Why Should Students Carry Backpacks

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One student was running through the halls to get to his class, when got bumped into and all his papers flew everywhere. The school should let students carry their bags to classes because they can get their vauable things stolen, students are getting more of detetion because they are forgetting their stuff at their lockers and going, then going to class late and plus, sometimes someone drops their books in the middle of the halls and papers go all over the place. See if the school would let their students carry their bags around the school.South Western high school should allow students to carry backpacks throughout the day because kids would be more prepare and moreorganzid,vauluables would not get stolen, and backpacks have no impact on safety.
First, I’m a student at southwest who has experince with bookbags and papers falling all over the halls and we …show more content…

Secoundly, if student have vauables like Beats, Iphone, or a PC and was they put it in their lockers in their bags someone can come a steal them. They school says it’s not their responsibility for that item if stolen. It really is their problem because they tell us that we can’t carry our bags, so we use their lockers that they provide us that we have to trust. We would know that our vaulebles will not get stolen if we have them in our bags that are with us.

Everyday in the moring I go to my locker waiting for people to get done with their locker which I have all my stuff for my classes, but I can’t go to my classes because I have to put away my bags and jacket. When I go to class i’m late because people at my locker are slow and I just have to put unnecessary stuff in my locker which I can carry to class. A lot of people get detention because they’re late. Yea, I know that does not happen as much if you ask people that detention because they were late for their

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