Humorous Wedding Speech By Cashier Of The Month

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Award Acceptance First of all I would like to thank my family and friends for convincing me to get a job here at Walmart in the first. I would also like to also thank the Walmart company for awarding me Cashier Of The Month it was completely unexpected, and it is not very often that I am awarded something. So I have prepared a little speech to express how thankful I am. Whether it was way back when I started working here at Walmart on June 11 2016 to now nearly six months later in November. I have always loved working here. And I would like to thank Walmart again for the opportunity of working here. Because when I started working here I was shy and timid around the customers, not really greeting them as I should have, but now when I see anybody, at work and when I am off the clock, I greet then and wish them a good day. Six months ago if I told myself I would be more comfortable around people, I would think I was crazy. Sam Walton, the original founder of Walmart and Sams Club, once said "We're all working together; that's the secret." So I would like to not only congratulate all cashiers here for their fantastic work over the years. But I would also like to present all cashiers here with this award as well. For it is you, the cashiers, that make up a part of this …show more content…

For example at my schools fall clean up, no one wanted to walk up to the door and ask what needed done, so just as my activity period teacher Mr.Coon was about to choose someone, I just walked right on up and rang the door bell. Even though the person was not home, I was ready to ask them what they needed and get to work. I had no fears of what may happen, which was very odd. If any of you knew me before I started working there you would know I was a nervous wreak all the time, barely talking to others or stating my opinions. Although now I just let them fly and let what happens

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