Stripes Will Survive Essay On Zoos

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Have you ever seen an animal sitting in a cage all alone with nothing to do. Well, zoos are trying to change that fact. They will allow the animals to live in an environment that is like their home. Many people don't realize this, but zoo are keeping and breeding these animals because they would not survive in the wild alone. In the three passages, ¨The Stripes Will Survive,¨ ¨The Zood Go Wild from No More Dodos,¨ ¨Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment.¨ All of these articles present one claim, that is that the role of zoos is no longer to keep animal, but to protect them. Particularly in the passage¨The Stripes Will Survive,¨ the author Jacqueline Adams presents the idea that zoos are going to protect animals that are going extinct. In the passage it says, ¨Educational programs help the local people understand the need to protect Siberian tigers.¨ This piece of evidence shows the reader that zoos are trying to protect as many animals as they can. These places are trying to make it more comfortable and inviting for the animal. Also, the passage mention that, ¨Siberian tigers in the wild has doubled.¨ This tells the reader that what the zoos are doing actually makes a difference. These tigers were about to go extinct, but with the help of zoos they are no longer endangered. …show more content…

In the passage it says, ¨Providing our animal residents with enriching, well balanced life and advocating for the conservation of their wild counterparts.¨ This part of the passage tells the reader that they are not only trying to help the living spaces of animals, but their health as well. This a very important step in trying to save an endangered species. The passage also mentions, ¨...but it also keeps their little feet healthy.¨ This further proves that the zoos are improving both the health and lifestyle of these

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