Fletcher Building Company: Case Analysis Of The Fletcher Building Company

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Fletcher Building Company
Fletchers started their business in the construction sector in 1909. Timber weatherboard house in Dunedin, New Zealand was their first project and they built it. They remain the leading construction company in New Zealand until 2001. In late 2001, they change their name The Fletcher Building Company on the stock exchange of New Zealand. Their main office is in Penrose, Auckland. They have near 20,000 employees working for them. They are dealing with mainly six different sections of construction work, heavy and light both building products, panels, and laminates distribution in New Zealand; they also distribute construction products in Australia and constructing the new big buildings there.
They are still using …show more content…

It was ok until the 20th century. However, nowadays, the new technologies, are coming to quick in every sector, of the business. If they want to survive in the market, they must have to accept the need, of new techniques. In addition, because the customer demands innovations, in the product and they also want to finish, their construction work quickly, as possible.

To continue their business legally, the Fletcher Buildings have to implement the laws, and the guidelines given by the government. They even have to keep in mind the laws within the company, which they make to the in favor of the company. They also have to worry about the laws, which protect the customers.
To provide a safe working environment, whether it is within the company, or the outside, they have to keep in mind, the changes in weather, or climate or geographical changes within the country.

Strategic …show more content…

Mostly Fletcher Building needs the manpower and machines to start with. They have near about 20,000 workers all around the New Zealand and in Australia as well. They also same strategies to find the backup employees on the isolated sites, for example, in South Island of New Zealand, They can hire the employees for short time on a limited time contract to finish the projects. The Fletchers have all the resources, which are required to start a new a project, or production of a product. The resources, for example, the finance and the labor, machines

The process of risk management, retirement process in this company and there are various processes to recruit new staff. They also control the onsite process of construction. Because they are very big company in the market, there are many ongoing processes regarding marketing and planning are going within the

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