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Effects of corporal punishment on children
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Recommended: Effects of corporal punishment on children
“Why you shouldn't use corporal punishment on your children” The quantity of parents that agree that corporal punishment is needed at times is 81%. Many parents have a difficult time finding ways to reprimand a child that’s acting out. Parents trying to teach a child a lesson, but also enforce a rule, will sometimes turn to a physical punishment for a fast solution with quick compliance. Through the years, parents and scientist have noticed that using corporal punishment can lead to further problems throughout a child’s lifetime. You should not use corporal punishment on your children because it can lead to mental illness/aggressiveness, slower educational development, and substance abuse. To start off, Corporal punishment should not be used
on children, because it is linked to mental illness and aggressiveness. Pediatrics , in the year of 2012, reported mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and personality disorders were associated with corporal punishment. Hitting, spanking, or slapping your child can lead to them feeling useless or not good enough. For example, I now suffer from severe anxiety and depression, and often feel like I cannot please my mother. With mental illness, comes aggressive behavior. Research also shows, children who are spanked are more likely to hit other people. When you model behaviors, your child will follow your example. When I started going to school I learned the difficult way, that you cannot hit people when you are mad. I learned from my mom that when you do something wrong, you should be punishment for it. Next, Slower development and lower IQs have been an effect of corporal punishment. A study in 2009 states that the fear and stress of being hit effects the brain and development of a child. Research showed that the more a child was corporal punishment, the slower the child’s brain was to develop. Also, CNN found that children had a decrease in cognitive ability, than other kids. Also, Children who were corporally punished, have become drug users and addicts.Pediatric, in 2012, found that corporal punishment could lead to substance abuse. In current studies, researchers did a test on around 2,000 people who were corporally punished as a child. About 53% confessed to turning to drugs and or became drug addicts. Alterations in the dopaminergic regions suggested that vulnerability from carpal punishment lead to abuse of drugs and or alcohol. Yes, corporally punishing your child at first had lead to quick compliance and is a fast solution but, after awhile it will have no effect. Research shows that corporally punishing your child will only make their behavior worst. Sarah Kovac Of CNN blogged, “The sad irony is that the more you physically punish your kids for their lack of self-control, the less they have. They learn how to be controlled by external forces, but when the boss isn’t looking, then what?” Research says that a time-out could be more effective than physical punishment. Researchers stated that corporal punishment losses effectiveness through time. Also, corporal punishment stops being a deterrent because they don’t learn how to make better decisions. There are many other quick and speedy solutions to a child’s bad behavior. Corporal punishment is ineffective, causes mental illness and aggressive, slower brain development, and can lead to substance abuse. Before you use physical punishment on your child, ask yourself, “how will this affect my child?”
Growing up as children, from a very early stage in life we are taught by our parents and guardians to follow the simple rules set in the family setting as well as being respectful to everyone. As a child if one misbehaved or failed to live by the code of conduct, they ought to be disciplined in order to get back on track. Discipline simply meant to impart knowledge and skills. Many times however, discipline is mistaken for punishment and control and this poses a great challenge to parents on effective methods of instilling discipline in their children from one stage of life to the next for instance; how parents ought to discipline older children varies from the way they are required to handle toddlers.
...re the parents and I think that the decision should be left up to us on how “we” should discipline our children. “The key to effective child discipline is the implementation of immediate, powerful, and consistent consequences. A spanking can serve as a meaningful negative consequence in cases of undesirable behavior, but it tends to be most useful – and necessary – when a child is under 3 ½ years of age. Generally speaking, it’s our view that corporal punishment should be applied only in cases of willful disobedience or defiance of authority.”
In recent studies, researchers have found that ninety percent of parents spank their children; yet, seventy-three percent of mothers report that their child will continue to repeat their behavior they were disciplined for (Ogilvie). Based of this information, the effectiveness of this form of discipline seems to be incredibly low. Now consider another fact: how harmful is this to children physically and mentally? Would this affect them as they grow up and even continue to affect them into their adulthood? If it fails to do anything beneficial, obviously, unforeseen consequences will be the result. Spanking children is not effective as a punishment and should be replaced with different methods to punish with lesser negative effects on young children.
Since the mid-1950s, parents and psychologists have been battling over the topic concerning corporal punishment. The parents were raised in homes where corporal punishment was used, and they feel that it was a successful technique that raised them well. Psychologists, on the other hand, conducted research; a lot of which was biased and false, telling parents that corporal punishment was bad for their children. After years of researching and studying the effects of corporal punishment, the most popular theories stating that it is a harmful technique, were proven wrong. Corporal punishment is found to be a good technique in the right situations, with the right motives, and using the correct tools.
By spanking children, it can teach them the appropriate ways to behave, I think that discipline for a child is individualized. Some children are hard headed and do not listen when they are just sent to their room or put in time out. Different things work on different children, such as taking things away, timeout, or spanking. Children should learn that if they do something wrong then they have consequences for those actions. Just as a child is reward for the good things that they do, they should also be acknowledged when they are bad. Some children like to push their limits and see how far they can get away with something. Some children are seeking for attention even if it is negative attention. Parents should be disciplinarians and role models before being a friend to their children. Parents may have to show your children tough love to get your point across and be respected. So, that children will make good decisions and have self-control. If the child is not being abused daily by parents, I do think that parents have the right to corporal punishment if
Spank children or not to spank children is a hard decision and a difficult debate. I feel like spanking children is not a crime but it’s not the right way to discipline a child. Studies have shown many reasons why spanking should be abolished and is not the appropriate way to discipline or punish a child. I disagree with parents spanking children. There are other and better ways to discipline a child without hitting them.
Marjorie Gunnoe makes several great arguments in the article “Parents should have the Right to Properly Discipline Their Children.” Honestly, do I think all children should receive corporal punishment? No, I do not think spanking is effective for everyone. I believe all kids respond to certain forms of punishment differently: but I do think in most cases spanking works. I think people who get spanked as a child learn to be more respectful not only to their parents but to other members of their society; as well as, they learn to take responsibility for their actions, and they know there are consequences to their actions and they can accept them. My mother tried to put me in time out when I was younger; she honestly did not want to spank me to
Parents should not spank their children because the parental spanking of children can be harmful to the development of children. Parental spanking of children is a violent disciplinary technique where a parent hits a child’s bottom with an open hand and or object in order to deter the child from practicing behavior the parent may see as negative. I grew up in a home where my parents spanked me and my three younger brothers, and I have seen the parental spanking of children in practice first hand in my life, my brothers, and in the research I have read I have found that parental spanking of children does not work like many people thinks it does. Whether a person is a parent, a teacher, a social worker the parental spanking of children is important
In the United States, spanking is known to be one of the most widely used practices for disciplining preschool-aged children. It has been recorded that at least 94% of 3 to 4 year olds have been spanked at least once during the past year. Spanking a child before the age of 2 is identified with the likelihood of having serious behavioral problems after they start school, about 4 years later (Slade, 2004). Because spanking is considered so detrimental, it is known to cause aggression. Many of studies using different data research continues to build a strong case that spanking is harmful to children and is associated with children’s greater aggressive behavior (Lee, 2015).
With an impression of his father’s belt buckle on his backside, he trudged to bed too upset to think of anything besides the physical pain of the spanking and the emotional pain from upsetting his father. He forgot to study for an important test, and he took his anger out on the teacher who then sent the boy to the principal’s office for disrespecting the teacher and disrupting the class. The principal took a wooden paddle and swatted the child; when he brought the failed test home, his father struck him with the belt again. The boy cannot escape from the constant pain and suffering surrounding him everywhere he goes. This story is a common occurrence, especially among schools that utilize corporal punishment which is commonly called physical discipline. The use of this form of discipline has been discontinued in many schools across the United States, but parents often use it with their children, too; it can be difficult for young people to evade this physical abuse. Corporal punishment is an ongoing issue for students everywhere because it typically causes physical and mental damage and negatively affects education; however, many effective alternative forms of discipline are available that can and should be used.
How far is to far? Is corporal punishment wrong or do people just take things too far? Corporal punishment is legal in all 50 states and is used by about half of the families across the United States (Nicks). Parents use household items such as wooden spoons, spatulas and most commonly a belt. Results show that children who received corporal punishment behaved for short-term, but long-term it caused several issues.
“It hurts and it’s painful inside – it’s like breaking your bones; it’s loud and sore, and it stings; it feels like you’ve been adopted or something and you’re not part of their family; you feel like you don’t like your parents anymore; you feel upset because they are hurting you, and you love them so much, and then all of a sudden they hit you and you feel as though they don’t care about you” (Pritchard 9). These are the feelings of those juveniles who suffer from corporal punishment. Corporal punishment has been one of the main topics of research in Psychology in last few decades. Although people had believed, “Spare the rod and spoil the child” but in the present age of science, research has revealed that the corporal punishment causes more harm to the children instead of having a positive effect on them. According to UNICEF, “Corporal punishment is actually the use of physical measures that causes pain but no wounds, as a means of enforcing discipline” (1). It includes spanking, squeezing, slapping, pushing and hitting by hand or with some other instruments like belts etc. But it is different from physical abuse in which punishment result in wounds and the objective is different from teaching the discipline. Although Corporal punishment is considered to be a mode of teaching discipline and expeditious acquiescence, however, it leads to the disruption of parent-child relationship, poor mental health of juveniles, moral internalization along with their anti-social and aggressive behaviour and it is against the morality of humans.
When used infrequently and with reasoning, corporal punishment reduces defiance and lowers rates of antisocial behavior as compared to alternative disciplinary tactics (Larzelere and Kuhn, 27). Corporal punishment is defined as a form of physical punishment involving the use of hand or another object to hit the bottom of a child to correct misbehavior. Spanking has been the main source of child discipline, dating back to ancient Babylon, Greece, and Rome. More recently, Scientists have discovered a link between physical punishment and psychological problems. Much research, conducted in the 90’s, concludes that corporal punishment has a direct link to short and long-term psychological and social issues.
One may ask the origin of corporal punishment and the introduction of this form of discipline into schools. According to Donnelly & Straus (2005), in more Anglo Saxon spaces, presumably the early settlers brought their own existing practices with them from Europe. So, this suggests that civilization in the western hemisphere was not physically punishing their children? Mitchell (2008) argues that this form of punishment stems from the enslavement and mistreatment of African Americans in the United States. This notion infers that African Americans developed a more aggressive discipline method due to the brutal acts of slave masters? Newell (1972) states that The British Journal of Educational Studies provides evidence of punishment to children as early as 1669 under The Children’s Petition, one that calls for grievance to youth that lies under the severities of the school-discipline of this nation. Yet, there is clear and textual evidence that the bible ignites such discipline through its chapters and verses. However, Rawson (1991) alludes to the ancient roman time, where it was found that this form was not only practiced at home, but also performed in schools. The uncertainty in defining where corporal punishment originated is indicative to the advocate’s inability to outline their rationality in keeping it. No one group developed this method, as all have used it, however, there is a group of people who stands by corporal punishment.
Corporal Punishment Many kids have gotten spanked by their parents when misbehaving, I myself have had my share of spankings. While some people might say that corporal punishment is a form of physical child abuse, it’s really a form of discipline that parents use to get their child to understand what they did wrong. What is considered physical child abuse? Well according to the AHA (American Human Association) physical child abuse is “defined as non-accidental trauma or physical injury caused by punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming a child.”