Why Do Children Get An Allowance

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Thesis: Children deserve an opportunity to earn the allowance by doing chores because it teaches the value of money, promotes strong work ethic and teaches kids how to budget their earnings.


Main Idea

Giving kids an allowance help teach them the value of money.
Allowances give children a chance to experience what they can do with money such as giving to a good cause, buying things they want, or putting it towards a savings or investment.
By teaching the value of money children will value the items they purchase it and treat it much more nicely than if it was given to them (Renzulli 2003).

32% of children who receive an allowance are more likely than those who do not to say they know how to manage personal finances …show more content…

Rowe Price.
With children feeling smarter about their money it leads to confidence in the classroom when they learn about money as they continue their schooling.

Giving kids an allowance will promote a strong work ethic in kids.
When a child completes a chore and is given an allowance they instantly learn that by completing a job they will be rewarded.
Dr. Peggy Drexler believes by teaching kids like this they understand that money or anything in life for that matter isn't just given out, it must be earned through hard work. (Peggy 2014)
Down the road they will become a better worker as well by understanding that to make money you have to do your job and that you aren't entitled to your paycheck just by putting in the time.
Overtime, not only will the child learn about work ethic but they will develop character and by parents taking time and ensuring that the chore with quality before paying the children then will understand that you must work hard.
Many believe that the new Generation X is filled with young people that feel that they are entitled to everything, however allowances have been used for many decades and before then kids were taught the hard way that nothing came

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