Why Do Water Bottles Should Be Banned In Schools

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Today, many schools have banned water bottles in classrooms due to the bottle flipping craze. I think bottle flipping should be banned in all schools. The noise drives everyone crazy, and creates a very large mess. It is completely unnecessary as well. Bottle flipping should be kept outside of classrooms. Firstly, it is exceedingly noisy. While a teacher is trying to teach a lesson in front of the class, a bottle flying through the air and thudding on a table is not beneficial. The noise it makes will overpower the voice of the teacher. The clunk of the bottle landing drives people mad. Students are trying to concentrate and learn. It may not seem annoying if you are the one flipping the bottle, but it is very annoying to others. If you are sitting and working on a project and someone is flipping, it makes it hard to concentrate. Bottles flipping through the air should not be in the vicinity of students trying to work. Secondly, …show more content…

If the bottle gets punctured, or the cap pops off, it could create a huge mess. In most classrooms, there is tons of expensive electronics. A smart board with a projector could cost up to $2,000. If the wiring in that gets wet, it could cause for hundreds of dollars worth in repairs. You may say that it isn’t likely for it to spill, but the mess isn’t only spills. Many kids have gone from simple flipping to trick shots. Many students now flip bottles onto tops of doorways and ledges. I have personally seen students flip their water bottles onto the tops of the tall lockers. In other schools, there are dips in the walls to help with the sound. My sister has talked about a particular student flipping a bottle into a different one of these every day. The water bottles don’t just clean up after themselves, janitors have to retrieve them. The water bottles in far back corners could require janitors to climb a ladder to recover them. These messes wouldn’t be a problem if students didn’t do bottle

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