Essay On Geographic Luck

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Geographic luck, opinions of the natives, and cultural diffusion lead to conflict and Revolution in Latin America. Each of these variables play a major role in the cause of Latin America's conflict and revolution. Geographic luck explains the reason for why Spain was able to concur Latin America. Spain is located in the Middle East, and is within the fertile crescent. This meaning, that Spain had the advantage over the natives. The Spaniards had access to steel and horses. The natives' bronze weapons were no match for the steel swords of Spain. Fighting on horses gave the advantage of being able to fight at all angles and being high of the ground. In result, they were able to easily win against the natives in battle. Soon enough, Spain was able to concur Latin America. The Spaniards created an opinion of the natives after arriving, that later caused conflict. When first seeing the natives, the Spaniards decided, almost instantly, that this civilization needed help to learn to become civilized. To help the native to get on track, the Spaniards …show more content…

A social pyramid was put into place. This was based on the authenticity related to pure Spanish blood. Even though, the Spanish wanted the native to follow their livelihood, it ended up that all cultures collided. Within the social pyramid was 6 groups. There were the peninsulares, creole, mulattos, mestizos, natives, and African slaves. The peninsulares and creole were pure Spanish blood, while the mulattos and mestizos were a mix of race. A gab between these people was created. The only group whom had any kind of power were the peninsulares. The creole might not have had power, but they were still living a life of luxury. As for the other four groups, they were treated all about the same. They owned hardly any land and were given very few rights. Becoming outraged, rebellion acts and talk of revolution sprung about in the lower

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