Winnebago Expansion

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Overview: Winnebago The company our group chose to expand upon was Winnebago. Winnebago is a motor home manufacturing company. It was founded in 1958, in Forrest City Iowa by John K. Hanson. Our proposed expansion method is to open up two Winnebago franchises in New Zealand, particularly in Auckland and Christchurch. This would be beneficial for our company due to the fact that it covers two major cities in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. As stated on (2016), “New Zealand has an open market that works on free market principles,” (“Economic Overview”, 2016). Why Winnebago Should Expand An expansion of Winnebago in Auckland and Christchurch would be justified for many reasons that include: • Free market • Stabilized government • Environment & tourism According to the “Economic Overview” (2016) article on “[New Zealand] is ranked by the World Bank [as of 2015] as the easiest place in the world to start a business [being that is only has a few limitations], “ (“Economic Overview”, 2016). Having a free market would allow for Winnebago to have a range of freedom to do what they feel is best fit for their company in the area in which …show more content…

There are areas that are heavily populated, areas that have open fields, and etc. This adds as to why tourism is an important characteristic of the country. Tourists can choose to stay in the city, countryside, or an area that has a combination of both. Winnebago could take advantage of this by attracting their consumers (tourists), who are predominately from the U.S., to buy their RV products that are designed for various types of the environment. All in all, franchising in a foreign country, such as New Zealand, would give Winnebago new grounds to cover. The company has joint ventures in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Moving to a new area with similar ideals to the U.S. would in return give Winnebago a greater reward than

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