Why Is Thanksgiving Important To Me

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Thanksgiving has always been a relaxing time for my family. You hear stories about thanksgiving disasters and family drama, but I’m proud to say that ours November remained pretty plain-Jane. We usually cycle our Thanksgiving meals between my side and my wife’s — one year with my family, the next with hers. We’re both at least three generations strong in Pennsylvania, so we’ve got a lot of folks to visit. Luckily, we’ve all managed to stay pretty local, so it isn’t too difficult. What’s important to us is getting together and spending time as a family.

Our families keep growing, and with them, so have the size of our Thanksgiving celebrations. We’ve had to get creative. The meal is a fairly standard one — turkey and all the fixings — except that we’ve started having to cook two turkeys! We do one traditional turkey in the oven, and then something a little more fancy with the other one. Last year, I grilled the turkey, and it actually turned out to be a big hit. I’m just happy I didn’t ruin it. After the meal, I love relaxing with the kids while we watch a little bit of football. …show more content…

I tried it once, about 20 years ago in order to buy a computer, and I haven’t been out since. It’s a mad house. I’d rather stay home and play some backyard sports with the kids. From football, to baseball, to soccer, we’ve been known to go from one game to three different ones in the same afternoon. My son also loves to get on the floor and wrestle, and if we allowed it, he’d do it daily. It’s a good thing he’s still young, or I might have my hands full! The kids loved their soccer season this year. They played in the township’s league, and it was great getting to watch them play their hearts out. They’re only 5 and 6, so the games are still pretty tame, nothing like college

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