Family: 7 Steps To A Healthy Family Book Review

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Review of The Smart Stepfamily: 7 Steps to a Healthy Family
Within his book The Smart Stepfamily: 7 Steps to a Healthy Family, Ron Deal (2014) presents a realistic approach to strengthening stepfamilies through focusing on each individual family member’s needs. Real-world scenarios along with integrating family therapy and biblical truth are used in exploring the many issues that stepfamilies resolve. The crux of Deal’s advice is the need to modify expectations from forming a rapidly blended family to integrating a slow-cooked approach that allows for the time and the coarse hardships that are experienced in developing a healthy stepfamily relationships. According to Deal, the challenges to integrating this new family come as each …show more content…

While this invitation produced anxiety for every person that attended this meal, the toll that it took on my nephew was rather difficult to watch. His father chose to attend the day before Thanksgiving; but a half-hour before the scheduled 2 p.m. time for dinner, he let his son know that his girlfriend and her children had decided to come as well. While the adults scrambled to add additional seating, my nephew excitedly stood outside on the porch anticipating his guests’ arrival. An hour later, this little boy dejectedly wondered whether his father had changed his mind. When his guests finally arrived, we all ate an awkward, cold dinner, and my ex-brother-in-law whisked them all (including my nephew) away to his family’s Thanksgiving meal, which meant that my disappointed nephew never got to share the chocolate pie that he had helped make.
In this text, Deal (2014) explains that “one of the great ironies of divorce” (p. 130) is the need to cooperate with the ex-spouse, even if you hated him before the divorce. My family shows the complexity that divorce can bring to a family’s life, and the adults need to constantly monitor their own attitudes for the sake of the children. Deal encourages building communication and flexibility; however, his reminder to accept that neither co-parent can control the other’s household decision is one of …show more content…

His use of this analogy throughout the book allows the reader to think through the different concepts from the low heat and chunky ingredients that can create a healthy meal over time. Although this concept is quite valuable, the time that it takes to establish this slow cooked family seems like such a difficult road, and the thought that came to my mind throughout my reading was wondering whether remarriage is advisable. This blanket statement seems overly harsh; however, the many stresses that remarriage brings to each family member make this decision difficult. While Deal presents this book as a guide to forming healthy stepfamilies, even the biblical accounts Deal uses throughout his text demonstrate the further hardships that blended families’ experience. His journey to the Promised Land analogy provides a good basis for his advice and the hope for redemption of this new family, but I must still question the wisdom in many decisions to remarry, especially when young children are

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