Global Dairy: Fonterra Business Report

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The force of globalization sped up by highly technological advancement rapidly increases the uncertainty and complexity of the international business environment. To prosper, organizations must adapt to the changing environment (Waddell, Creed, Cummings & Worely, 2014). On a global stage of competition, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Fonterra) has maintained its momentum of growth and reserved its renowned place among the top five world’s dairy giants in 2013.
This business report is to identify and evaluate Fonterra’s basic strategic foundation including its vision, core values, key strategies, products and services, as well as its operations. The report is also to address the environments within and around the business of Fonterra that may impact its performance by making a macro- and micro-environmental scan before reaching to discuss the company’s major strategic issues. Academic theories will be applied so as Fonterra could further elevate its future development and stay on its feet to compete globally.
There are three key findings for improvements in its long-term business strategies specifically vision, missions, and objectives that may serve as propositions to Fonterra considering its extension beyond its current position in international business.

Since its inception in 2001, Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited (Fonterra), the largest company in New Zealand, has grown to be the world’s 4th largest dairy company in 2013 (Robobank, 2013). Fonterra is the largest dairy exporter of the world and it controls a third of global dairy exports. Fonterra has huge pool of talents of 16,000 staff locally and internationally to make dairy available every day to millions of consumers ...

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...pportunities available in order to succeed. They are taking critical steps to meet nutritional needs in some of the most emerging growth markets in the world and continue making better returns for the farmer shareholders in New Zealand. Fonterra’s group strategy targets growth in terms of both volumes and value by aiming emerging markets, as in China, and products that meet rising demand of consumers for dairy nutrition. The company have established the following seven key strategic pathways.
• Optimize New Zealand Milk:

Fonterra will always prioritizes New Zealand milk so they need to maintain the active and dynamic business going. To be more efficient, there have been projects mobilizing out to make improvements to the company’s assets in New Land i.e. supply chain and manufacturing plants.

Works Cited

Fonterra. (2014). Retrieved from

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