Michael Lewis's Article: Extreme Wealth Is Successful For People In Society

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In the article “Extreme Wealth is Bad for Everyone- Especially the Wealthy” published on November 12, 2014 for The New Republic, the main argument is whether wealth is beneficial for people in terms of society, happiness, and life or not. Geared towards the common public, based on the fact that the source is for commercial entertainment, Michael Lewis successfully points out that wealth is indeed a negative influence on people’s lives. However, Lewis would have struggled with successfully conveying his ideas on the effects of wealth with a more educated audience because he failed to point out both sides of the argument. After reading this article and keeping the audience in mind, Lewis used rhetorical principles to adequately show his side of the article, the idea that the quality of people’s lives is directly correlated with the amount of wealth that person has, but struggled in portraying the benefits of wealth.
The essay starts out with a very intriguing story about children’s experience at a summer camp. Children tend not to have a strong concept of the importance of money, so in this “experiment” the children had to deal with the concept of the “have and have nots”(Article). Basically the experiment was a first come, first serve scenario in which there were only so many tasty mini cereal boxes. As expected, the children selfishly tried to obtain the cereal …show more content…

Wealthy people are not using their money wisely all of the time. There are times in American history where the rich could sway elections to their desire. They spend millions of dollars trying to influence something that should be equal to every American. People have spent thousands on educating children in the craft of sports, yet those children rarely ever have the opportunity to utilize these sports in their future. The use of

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