Why I Became A Coworker

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Around a year ago, I decided to take some time off of college to build up some money and figure out what I was going to major in. A month after I decided to take a break from school, I acquired a job at a sporting goods store. It was a simple job, but I learned a substantial amount that has helped to sway me into what I want to pursue as a career in the future. This job has taught me that I thoroughly enjoy working with and helping people, and that I am also great at learning and executing tasks at a fast, but efficient, pace. I love working with people and helping them to solve problems that they encounter. Whether it has been: working with kids, helping the elderly or just helping a coworker, they have all made me realize how amazing people …show more content…

I have been tested of this characteristic in many different scenarios while working. At my current job I have to sell guns, which requires a lot of paperwork. This is very crucial federal paperwork, and if I mess up could result in me losing my job or even be placed in jail. When I started, there were only three coworkers could sell a firearm with no assistance. After a few weeks had passed by, I was finally comfortable enough to work by myself. I was put into a situation where the only workers on the schedule were: a manager, a cashier, and myself. This was a big step for me because prior to this I had a been working with a plethora of other coworkers, and tonight I was on my own. The night started out like any other, it was a very quiet and calm. There was not a lot on the agenda for the night, so I focused on customer service. A man came in to purchase a firearm; I called my manager, but he was helping another customer. I had only ever seen two guns sold before this and never even attempted the paperwork with assistance. It took a little longer than the gun sales that I have witnessed, but I finished it. My manager looked over the paperwork and, to our surprise, there were no mistakes. Soon after this I was able to work the gun counter by myself and do so confidently. Another experience I had was on the night of black friday. Black friday is the most hectic night in all of retail. The lines at the registers were growing rapidly, and the cashiers were becoming exhausted. A manager asked me if I could take over one of the registers for a couple hours to give a cashier a break. I had never ran register before this night, therefore this posed a great challenge for me, but I knew that I must be able to handle this because the manager had enough trust in me to be able to run the register without any previous knowledge. The way that I learned how to do the

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