Why Didn T Disrupt Class

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Have you ever went to a concert and got a shirt and wanted to wear it to school? Well Ben did to, he wore the band t shirt to school and got suspended for a whole school week. The new school rule is you can't.wear any shirt with a music item on it. The shirt can’t disrupt learning in the classroom. In the hallway it can’t be violence or it can’t get any threats. In my opinion the band t shirt is not disrupting learning. Ben didn't break the rule because he did not disrupt class or get in threats in the hallway. First, the band t shirts have not disrupted class. Darlin was in a argument with a band t shirt. Even though the students might have been upset about the argument, the teacher was able to startclass on time without a disruption. Mia was in that class that hour and was listening to the whole argument. The next, incident was when the kid wrote a note to another kid. This happened because the kid was wearing a band t shirt, the teacher got note instead of the kid so they never got hurt by the kid who wrote the note. Tim was in spanish class and after his test he was making faces at Joe who still had his test to finish. The teacher seen Tim and the teacher made a face at him so he had to stop making faces at Joe. Joe didn't get disrupted during his test since he …show more content…

At lunch a kid was singing a song from his favorite band and he was wearing a shirt from his favorite band. Lisa was trying to do her homework and she couldn’t focus. Lisa was not disrupted by his t shirt it was the singing that bothered her the most. In the lunchroom Kyle had to sit alone since his best friend was not at school. He was not at school because he had a band t shirt on and he got suspended. Kyle that day at lunch was depressed, he had no one to talk to so he sat by himself.Then the principle banned the music t shirt since it was a problem. Even though this still could happen this year, it all happened last

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