Elie Wiesel's Call Me

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The novel “Call me by your name” starts off in an island called B in Italy. Elios family has a home and guest homes that they allow for people to stay at; especially for the summer. It starts off with the main character Elio introducing us to a summer guest who he has fallen for named Oliver. Oliver is staying at the summer home for 6 weeks so he can work on his studies A theme throughout this part if the novel is the word “later” and Olivers “Glass stare” that in this chapter is the cause of a character vs self problem. This problem is Elios unreciprocated obsession with Oliver; or so Elio thinks. After some time Elio masturbates while wearing Oliver's red swimsuit and on that very same day Elio and Oliver kiss. Elio wants more of Oliver …show more content…

It was not others that made me feel guilty, it was myself. When I was in grade 7 my parent divorced after so much of my life was spent with them together. I felt as though I was the failure that forced them apart because of my lack of action within our family parties. I felt like I was the one who cause my whole family the pain. It was stupid because I was just being my introverted self. Now I do not regret my introversion towards my family.
Lovable Character The one lovable character in “call me by your name” is Elio’s father. The first reason why this man is so lovable is because he is so knowledgeable. He understands everything that is shown or hinted towards him. He is wise and helps Elio deal with his issues directly and indirectly. Elios father also is accepting without judgment. He was the the one that allowed Elio to feel accepted and be comfortable with himself being bisexual. Elios father knew from the start that his son and Oliver had a romance. It did not disgust him but it
Literary Devices
Call me by your name has tons of literary devices packed into its pages. Additionally, the novel has literary devices such as monologues, metaphors, foreshadowing, symbolisms, allusions, and …show more content…

I would definitely recommend this book to more of the mature readers out there because this novel does talk about some mature subjects that children would not understand. Therefore, The lack of comprehension would make this book long and tedious for children. Nonetheless, a mature teen or adult that understands the complexities of romantic lust, manipulation, regret, desire, hesitation, and ultimately the inability be with their romantic other will love this book. This is because the novel does not hide any sensation of guilt, shame, and humiliation; the author tells this story with no boundaries or walls that many other fiction and non-fiction romances have. Simply, “Call me by your name” allows the reader to have a more relatable experience with the main character of the book because it does not hide these guilty, shameful, and humiliating elements of the main characters experiences. Nevertheless, There are more reasons as to why “call me by your name” should be read. Such as how, like Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet”, the novel is about forbidden love. The reasoning as to why forbidden love is important is that it educates people, through empathy, as to why all people should have the ability to pursue a love of all kinds. This leads to the last reason as to why one should read this book. This reason is important for all ages and is how the novel Perseus the idea that when human beings are in love there are no

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