Why This Program Is Important To Me Essay

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I could spend the next 400 words giving you reason after reason for why this program is a good fit for me or all the ways that this program will benefit my future however, I feel that would be as clique as these essays come. In honesty and truth the question, “why acceptance into this program is important to me?”. The answer is simple, the benefits that it will give my children, and the strength, encouragement, and self-esteem it will give me are by far the most important reasons why I would appreciate the consideration for this program. Almost five years ago I found out I was pregnant at a young age with my first son and could not have been more scared. At that time in life I was supposed to be moving off to a college and pursuing my dreams. That …show more content…

A little over a year ago I found out I was expecting my second son at that point I decided to throw this sense of fear out the window and I found myself wanting to achieve, wanting to better my family’s life, and wanting to be the best I can possibly be both academically and personally. The Masters of Education Generalist Degree represents all I that strive for and the greatest achievement I could hope to complete in my academic career. I want to push myself to achieve things I never thought possible. This degree will ensure my financial stability and security while showing my two boys that no matter what challenges you may face in life being dedicated and committed to your goals will help you to pursue and accomplish any aspiration. I want to prove those around me wrong that having children and shifting your life plan does not mean you cannot get back on track in your own time and accomplish your dreams. I want to prove to those around me that I can accomplish my goals. I want to show that no matter what obstacles I have faced I have never given up and have achieved my

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