Personal Narrative: My Love Of Volunteering

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Where I live. What I live for.

A few weeks ago in AP Psychology, we read an article by Christian Pulisic, who is a player on the American soccer team. Throughout the article, he looked back on his soccer career thus far and how he had been working non-stop for years to achieve his ultimate goal of making it to the World Cup, but at the last moment, it got torn away from him. The US team was one goal away from making it to the most prestigious soccer tournament in the world, but in the end they were unable to make it. Christian Pulisic was blindsided and hit hard by this news, but in the article he showed resiliency and discussed how he could never stop loving winning or soccer, the sport he’s been with since a young age. After reading the …show more content…

I had no idea what it was, but my dad wanted me to join “because it looks good on college applications.” So I did, and it ended up being a great decision. Volunteering has helped me to become a better person. Most of my volunteer hours are gotten through working with kids, tutoring, or helping at a local food pantry. By working with kids, I have learned how to be truly patient, which was not a skill I had had beforehand. Tutoring has pushed me outside of my comfort zone; forcing me to teach people various skills, which I did not even know I was capable of. However, the place that I have volunteered that has impacted me the most is the food pantry. The food pantry has taught me how truly lucky I am to have the life that I do. Most people take the most basic things in their life for granted like being able to have a full pantry all the time or getting food whenever they want. To see some people have to depend on others’ generosity through donations of money or food was a major catalyst in my world view. Since I was young, I have always been cynical and quick to point out the bad in people, but seeing people help out those truly in need has shown me that deep down most humans have at least some good in them. Volunteering is the key way that I contribute and give back to my community and it is how I hope to leave my mark on Oakville. Volunteering has shaped me and my life, but it is not the only hobby …show more content…

Leaving my impact is something that I strive to do and the way to do something meaningful to be is by changing the world through my passions. In fact, through volunteering I am already changing the world today. When people chose to volunteer, it has a multitude of benefits: contributing to the global economy, building a cohesive community, raising the academic performance of youth, and leading changes for various things like climate change, among other things (Wu). This is not all I hope to do, though, I hope my future holds even more

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