Why We Shouldn T Animals Be In Zoos

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I think that animals shouldn’t be in zoos because they need more space to run, swim, fly, climb, and roam. Animals need to know how to protect themselves from predators and hunters. If animals stay in zoos and then get released after a while they won’t know how to protect themselves from predators and hunters. They also need to know how to find food on their own or they will die cause they won’t know how to find food for themselves. Some animals are not meant to be kept in cages they need to roam around. Animals that are kept in zoos are often mated with an animal they don not want to mate with.

Animals were not meant to be kept in zoos. They were meant to be free in their own natural habitats. In zoos animals are put in small spaces, it has a negative impact on their behavior and health. If animals are kept in zoos they won’t know how to live on their own in the wild and can be killed by predators. Even with man-made areas to live in, the animals still don’t have enough room to swim, fly, run, climb, and roam. With man-made areas to fly, swim, climb, and explore animals are still restricted in their behavior. Animals should be left in their natural habitats not in zoos. …show more content…

If animals are isolated from other animals they won’t know how to get along with them. Animals in zoos are taken care well, but if they were to get released back into the wild they wouldn’t know how to care for themselves and others. Animals are restricted from their natural diet when they are in

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