial diffusion is where the oil is placed on the carpet around you or even on to a pillow or bed. Direct inhalation is a method where the oil is placed on the hands and rubbed together then while cupping your hands under your face to inhale the oils, this has a very powerful effect when used. Some uses of aromatherapy are for used as anti-depressants, relive stress, help with relaxation, insomnia, acne, itching and many more. To cure anxiety lavender, chamomile, rose, vanilla, and cardamom oils are all used for this. Lemon, jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, and peppermint oils are all used to help with depression. When dealing with fatigue it is said that basil, cedarwood, clove, and eucalyptus all help. Headaches can be cured with lemon grass, thyme, ginger, and cinnamon oils. Caraway, chamomile, lavender, and rosemary oils are all used to help with menstrual cramps. The...
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...h an upset stomach, menstrual cramps; I was also told that it would help my sleep at night. Another popular oil is tea tree, I have had personal experiences with this and by putting it on my acne I have seen a dramatic effect with my skin and a reduction of acne. Tea tree oil is also good for burns and ear infections. Peppermint oil is also popular for indigestion as well as mint teas. These each have specific parts of the body that they heal and take affect too.
“Researchers at Ohio State University conducted what they say is the most scientifically rigorous test of physical changes caused by smelling the popular scents — and came up with nothing,” says JoNel Aleccia (2008). So this theory explains that the oils and the scents of the oils only make you feel good as opposed to actually getting well, that the fact that these oils actually work is all in the head.
Peppermint can be defined as the aromatic leaves of a plant of the mint family, or an essential oil obtained from them, used as a flavoring in food. For instance, WebMD explains the common uses for peppermint in food, peppermints can be used as flavoring agents, and are a common holiday flavor used in many thing such as coffee drinks and cookies.(WebMD, 2009) Peppermints are still technically a chemically enhanced food. For example, Chi Phung explains what chemicals are used to make the hybrid mint, or a mint containing two or more chemicals, methanol creates the mints cooling effect and menthone makes the icy scent. (Chi Phung, 2013) Peppermint essential oils are often used for medical uses as well. According to WebMD, the oil can used for the side effects of the common cold, more specifically coughing, inflammation in the mouth or throat, sinus infections, and bacterial growth.(WebMD, 2009) Also, WebMD states that the oil can be used for digestive problems such as, heart burn, vomiting, cramps, a simple upset stomach, morning sickness, and more serious issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). (WebMD,
Any of sesame oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil and corn oil can be used for treating anxiety and irritation. Heat 6 ounce of the oil and rub the entire body from the scalp to the bottom of the feet. This should be done before the morning shower. It can also be tried before going to bed that will provide you with a sound sleep.
Society is programed to feel very healthy, but if when actual regarding the statistics it would be surprising to the contrary. The modern healthcare system is flawed in its basic theology. It focuses on treating the main symptoms and not treating the root cause and preventing illnesses. To return to a healthier society, the medical care system needs that focuses more on holistic or the all of the systems that make up someone 's body. The needs to be a shift in the way medical professionals treat their patients it would create a superior society.
College students are commonly drowning in stress, and oftentimes they have no idea how to relieve their stress in a healthy manner. They are either too busy or worried about stigma to go to traditional therapy, and it can be hard to find healthy coping skills for stress on your own. Ecotherapy, or basically interaction with nature, is a healthy and completely free way to reduce stress; all you need is the ability to go outside, preferably in a natural space like a forest or field, or in a park or similar area. Ecotherapy has been proven to reduce stress and relieve symptoms of mental illnesses, plus with the added benefit of promoting physical activity, which in itself can reduce stress, there really aren’t any cons to this form of therapy.
• Peppermint: Peppermint offers energy and is used to stimulate mind and at the same time calm nerves. For best result use it in the morning. Peppermint oil may be inhaled directly or diffused in the room or used as massage oil.
As a student, it is important to be proactive in finding ways to better ones self mentally, physically and emotionally. The ability to focus while studying, along with stress and time management are key elements to successfully adapting to the lifestyle of a student. Determining factors that will effectively enhance one’s ability to learn and to manage the way stress is relieved will make a positive impact on a student’s performance and their success. Today’s students are commonly faced with factors that limit their potential and have a negative impact on their performance, such as stress. The ideal situation is to discovery activities and techniques that enhance the ability of students and individuals to manage their time
What is massage therapy? There are two separate ways to approach massage therapy, from an eastern medicine perspective it is based more on energy within the body and holistic healing, whereas in western medicine it is more from a muscular physiology point of view. Massage therapy according Moyer, Rounds, and Hannum (2004) is “the manual manipulation of soft tissue intended to promote health and well being”. According to most people this type of therapy does the body good either way you look at it. Always hearing people complain about their head hurting and saying they need a good massage, does this actually work. Seeing people rubbing their temples and the backs of their necks when they have a headache makes us assume that’s what works, otherwise why would they continues doing it. Well let’s find out what experiments say.
“Integration is a method of utilising more than one theory in the belief that by combining or integrating these theories the chance of a successful outcome for the client is increased.”
Herbal medicine is the traditional medical practice and it’s an important part of medicine to this day. To treat different ailments there are various indigenous systems such as Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Allopathy use differnt plant species1. Allopathic medicine is a system of medicine that focuses primarily on reacting disease rather than on promoting health. The use of herbal medicine is popular due to toxicity and side effects of allopathic medicines.
Health psychology is a relatively new concept rapidly growing and could be defined as the biological and psychological influences affect ones behaviour also bringing in social influences of health and illness (MacDonald, 2013). Biological determinants consider genetic and biological factors of an illness whereas psychological determinants focus on the psychological factors such as why people behave the way they do when dealing with issues such as anxiety and stress. Models such as the Health Belief Model and Locus of Control were developed in attempt to try and explain psychological issues around a chronic illness such as breast cancer (Ogden, 2012). Sociological factors can cause an enormous amount of pressure for one to behave in a certain way for example gender roles in society and religious considerations when dealing with health beliefs. Health Beliefs can be defined as one’s own perception to their own personal health and illness and health behaviours (Ogden, 2012). There are also theories and models used to explain pain and coping with diagnosis such as Moos and Schaefer (1984) Crisis theory and Shontz (1975) cycle of grief people go through when being diagnosed with a serious illness.
Peppermint is said to believe to have many benefits regarding health of the human body. Although many people relate peppermint to the extract we put in foods to give it flavor around the holidays, peppermint oil is used in aroma therapy. Some of its usage is for helping irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, relieves headaches, and improves mental focus. Due to the many health advantages of peppermint oil, it has become a common essential oil used in modern day aroma therapy.
Frequently a person believes that herbal medicine is more naturally safe and soothing than drugs. Nevertheless, there’s no reasonable defense about this. Though many consumers trusted herbal medicine much more than the synthetic medicine because it’s safe and effective, but like anything else, it has its own limitations too. There are several hostile issues related to herbal medicine that has been quite alarming. Notwithstanding, majority of the most popular herbs are at least nearly safe.
Besides the use of essential oils in fragrances, there are approximately 3000 chemicals that are used in making of fragrance. It is used in many body care products and as well as perfumes, colons, and deodorants. As the studies have shown, such chemicals can trigger many different feelings hunger, nostalgia, happiness, or disgust. It is also used in many home products such as candles, cleaning products, laundry detergents, fabric care, and air fresheners. Fragrances are made with essential oils, which consists of extract of a plant. However, about 95 percent of the ing...
Health is considered a complete wellness of a body including physical, mental and social well-being and Holistic Health is considered a wellness of a whole body including mind, body and spirit. According to American Holistic Medicine Association “Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind and spirit” (Wollumbin, page 3). Holistic Health is an alternate way to treat, prevent, and wellness of an illness and achieves the best possible level of health. It focuses on the whole body rather than just symptoms or diseases. It is an approach to heal the physical, psychological, environmental, spiritual, nutritional health of one’s being. For each individual, the definition of holistic health is different and in simple words it is an alternate way of treatment where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual works equally together to attain a health. In western medicine, standard treatment is given with drugs or surgery according to symptoms or diseases or injuries where a doctor or a physician determines the ways of treatment and the patient has to follow the recommendations. Whereas, holistic health is a complete opposite way to treat the illness where patients cooperate in their illnesses, take the responsibility of their treatments, make their own decision for own level of well-being and thoroughly participate in their health care plan.
Health claims are booming in today’s world. Many of these consumers are being misled by advertising and believe that their choice will benefit their health. Although herbal medicines have been in existence throughout human evolution, I have chosen to take a deeper look into these health practices. I’m curious if this is just another health claim or if there are actual benefits to taking these medicines.