Personal Essay on Being Happy With One´s Self

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Being yourself? Being Your Best Self, The Strong, Beautiful, Intelligent, Determined, Dependable you! I strive to be a Better me everyday! I want to be a better person than I was yesterday, To smile more, love harder , being kinder , to help more and staying true to myself and my morals. I feel that being your best self takes determination confidence and the right attitude.
Winston Churchill once said “The price of greatness is responsibility.” I personally find that very true! As a young lady in the south with age come responsibility even if you are ready for it or not! I had to learn that, the thing that my parents, teachers, and family are teaching me will carry me through life. And the being responsible, staying true to my word and keep a strong relationship with god are things that will help mold me into a better person later in life. Pushing towards greatness is something I feel every person, young and old.
Being Ambitious is to have a strong desire to do or to achieve something but to be ambitious is to have determination. “The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” – Maya Angeluo I feel that you should always have high expectations of yourself and always challenge yourself to “go the extra mile” in any and everything you want to do. I always tell myself that one day that little extra will pay off in the end and that hard work, patience, and perseverance is the key to accomplishing my dreams and goals. My motto is “No one can accomplish my dreams for me, because only I know exactly what I want in life,”
I love helping my community, I love giving back to people in any way possible. Being from a small town where everyone knows everyone. We come together a lot to give back and t...

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...the blue. After going to a Heart Specialist I found out that I have Supraventricular tachycardia or SVT for short it means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason that can be caused by slack of sleep and stress. Now I have to be mindful of my stress level, what I eat and to be sure not to overdo it. So to keep my heart in good shape I make sure to get plenty of rest, I dance for my high school’s dance line. I also do contemporary dance. Dancing and singing is my way to express myself and stay healthy.
Being the best me I can be means that I want my light to shine. I want to be a person that inspires and motivates others to be their best selves. For my message to push them to strive for excellence and greatness in all that they do and one day someone will have the same desire as me and this becomes a never ending cycle of people being better!

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