Why I Hate Standardized Tests

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I ripped open the SAT test booklet as the elderly women creaked “Okay, you may start now.” This was thee single thing I had to ace. I completely bombed the writing section on my first attempt, there was no way I was going down that route again. Part of the reason why I absolutely hate standardized tests is because the time constraints in no way, shape or form coincide with my writing style. One look at the question and I blanked. This in no way was a topic I could even mutter a sentence about. I sat there as time sped by and contemplated just making up random stories yet, I could not piece any of them together in my head. Brain lapse, brain fart, whatever you want to call it, I had it. In the end, I barely mustered to write a paragraph then walked away knowing I had again, failed the writing section. …show more content…

My writing style corresponds to my personality in that I’m too laid back to make decisions right on the spot nor make assumptions without thoroughly sifting through and knowing all the facts first. This generally gets me in trouble in some of my writing pieces as I put too much care in what I write and don’t like to submit it until I think it’s absolutely A material. Typically I take about twice the time it takes everyone else to write a paper because I keep second guessing myself. I know that I am a good writer and have been told that time and time again, I just can’t seem to be confident in what I have to present. I have became pretty comfortable in my writing style though. I need to set out about a 5 hour block of time for a paper and just write it all in one sitting.That has always seemed to have worked the

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