Why I Chose Animation

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During my preteen years I wanted to help people by becoming a doctor. When I was a younger teen I wanted to be a veterinarian and help animals. Soon I will finish high school; I’ve decided I want to become an animator. The reason I may not like animation is that I have a difficulty drawing. I don’t have much skill in drawing because I have very little patience and refused to practice. I am now motivated to practice drawing because I love animation and have a burning passion to start learning how to animate.

I remember when I was a child, I loved animated cartoons and I still do. I based my passion for the love of animation and have decided to become an animator. Some of my favorite animations as a child were: Tom and Jerry, 64 Zoo Lane, Magic school bus, and many more. It will be fun learning how to create animations and hopefully see one of my own on TV someday. I believe that is the most exciting part of being an animator. Seeing your work on TV must be exciting, and if your animation becomes popular is the best reward for all of your hard work.

The types of animation I hope t...

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