Why Geography Matters

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Why Geography Matters

As Americans we live in isolation, surrounded by advertisements, electronic screens, fast food, the internet, etc. We live these lives while thousands scream out in hunger and thirst begging to nourish their families. Living lives in excess, often unknowingly supporting a system that is not sustainable, breeds capitalism, and unplugs us from the rest of the world. Having been raised in a typical suburban home my ideas of culture were going to Olive Garden or walking by Riverside in Minneapolis. However, Geography 111 has challenged what I believed, truly allowing me to grasp that I am not part of solution I am problem that spreads neocolonialism, capitalism, and western culture wherever a profit can be made. Learning about these topics and combining it with a geographical perspective I know will enable me to break from the molds and forge new paths.
So what exactly is a geographical perspective, well according to Penn state “A geographic perspective is a way of looking at and understanding the world. When …show more content…

As an American the world often views our society as disconnected uncultured consumers and after this class and others I have to admit to them that they are right. From the industrial revolution, to our geography, and even politics we have been shaped into a consumerist lifestyle that not only is unsustainable but also oppressive. This class made it very clear that we exploit, and abuse periphery and semi periphery countries for our own gain. Even spreading our ideals and often invasive products like fast food, clothing, or even politics to many parts of the world, eeking out important heritages and practices. Perspectives I wouldn’t have been able to see if I wasn’t looking at them through geographical

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